Tuesday, July 9, 2013

When It Rains It Pours....Therefore You Need A Roof

Trouble seems to find me during BIG transition times in my life. I have come to EXPECT and know that there will be things that will not go according to plan as a transition stage is about to occur.

For example, within the past two weeks I have had to get a new debit card and redo all of my online bills due to someone in Egypt who was trying to hack into my bank account and in which the bank froze my account, be without my laptop computer as it had a glitch and had to get worked on, and get new tires and a new tie rod for my car. You never know how much you need things in life until they are broke!

Trouble comes in two's and three's and I believe this to be the case whenever there is a big transition stage, especially when you are in ministry. The enemy will do anything he can to thwart plans and to frustrate you. The stakes are high! Therefore, it is important to have a firm foundation in life through Jesus Christ.

The Bible mentions many times that God is our firm foundation. We can BASE our entire existence and future on His promises and on His Word.

Speaking of a firm foundation it's also important to physically have shelter and to live on a firm foundation. As they say: "There's no place like home." A home is a place of safety, refreshment, and stability. It's important to have a well-maintained home both physically and relationally inside. Today, Kim and I put an application in for a rental home near Goshen as we start moving together in starting our future together. Hopefully, it will get accepted and we can pursue a rental lease. Things are moving along!

These are a couple of pictures of the home we are pursuing to rent. Only God knows if this will be a place where Kim and I can start our marriage together and can call 'home.' Regardless, it has been awesome to see God provide and answer prayers in all things! He is worth following in ALL things!

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