Monday, April 27, 2015

Are YOU stuck in a RUT in Life? Here's How to Get Out Of It........

Everyone at some point in their life will feel stuck.
Or feel like they are not going anywhere.
Or feel like the they are treading water.
Or feel that whatever once brought them pleasure and meaning is not doing so anymore.
Such times in our lives brings us frustration. In fact, frustration always stems from expectations or desires that we have that are being unmet or unfulfilled.
For example, common areas of 'stuckness' people have are in the areas of singleness, jobs or employment, children, or the failure to complete dreams and aspirations.
After many months or years of having constant frustration it can lead to feeling like you are stuck or that you are in a rut. This can then lead to feelings of hopelessness and wanting to give up.

Here are some things to keep in mind when feeling like you are "stuck" or are in a "rut"

1. Evaluate the "why" you are in a rut. Are you stuck because of bad past decisions. Do you have unattainable goals? Do you have false hopes? Take time to reflect and clarify how you got into a rut in the first place. This will help you come up with concrete ways in which to work your way out of the rut.
2. Rewire your thinking. Approximately, 95% of the thoughts that you think today you will have tomorrow. Of those thoughts, about 80% are negative! Negative thinking becomes cyclical and our brains will start to automatically think and react negatively. The only way to change this perspective is to think positively and make it a habit. That is why we are to fill our minds with God's Word as we will rewire our brain to think positively!
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthythink about such things" - Philippians 4:8
3. Keep pushing on. The majority of the time you will not feel like heading in the right direction. We all want to be in a state of homeostasis or balance. Push yourself to keep going. You won't feel like exercising, reading, or serving others (especially when you are tired), but keep doing these things even when you don't feel like it.
4. Do NOT be too proud to ask for help. When your car gets stuck in a deep rut and is immovable you must ask for help. In the same way, if you are stuck or are in an emotional or spiritual rut don't be afraid to get help. It's why God created others so we can support each other.
5. Use creativity to spark new ways for purpose. We are not animals and can think creatively and abstractly. Use the periods of being stuck in your life to think of new ways and methodologies to do things that will bring back life, energy, and purpose to your life. Be an innovator and see your frustration as an obstacle that you can overcome with the right creativity.
Any other ways to get out of a rut?

Monday, April 20, 2015

Think You Can't Climb a Mountain......Than Don't Read this Post!

How do you climb a mountain? Take a step followed by another step in the right direction.

How do you build ministries/organizations/groups that thrive? Take a step followed by another step in the right direction.

In my experience there are many people with great intentions and big dreams. Few of these dreams ever become realities. What happens to all of these dreams? Simply put, the task looks too daunting so people never take a step in fulfilling their dreams.

Think about any regret you have in life. Chances are good that you have that regret because of something that you did NOT do that you wish you should have done. Don't come to the end of your life with these types of regrets. Here are some steps to building things that thrive:

1. Take the first step. You climb a mountain one step at a time and you build a house one brick at a time. Don't over analyze the situation and talk yourself out of it. Take the first step!

2. You can go further than you think. With the right motivation a woman can pick up a tree that is about to crush her child. Your body and your mind can do more than you realize. Push yourself.

3. Build something that you are passionate about. Do something that gives you purpose and meaning. Otherwise your motivation will fizzle.

4. Get others on board with you. If you want to do something right do it alone, if you want to go far do it with others!

5. Take Risks. Nothing great can about without some risk involved. If you play it safe you will always be mediocre at best.

6. Reinforce your values regularly. People forget quickly. Reinforce the values and vision to your group constantly so people know what direction you are heading.

7. Never become complacent. Complacency kills. If your group is complacent start a fire. Maintain a sense of urgency.

8. Never stop dreaming. The day we stop believing in "what could be" we settle for "what is."

9. Define reality. If your group is moving in the wrong direction than be honest and open about it. Unity does not require uniformity.

10. Pray for God's unmerited favor. Unless the Lord builds the house the laborer's labor in vain! (Psalm 127:1).

So mountain climbers....any other steps that I left out?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Entertainment or Worship....How Can You Tell?

A common criticism that I've heard countless times is that growing churches are simply trying to add to their numbers through entertaining music. The implication is that the 'entertainment' church is watering down the music and/or the message to attract unbelievers. The logic of thinking then goes that the very definition of church, "ekklesia in the Greek meaning called out ones" defines church as only pertaining to those who are truly saved. Therefore, gearing the music to impact the unsaved is contrary to the purpose of church. The debate over whether music played on Sunday morning is not simply a stylistic issue it is at it's root a theological issue. In most cases, all issues that pertain to the church are theological. Let's dig up and answer the root problems of the entertainment versus worship debate.
When someone accuses a church of being entertainment focused during their worship sets here is my  response:
1. First, ask them if they have ever visited that church. Quite frequently I have found that they have not. Unfortunately, this Christian is most likely tearing down the church next door because he or she is jealous of the growth that is happening. In order to justify their thinking they have to minimalize and make excuses for why their church is not growing. The body of Christ should not function this way! If a Christian is making accusations that a church is entertainment focused during their worship sets then make sure you encourage them to visit that church a number of times before coming to that conclusion. (If you visit a church and still come to the conclusion that that particular church is entertainment focused do not bash on the Bride of Christ. God will not honor that. Simply grow where God plants you!) 
2. Second, see if their definition of worship entails a particular mode of worship. In other words, Christians may make unfair assumptions about worship music if they believe that traditional music or any other style of music is the only way to properly worship God. While I may be more comfortable with a particular style of music there are many styles of worship that bring God glory. This Christian may have a skewed perspective and conviction concerning styles of worship. I have found that a legalistic view of God creates a narrow focus and adherence to a singular and routinized worship experience .
3. Lastly, unravel the difference between entertainment and worship. Entertainment focuses on bringing pleasure that is made solely for the enjoyment of the receiving person. It is a self-centered perspective. Worship focuses on bringing pleasure (we Christians prefer the term joy) to the receiving person in which we not only internalize the hearing, listening, and singing but we respond and connect with what God is doing in our heart. Worship goes further than just impacting us inwardly but it forces us to outwardly expresses ourselves through our thankfulness to God. Worship is a God-centered perspective.
An effective worship team does their best to lead people in their journey of inward connection to God which leads to an outward emoting of His goodness. This can be enhanced through lights, visuals, and the quality of sound. Whether we like to admit it or not, all of these characteristics do help us focus during a worship service, and can 'set the plate' in leading us to the throne of God.
Some churches are more entertainment driven while others are not. The difference may be hard to notice at first glance but can be noticed through a church's leadership attitudes, vision, and even through the church's building set-up. What do you think on this issue? How do you know whether a church's music is entertainment driven or worship driven?

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Why YOU will DIE SOONER than you THINK!

Maybe, I'm a pessimist. Maybe, I just feel down because the last three funerals I've officiated have been of individuals who have been 40 years of age or younger. Maybe, I've been reflecting on the meaning of life and am coming to conclusions much like Solomon did in the book of Ecclesiastes.
No one envisions dying young. No one. I've heard countless times the phrase in a funeral home - "the (name of the deceased) is too young to die."
Even individuals who are fairly old, when you talk to them on their death bed, many wish they could be alive a little while longer.

There is something about the human psyche that pushes death to the side. We deal with death only when it is forced upon us, and we never like to envision or think about our funeral. This is an unhealthy coping mechanism that our society has reinforced.
This is part of the reason why funerals can be so "shocking" because we have an underdeveloped view of death. If life is simply about me than death at whatever age is too young. If life is about enjoying God's blessings than our perspective changes. We go from shock and tragedy to gratitude and thankfulness for what God has given.
You will die. In fact you have a 100% chance of dying. If you knew at what age you'd die my guess is that you'd ask God to add more years to your life. In this way, all will die sooner than they think.
As a 30 year old I feel like I have lived a full life. If I died tomorrow I would not be bitter at God. I've received more than I deserve.
You will die sooner than you think. Have you thought about your funeral? You might not have made the most of your life now, but you can make the most out of the time you do have left!
Here are some suggestions concerning the fact that you will die sooner than you think:
1. Take time to think about your legacy. Jot down on a piece of paper some characteristics or achievements you'd want to be remembered for and work on them.
2. Develop a will for your family. Leave nothing to chance.
3. Plan your funeral. Make sure the songs and verses you want sung and read at your funeral are in a place where others know where to find it. I've recorded a few messages that I want played at my funeral. I don't want just anybody officiating my funeral. How many people get to preach at their own funeral!?!
4. Forgive someone. Bitterness will eat you to your core all throughout your life and you will die a bitter person. Forgive someone and be free! I assume that you are hurt by someone - this is an undeniable aspect of life - and I assume that only through God's power that you can truly forgive someone.
5. Make changes. You might not have lived a God honoring life but you can make changes so that the pastor can say from this particular date on this person was a difference maker. Do not make the pastor lie at your funeral!

James 4:14
"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."