Friday, May 22, 2015

How and Why Satan Tried to Stop Our Baby Before It Was Even Conceived!

The family is the building block of all of society. Satan knows this and wants to destroy the family.
God has commanded the human race "to be fruitful and to increase in numbers" (Genesis 1:28). Satan knows this and wants to squash the joy of having children.
Every baby at the moment of conception is "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14). Satan knows this and tries to devalue the life of that child.
My wife and I encountered this spiritual warfare over the conception of our child. Here's how:
Over the past few months my wife was having some biological issues that we thought were going to keep us from possibly conceiving and having a child. Finally, in early March we called a specialist and they too agreed that my wife's symptoms were severe enough that they scheduled an appointment for us at the end of March.
That's when we decided to pray and enlist a core of family members to join with us in prayer sometime during the early part of March.
During the middle part of March I left for a week to participate in a module for my schooling at Capital Seminary in DC. Upon arriving home my wife mentioned that she thought she may be pregnant. That Monday morning she took a pregnancy test that revealed that she was 2-3 weeks pregnant!
We had been praying for a baby for years BUT our prayers had become more intense as we realized Kim's situation and had enlisted the prayers of other Godly people for us in early March. God heard our prayers, and the prayers of his saints, and opened up my wife's womb. That is the ONLY conclusion that we have come too!
My wife has now entered her second trimester and the baby and her are both healthy and well! Ironically, but in no surprise our baby's due date is on Thanksgiving day itself. What a great reminder it will be of God's goodness and faithfulness during that holiday season for our family every year.
Satan knows how a child can bring a family closer and how much kingdom advancement can happen when a family grows and is passionate about following Jesus. We faced spiritual warfare and as always our God came through!
Here is a picture of our little guy/girl! Excited to raise and then release this child into the world to be a kingdom advancer for Jesus.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How to Conquer the Feeling of LONELINESS!

Everybody struggles with feeling alone at times during their life. You are not alone in your feeling of loneliness!

Even some of the greatest men in the Bible felt alone. Take Elijah for example. He encounters God powerfully when he defeats 850 false prophets on Mount Carmel, he prays for rain and it suddenly happens, and then he runs faster than a horse to beat a rainstorm (I Kings 18). One surely wouldn't think that Elijah would feel alone after this. Yet, soon afterwards he runs for his life when Queen Jezebel wants to kill him. (Elijah goes up against 850 false prophets and yet runs away from 1 woman...C'mon!) He runs away and wants to give up.

I Kings 19:4 - "While Elijah went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.”

One day Elijah is the bravest and closest to God he ever was and the next day he wants to die! Elijah states his complaint to God on why He wants to give up.

I Kings 19:10 - "I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.”

Simply put, Elijah tells God that he wants to give up because he is all alone. No one cares. No one wants to follow God.

God replies in two ways: First he appears to Elijah in a whisper at the mouth of a cave. In a small, quiet, yet reassuring way. And then he tells Elijah that he is not alone. That there are 7,000 in Israel just like him (I Kings 19:18).

We can use the story of Elijah to learn some ways in which we can overcome loneliness. Here's How:

1. Realize, you aren't alone! Satan wants you to feel alone. It's one of Satan's greatest strategies. Yet, in reality there are thousands of people that feel just the same way that you do. For Elijah, when he felt a whole country had turned their backs on God there were still 7,000 people who were following after Him! Gather with others who feel the same way that you do. There is strength in numbers.

2. Embrace the Quiet! God speaks the loudest in the quietest times. God appeared to Elijah through fire and wind, but only spoke to him in a gentle whisper. Maybe God has you alone for this season so that you will focus more upon Him?

3. Serve! If you have more time use it to advance the kingdom of God like Elijah did as a prophet. Trust me, spending time serving others is never wasted time!

4. Do things single or alone that you can't do while married! Enjoy the benefits of being single. I'm sure if Elijah was married his wife would have been against him having an altar competition of fire against 850 other prophets! If you have more time enjoy it and do things with your extra freedom.

5. God made the moon for you! God did not make the beautiful things in life for you and another person. He wants you to enjoy it with Him! When you see something that makes you want to share it with another person spend time sharing that with God.

6. Figure out your loneliness triggers! For Elijah what triggered his loneliness was fear and that he did not know how to handle the mountain top experience. For you, your trigger may be stress, depression, sitting alone at night, etc. Anticipate these times and come ready to battle them.

7. Go to bed early. Elijah fell asleep underneath a tree before God spoke to Him. Things always seem worse at night as you brood over them. Go to bed early, wake up, and start your day out fresh!

8. Become the person you'd want to be with! After God spoke to Elijah he gave him another assignment. Don't just sit around waiting for someone. Work hard at being the person you'd like to date someday!

You can overcome feelings of loneliness! Any other things to keep in mind that have helped YOU!?!