Monday, December 29, 2014

If I DIED Today...............

More than two thirds, namely 68%, of the United States population is AFRAID of death!
Many people suppress their fear of death. Instead of addressing their inner emotions, thoughts, and beliefs at a funeral they bottle them up. In many instances, its felt that it's easier to not address such a difficult topic. Therefore, reflection or meditation concerning death and the after life gets left unresolved.
In fact, the first person I ever got to seriously talk about Jesus with was a young man who was terrified about death. He was having dreams about what death would entail and what would happen to his soul afterwards. 
Unfortunately, people can not ignore death.
We are reminded of death frequently. All living things die, including animals.
My first memorable encounter with death was as a six year old. A neighborhood friend, whose house I would frequently visit, was swimming off the shore of Lake Erie. (I lived approximately two blocks away from the lake). A rip current dragged him under where he then drowned. Both of his parents where deaf and were extremely loud and emotional when I visited before the funeral. Afterwards, I can remember being shook up and somber. In fact, that same somber mood impacts me today when I am at a funeral. Whether I am just another congregant or am the officiant a funeral instantly makes me reflective and somber.
Simply put, instead of ignoring death or the thought of your funeral let me encourage you to take the initiative to ponder your views and beliefs of the cause of death and the after life.
Here's why:
1. It will give you purpose! We plan everything in our lives far out in advance such as our retirement and work backwards making concrete steps and goals along the way. Why not do this with our very lives?
As a pastor and officiant of funerals the funerals that are the easiest are of people who lived their lives fully for Jesus and it was known to others. Don't make the pastor lie at your funeral. Live your life with intentionality!
2. It will give you peace! You do not have to live in fear. You do not have to live with a sense of trying to selfishly horde everything in this life as many do. You can have a peace which many do not have.
3. It will give you clarity! Instead of running and hiding from death you will be able to express your beliefs and views with clarity and conciseness. Trust me, people will curiously listen to others who are well studied on the after life!
4. It will give you hope! Without hope there is no motivation or desire to continue on. When there is hope beyond the grave it gives us meaning in our lives that there is something greater in our future.
5. It will give your family closure! Don't be a jerk and leave your family to do all of the funeral arrangements. Be proactive and plan key components of your funeral today. (I have different files/vidoes on my computer in which I want to be shared at my funeral as I do not want just any bozo to officiate my funeral).
6. It will make you pleasant to be around! You will quickly recognize that every day and everything given in that day is a gift from God. You will become a more generous and thankful person to be around as you will see God's goodness more clearly.
7. It helps us ponder the deeper things of life! "It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart." (Ecclesiastes 7:2).

When I look back on my life I can honestly say that I've lived a FULL life and am blessed. I also want to make sure that my final days are not wasted! What are you doing with your time? Are you AFRAID of DEATH!?!
Psalm 90:10, 12
Our days may come to seventy years,
    or eighty, if our strength endures;
yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow,
    for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
Teach us to number our days,
    that we may gain a heart of wisdom.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Do NOT make the MISTAKE of FOCUSING solely on the PAST this CHRISTMAS!

When Jesus was born the whole world missed it!
God had made it extremely clear that He was going to send His Son. For example, His coming was prophesied down to the exact day in Daniel 9. It was prophesied as to where He was to be born in Micah 5. God had not spoken directly through His prophets for 400 years before Jesus. This time period in history is known as the "Silent Years". The reason God did this was to usher in a dramatic pause for the coming of Jesus.
The Jews should have known the exact day and town where Jesus was born. They should have been filled with anticipation and excitement as God was directly intervening with man after a 400 year hiatus and yet they missed it!
Why did the Jews miss it?
The Jews missed Jesus because they were too focused on what God had done in the past. They were trying to relive the glory years under King David. While under Roman suppression they forgot to live in the present and look towards the future so they turned to the past.
Do NOT make that same mistake this Christmas!
It's easy to spend time being thankful for the birth of Jesus this Christmas. It's appropriate to share what God did this past year around the Christmas table, but do not stop there!
Since Christ came to earth we can not only reflect on God's goodness in the past but on His goodness in the future! He came once and is coming again!
Here's just an idea this Christmas. While you are going around the family Christmas dinner table sharing what you are thankful for this past year ALSO share how you have hope this next year!
The way in which Christmas gets presented many times is not wrong, just incomplete!
Through the birth of Jesus we have hope and thankfulness in our past, present, and future circumstances. Start celebrating Christmas with hope and a watchful eye towards the future.
Jesus came as a baby the first time, but He will be riding a war horse the next time! There is victory and hope for the future's of all those in Christ Jesus! Let's celebrate Christmas that way too!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Where are your EYES when you WORSHIP?

Just wondering, how many of you have seriously ever considered THIS question!?!
When you attend a worship service and are singing, where are your eyes?
Sometimes, and too often, I find myself looking and surveying other people when they worship.
Thoughts can quickly fill my thinking such as:
1. Some people are 'show boating' and are too expressive in their worship!
2. Some people have so much garbage going on in their lives how can they even worship God with how they've been treating each other and Him?
3. Do these people even have a basic understanding of who God is? How can they worship the One whom they do not even know?
This type of thinking can quickly lead to hypocritical thinking because it misses the mark or aim of our worship.
Paul says it best: We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. (2 Corinthians 10:12).
Simply put, when our eyes become focused on watching other people we can start measuring and comparing ourselves to them. In essence, we can quickly become prideful because we feel we have more of a 'right' to worship then they do. This is unwise, because our focus should always be on Jesus!
I have concluded that people will use different expressions of worship and this is solely between them and God. My focus should not be on what they are or are not doing.
When I worship I focus my eyes on one of two places. Focus on looking at and thinking about the lyrics of the song you are singing and how they impact your walk with Jesus or look up/heavenward and think about your relationship with Jesus. Either way my eyes are above the congregants below!
Next time you are singing in church take time to think about where your eyes are! If they are focused on other people it may be because you have become proud. Focus them higher on the words on the screen OR towards the roof as you focus on Christ!
Thoughts!?! Agree?


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Are you a CAT person or a DOG person? Why this topic is MORE important than you REALIZE!

I guess I have to be honest. This topic may 'not' be as important as advertised but I think it's worth reflecting on a bit. Seriously, who doesn't like chiming in on this debate over pet preference!?!
I am not an animal/pet person at all. My wife is a cat person. When I got married I not only added my wife to the equation but also adopted her cat, named Hunter.
Hunter and I have a volatile relationship to say the least. She has anxiety and I like to instigate which is not a good scenario. One minute I will be petting and playing with her and the next she will be hissing and growling at me. Such is the life of adopting a hyper anxious cat.
Now for the moment of absolute truth. Believe it or not, I'd actually rather have a cat than a dog. (Yes, I know many of you may be asking that my man card get revoked). I think I'd rather have a cat since I've always grown up with cats in my home as a child and dogs were never allowed. Plus, cats in general can take care of themselves and need minimal upkeep.
Some interesting research has also been conducted concerning dog and cat owners.
Simply put the following was found to be true:
1. Cat owners are more intelligent than dog owners.
2. Dog owners are more outgoing and extroverted than cat owners.
3. More people want to be dog owners (60% would rather own a dog, 11% a cat, and 29% liked both equally)
Which just goes to show that our society is full of people who'd rather be dumb and have a good time than be intelligent prudes. (I say this completely tongue in cheek!)
Not all comparisons in life have cat owners coming out on top! In fact, approximately ten years ago a generalization was made regarding comparing dog and cat theology.
Both cat and dog theology compared dogs and cats with their relationship to their owners.
Cat Theology is more stuck up because when cat owners provide for them cats can come to the conclusion that they must be God and deserve all that was given to them. Cats are generalized as being arrogant and prissy.
Dog Theology is more humble and lowly because when dog owners provide for them dogs are more grateful and look up to their owners much in the same way as we should look up to God. Dogs are generalized as being honorable and loyal.
In your relationship to God, the author posits, are you more like a cat or a dog?
Since the jury is out and research and comparisons abound my question to you is: Are you a dog or a cat person and WHY!?!

A Picture of my wife's cat, Hunter.
Notice I said 'my' wife's cat instead of 'our' cat ;)