Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Why Having More Money Won't Solve Your Problems!

One of the biggest misconceptions in our world today is that having MORE money will enable you to DO more with your life. If I've figured anything out in life it's that having more money actually complicates decision making. Just having more money won't equate to doing more or to more happiness. 

Before sharing with you how having more money won't necessarily enable you to do more or to be more happy I need to share a disclaimer. Making more money opens up the possibility for you to do more with your life but it doesn't necessitate the fact that this will happen. Also, there is nothing wrong with making more money or having ambitious financial goals. This is wise and smart. Just don't think that once you become a millionaire you'll feel fulfilled and that all of your problems will vanish. 

What's more important then cash for people is in building better relationships! It's not about what you OWN but about who you KNOW! Money won't solve your problems even if you do more or own more stuff. Here are just a few areas where having more money won't solve your problems. 

Relationships - While having money helps you do more with people a greater currency in relationship building is time. The more time you spend with people the deeper and greater your relationships will be. If you have relationship issues with someone, just throwing money at your problems with them won't solve anything. 

Churches - Many leaders and pastors believe that if they could just increase giving then that would solve all of their church's problems. While money is a necessity for keeping a church's doors open it won't solve all of your problems. As a church planter I've had to learn how to be creative and frugal in developing methods and means that are cost effective in reaching people. Reliance and dependence upon the Holy Spirit should be a church's purpose and mission, not in increasing it's giving. 

Life Bucket List - While money may help you check off some items on your bucket list it won't solve all of your problems. I've found that the greatest personal accomplishments should be measured by achievement, perseverance, and grit and not simply based on the fact that you could afford to do something.

Happiness - Money does not equate to happiness. Accumulating wealth does not equate to happiness. We all inherently know this and yet we fall into the trap. How many people do you know who have traded in for a new car or built a new home to solve their happiness issues and it left them feeling emptier still? Money will never solve your happiness issues. 

I'm just curious, what did you think about this post? Agree or disagree? Feel free to leave your comments!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Why you are in DEEP TROUBLE unless you have THIS.......

You are in deep trouble unless you have FRIENDS! When I say friends, I mean true and loyal friends. At the end of the day having true friends could make or break you. Here's why:

1) Research states that YOU are the average of your FIVE closest friends! Your friends influence every area of your life. You are the average of your friends financially, physically, morally, and spiritually. For example, if your friends are pursuing Jesus you most likely are pursuing Jesus. If your friends are partying every weekend you most likely are partying every weekend. You are the average of your five closest friends!

2) There are very few TRUE and good friends! Research states that the average American can only name two close friends. 25% of Americans say they have ZERO friends! Our world is full of flaky friends. It's hard and very difficult to find people who will stick by you.

3) Without friends you are just one tragedy away from disaster! Every person will go through a difficult season in their life. Without friends many people fall into despair and hopelessness. True friends will help pick you up.

Proverbs 18:24 - "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother."

4) The only way to connect deeply with others is if you walk with them through their pain! There is a deep connection and bond that is forged when we walk with others and are present in their pain and sufferings. Simply put, we impress others through our strengths but we connect with them through our weaknesses. If you want true community then you need to be vulnerable with your friends.
5) Friends will sacrifice for your behalf! A true friend won't keep tabs or bill you later. They will sacrifice time, energy, and effort because they love and care for you. If you want to go far in life do it with friends. It may be messier, BUT you'll work together as a team and sacrifice for the good of each other.

I believe this with all of my heart, all of us are one friend away from changing our destiny! One friend could be the difference between hope and despair. One friend could be the difference between community and isolation. One friend could be the difference between heartfelt counsel and vindictive indictments when we do wrong. One friend could change your destiny!

Therefore, if you want a friend BE a friend! Be a person who is loyal, faithful, and is present when others are struggling. You can only attract a loyal friend if you are a friend first!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

What Little Girls Do To Their Daddy's!

Having a child is a life changing experience. Having a girl as a Cosentino is just plain radical. My family has a strong tradition of having boys with the occasional girl sprinkled in. I just assumed our family was going to be more boy dominated and when I found out that my wife was pregnant with a girl I knew that this would shape and change my thinking in a strong and dynamic way. God has used my daughter Charis to help me see my family and the world around me differently. Here's how:

1) Protective - Having a girl makes you more protective as a father IN ALL AREAS that deal with abuse towards girls and women. I feel more passionately and pray more fervently for sexual slavery and for women's abuse issues. There are so many helpless and hopeless girls and women who so desperately need a father or a man to come to their rescue. If the world was full of father's who were protective of their daughters then the slavery and sex industry would come to a screeching halt!

2) Responsible - Having a girl makes me a more responsible man. I am charged with modelling for my daughter what a Godly husband and a father look like. In fact, her image and view of God will be shaped directly with how I treat, discipline, and care for her. 

3) Inquisitive - As a man I am in awe and wonderment at what a little girl's brain thinks and how it operates. I don't fully understand how a little girl can be jumping and rough housing around one minute and then modelling clothes and playing with her dolls the next. God has created women to act and respond in a unique and special way and I get to see this unfold and develop before me from the ground up with my daughter. 

4) Forward Thinking - I think more about the vision and future of our family having a daughter. While our society and culture has become more inclusive and open towards a woman's role in the workplace and home I need to be a visionary. In thinking about the future I will be able to see the roadblocks she will face down the road  to conform within the norms and pressures of society. I've been more apt to think about how God has wired her, what barriers she will face growing up, and how I can help her overcome those barriers!

Is there anything else? How has having a daughter changed you?!?