Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Number One Rule For Parents..................

I'm sure most of you are this guy has been a parent for less than two weeks and he thinks that he can give parenting advice!?!?

While I am a novice parent my wife and I are putting foundational parenting habits into effect now, before it becomes too late. We have already put into effect the number one rule for parenting which is

Do NOT let your children call the shots!

We live in a kid centric world where parents pamper their children and in many cases will do whatever their children want. What soon happens is that children will start believing that the world revolves around them. This is becoming an epidemic in the next generation. In fact, this generation is known as the iY Generation. The iY Generation will instinctively know how to use an i-phone or i-pad and sociologists are predicting that this generation will be one of the most hedonistic, or into I, generations of all time!

We love our little girl to deathand we love her so much that we want to raise her with the hope that her sinful nature can be overcome.

Ways in which Kim and I are doing this is that in all facets of our parenting we are dialoguing with each other first before trying to help our child. This allows us to be on the same page and to prioritize what our spouse thinks above the crying demands of our child.

Parenting principles start from day one. Remember, you are the parent, not your child. Children will test the boundaries and will make demands. Will you give into their constant demands? Will you give into the current philosophy of our world? A child's sin nature can be curbed, but you must be the leader, not them!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Why the name Charis Rain?

This past Friday morning my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl that we named Charis Rain Cosentino. We thoughtfully and prayerfully picked out her name.
The word Charis (pronounced KAR-is) is the Greek word in the New Testament for Grace. Many months ago my wife was having physiological complications and we made an appointment for her. Before her appointment she miraculously conceived. Charis is alive on this earth today only because of God's Grace.
The word Rain means "abundance from above." It serves as a symbol and image of God's provision and refreshment to the earth. Have you ever danced outside during a rain storm and felt refreshed and revitalized? We want this picture to remind our daughter that she is to be an encourager and refresher to others just like a needed rain on a hot day.
The imagery of God providing rain as a symbol of His provision and refreshment is sprinkled throughout the Scriptures:
Deuteronomy 32:1-2
"Listen, you heavens, and I will speak; hear, you earth, the words of my mouth. Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain {charis rain} on tender plants."
Isaiah 45:8
"You heavens above, rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness flourish with it; I, the Lord, have created it."

My personal daily prayer for her is that she would be a Proverbs 11:25 girl who is generous, encouraging, and refreshing.
Proverbs 11:25
"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."
Charis Rain literally means "abundant grace from above." Our prayer is that she would be an encourager and refresher to those around her.
While in the hospital very few people had ever heard of anyone named Charis. I had the opportunity to share with them the meaning behind her name. Our hope is that her name alone will give her a platform to share God's goodness to others. She truly is a gift of God's grace!

A picture of Charis Rain right after birth!

Charis Rain is home and doing well!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Why There is Undue Pressure for Christians to Date!

There I was. Sitting in the back row at church as a single youth pastor on a Sunday morning. I surveyed the section of chairs that I was sitting in. A thought quickly came to me: almost everyone sitting in my section had tried to set me up on a date! Feelings of frustration flooded my soul. Why did everyone feel like it was their duty to find me a wife?
Many times Christian intentions are noble and good. Everyone simply wanted to see me happy. Unfortunately, they unknowingly put undue pressure and stress in my life by trying to get me to date their niece, granddaughter, friend, etc.


Here is why I believe Christians put undue pressure on others to date:

1. Within the Christian community it's culturally pushed to be married. For instance, many churches will not hire a single youth pastor. This is not a Biblical command, but a cultural one. I totally understand that it may not be wise to hire a young man out of college who is ministering to teenage girls a few years younger than him, BUT, in my years as a single youth pastor I found that there were many other successful youth ministries ran by singles. They were able to simply spend more time, effort, and energy upon their respective ministries. Culturally within churches it is assumed that everyone wants to be married and that you are somewhat weird or have an emotional or spiritual imbalance if you do not feel that way. A shift in understanding needs to happen.
2. Many Christians live like their happiness is tied up within their significant other. They may say that they trust God, but in reality, they have put their identity and trust upon their relationships. No one can fill your life like Jesus can, not even a Godly guy or gal. If your hope is in relationships it will automatically add pressure for you to find someone to date as your self-esteem depends on it.
3. Many Christians assume that the same way that they are happy will make someone else happy. Since marriage or dating is fulfilling a certain desire within their life they assume that two completely different people will have the same type of relationship. This is simply not true and unrealistic. It's better to be single than to be in a bad relationship. Period.
4. Unfortunately, many Christians take dating too seriously. Don't get me wrong, I think dating needs to be done with purpose, but every first date should not start out with a discussion on if the couple should be heading towards marriage. Adding the stress of being too serious too early is hard on a relationship. Run after Jesus, if someone can keep up with you develop a relationship with them, and then decide to ask that person out.
If you are happily married or dating someone do not put undue pressure on your friends to date. Maybe they are not ready, they're still recovering from a break-up, or they are truly trusting God to bring that person in their life. Hints and suggestions only fuel the fires of frustration.
Make sure you include single others and treat them as normal people. Be a friend, a listening ear if need be, and allow God to bring that right person if He so desires into their lives. Doing so will take the pressure off of that person so that they can focus on God's will and it will make you more enjoyable as a friend to be around!
If your a single guy or gal just know that the wait is always worth it. Don't put too much stress on yourself but focus on ways in which God is molding and shaping you so that you will be ready when the time comes.

Monday, October 19, 2015

How to React When Teens Question if God is Real!

I regularly encounter and talk with parents who become alarmed when their teenager tells them that they are questioning God's existence or they've come to the conclusion that they are atheists.

Here's how a parent should respond:

1. Do not FREAK out! When you freak out you are more apt to over react and actually push your teenager farther from God.
Show unconditional love to your teenager. Your teenager is testing you to see if you love them even if they come to opposing conclusions about life as you do. If you do not love them through this trying time they will use that as evidence against you that God does not exist.
2. Understand that this is NORMAL! Teenagers are weighing what they believe against what they have been taught. In my experience, this happens routinely when teenagers are around the 10th grade. During this phase of life they think concerning questions about their freedom. All teenagers this age are asking the question: Why should I believe?
3. LISTEN and ASK QUESTIONS! In almost every case the teenager has been in deep thought, albeit it quietly, about this issue. Never give answers but give them an opportunity to voice their thinking and listen attentively.
4. Make a BET with them! Have your teenager understand that you are happy that they are seeking truth. Let them know that they are free to believe what they desire, because in a few years they will be out of your home, but that they must do the appropriate amount of homework to find truth while under your care.
5. ENLIST support help! Once your teenager has agreed to find truth get other people on your team that can help you. Enlist the support of a youth pastor who can meet regularly with and give resources to your teenager. Enlist prayer support of other parents.
In my experience, if you love your teenager though this process and do not coerce but guide them to the truth and enlist the support of others, than in many cases your teenager will come to eventually embrace God. The key is that they felt like they were able to share openly and do this on their own terms.
While struggling as a parent you can always BET on God!


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Secret Sauce for Youth Ministry

I taught a youth ministry class at Grace College concerning foundational principles within youth ministry. The goal was to help the students understand practically and pragmatically how to run a youth ministry.

I had the opportunity to share with them the secret sauce to our youth ministry. We measure how well we are doing in our youth ministry against the 5 W's.

A youth ministry should focus on:
1. Welcoming others - This is the #1 reason why people remain at a church
2. Worship - Help others see that God is working daily in their lives
3. Witnessing to others - Focus on reaching out to unsaved people
4. Word - A time to study and be sharpened by God's Word
5. Walk - Accountability and sharpening by others

Practical Ways To Welcome

 Create a culture where people feel accepted!
- Adults sit with teenagers
- Teenagers positioned to greet first time guests
- Everyone has a voice or the ability to share during small group
- Must be modeled by the youth pastor. Things are caught rather than taught
- Never underestimate the attitude of complacency or being ok with the status quo within a youth ministry. You must lead people or they will naturally form cliques.

Practical Ways to Worship

Create experiences where teenagers connect and understand God is working

- Testimonies should happen regularly within your youth group
- Get them to see God is working every day
- Create moments that use imagery and symbolism to cement decisive youth group moments
- Make sure that you raise up teenagers in the youth band

Practical Ways to Witness

Create a sense of urgency within your youth ministry for lost people. Evangelism is the engine that drives your youth ministry.

- Youth pastors who evangelize have students who evangelize. Youth pastors’ who don’t evangelize have students who don’t. Visit teenagers on their turf.
- Provide practical training and give them something to hand to people
- Make sure they are trying to reach at least one person for Jesus
- Have outreaches to teenagers by teenagers and outreaches to the community by teenagers
- Take teenagers on mission trips. Send teams locally, regionally, and internationally.

Practical Ways to Word

Create ways in which students can learn and know God’s Word

- Give them devotional materials. Most teenagers won’t study God’s Word unless you give them something and challenge them. Hold them accountable
- Small Groups are discussions of the lesson and they use God’s Word
- Teach teenagers to pray on their own
- Give Bibles out to teenagers who get baptized or as gifts

Practical Ways to Walk

Teenagers are looking for people who will lovingly correct them. They will thank you for it.

- Every student needs to be paired up with a small group leader. Leader charts attendance and if students did their devotionals. Leader texts them/contacts them throughout the week to encourage them.
- Only allow teenagers up front who are walking the walk even if they are not as skilled.
- Focus attention on your student leadership. Hold them to a high standard!
- Mentor one student. Focus time on three aspects: Word, practical ministry, accountability
 Remember, do not be afraid to lovingly confront others. God calls us to do it (Matthew 18)

I find that within many youth ministries the focus is on a few of the 5 W's and they can become unbalanced. The goal is to become a balanced and holistic youth ministry that focuses on these 5 W's.

Where do you think your youth ministry or small group or church fits within the 5 W's paradigm?

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Nicest Compliment I've Ever Received After Officiating a Wedding!

I've officiated a number of weddings. I've received a number of compliments and remarks throughout the years. I will never though forget a compliment from a father of the bride given at my latest wedding.
As the reception was winding down I went over to the father of the bride to congratulate him and wish him well. He turned and stated that many members from his family had remarked that I had done a good job officiating the wedding and asked where the father of the bride found me.
He stated these words that were very meaningful to me: "I didn't find the pastor, I guess, He found us!"
I do not officiate weddings so I can wax eloquently or build myself up. I officiate weddings to be a blessing to others so that God's glory may be multiplied.
You see the bride of this wedding found Jesus through our youth ministry years ago. She told her family so that they in turn found Jesus.
I was intentional through the years at trying to be a blessing to this family and the father of the bride insinuated this through his remark.
His remark motivated me. Something you say or do can help set a young person's path for the rest of their lives. I want to help as many young people run hard after Jesus as possible.
Isn't that why Jesus came to earth in the first place: to seek and to save the lost?
This wedding will be a great reminder to me to continue to reach and invest into people. At the end of the day it's people that truly matter!
Some dear people whom I love are in this picture! Congrats again!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Hope for the Heart Broken!

When people lose a loved one or suffer from a "break-up" it causes grief, confusion, and hurt.
Having a broken heart hurts. I've been there as I've suffered through a broken engagement myself.
People really do hurt and feel pain when heart broken. In fact, recent research has shown that emotional pain and physical pain are closely connected. Both types of pain impact the same parts of the brain.
If you don't believe me read this article..

Therefore, emotional pain can hurt and feel just as real as physical pain. On top of that, while physical pain can quickly go away the memories of a broken heart can last longer.

As someone who has dealt with the pain and anguish of a broken heart here are a few suggestions:

1. Give yourself time to grieve. Be ok not understanding your emotions. You may cry and not really know why. You truly are hurting. Being open and vulnerable is a good part of the healing process.
2. Maintain a good balance of time with others and time alone. Some people will advocate that you need to stay busy after the tragic loss of a relationship. I would argue that you need to stay active with others, but do allow yourself some alone time to process, evaluate, and grieve. When you are alone, you are not truly alone, you can dialogue and connect with God. Balancing your time with yourself and with others is key after getting your heart broken.
3. Understand that God is allowing your pain for the good of others. In the future, you may have an opportunity to connect with someone who has gone through a similar situation. God, may also be refining within you certain qualities through a dark time in your life which He will use in the future. We individualize pain, but don't forget that there is a corporate element. This is why the Bible tells us to carry each others burdens (Galatians 6:2).
4. Verbalize and regurgitate your feelings to a trusted individual at appropriate times. Don't bottle up your pain. Talking out loud will help you process what you are feeling.
5. Cling to the promises of God. God will always hold up His end of the bargain. God will never leave your or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). God will give you comfort in your times of trouble (2 Corinthians 1:3-5). God will provide strength when we need it (Psalm 46:1).
There is a lot of heart break in the world. To all who read this blog, I just prayed for YOU!


Monday, August 17, 2015

Why God Mandates Rest and a Sabbath - Reason for the Cosentino Baby Moon!

Genesis 2:2-3
"By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."

The God of the universe instituted rest during the creation week. Now, do you really think that God NEEDED to rest? If He is omnipotent (all powerful) then He should have the stamina to finish seven days of creation, right? God rested on the seventh day to be a model and to set an example for all of human kind.

Did you know that researchers have found out that a perfect work week constitutes six days of work and a seventh day of rest? They have experimented with different lengths of work weeks and have found that people accomplish and feel productive while still being refreshed when they work six days and rest a seventh.

Rest refreshes you and reenergizes your soul. It helps you get perspective back.

Most importantly, rest allows you to hear from God. The God of the Universe speaks loudest during the quietest of times.

Psalm 46:10
"He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

To best know God one needs to be still. To be quiet. To be refreshed in the tranquility of being in the hands of a loving God.

If you are having trouble hearing from God may I suggest that you may be too busy listening to the voices and noises of life so that you've drowned God out. Don't run away from silence, embrace the quiet times, because He is listening and speaking!

During the first week of August my wife and I had an opportunity to refresh and listen from God. We spent a week on a small cottage overlooking a lake on Manitoulin Island. Manitoulin Island is the largest freshwater island in Lake Huron within Canadian waters.

During our week we had an opportunity to do some sightseeing on the island, fish on the lake, enjoy each other's company, (and the company of our little one as I felt our baby kick for the first time there), and refresh in God.

Simply put the week was good for our marriage and for our walk with God. We learned to enjoy playing late night card games which we've continued to do and found out that we were taking a 'Baby Moon', (vacation before the baby arrives).

Most importantly, while sitting on a boat amidst the expanse of a great lake I had the opportunity to cry out and hear from God. It was an opportunity to hear from my Daddy that I'll never forget.

Are you being refreshed in God? Are you looking to hear from God's voice or has it been drowned out?

A picture of the view from our cottage. What a scenic and beautiful place!

Ready for Prime Time - Axis Kickoff Recap '15

After two years of laying a foundation and pushing forward I believe our Axis youth program is ready to take the next step in physical and numeric growth. It's obvious that God is up to something.
Here's why:
1. We had the best summer of youth ministry since I've been here. We sent 36 teenagers on mission trips. We sent 104 teenagers to the Momentum Youth Conference. At Momentum we had a break-through youth group time where sins were confessed and a hunger was bore to reach lost friends for Jesus!
2. God is molding our youth staff. We continue to add good Godly adults to our team. Adults are the glue to any youth ministry. Without them you can't properly disciple teenagers.
3. We had the best Fall Kick-Off since I've been here. We had 200+ teenagers in attendance. We had an awesome worship set, concert from hip hop artist 3CK, giveaways, and a time of testimony. We also have a large incoming 6th grade class that is hungry.
After our opening set when I was giving instruction from on stage the energy was overwhelming. The teenagers weren't talking but I could barely hear myself talk into a microphone because the energy of the room was that loud! Just think what can happen when all of that energy is channeled in a positive way!
We ended our night with Slip N Slide Kickball and all you can eat ice-cream. You can't go wrong with either.
4. Most importantly we've structured ourselves for future growth. We have a student leadership team that will meet before youth group every Wednesday to pray and receive instruction as to how they can be on mission and have a greater role within our youth group. This past Wednesday I had teenagers staying late to clean-up and to even put chairs back. God wants workers in His harvest field and many of our teenagers are ready to get their hands dirty. We've also changed our youth group times making it easier for families with Sr. Highers to keep their teenagers plugged into the action. I've learned that you need to start acting and structuring yourself for future growth, even before growth occurs, otherwise why would God bring those teenagers to you if you aren't ready?
This has the opportunity to be a huge year of numerical and spiritual growth for our teenagers. It's generation NOW time.
Even though I may be a veteran youth ministry....I still got some Slip N Slide Kickball game!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Making Your Mark on Your Neighborhood As A Family!

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to preach on the importance of having your family be on mission within the neighborhood that you live in.
Here's why making your mark on your neighborhood as a family is so important:
1. God has called for you to live in a specific neighborhood. There are no "second class" neighbors.
Acts 17:26a - "From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth."
Here Paul is preaching against the nationalistic Greek belief that if you aren't a Greek than you are a barbarian or at best a second class citizen. All human beings, including your neighbors, are image bearers of God and have value, worth, and meaning. There are no second class neighbors.
In fact, if you feel you are 'too good' for your neighbors than you are 'too good' for God! Jesus left his neighborhood in heaven to live and reside in the roughest of neighborhoods here on earth (John 1:14).
2. God has purposefully given you your neighbors.
Acts 17:26b - "and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands."
God has determined not only when we should be alive but exactly where we should live. Everything and everyone God has put in our place is for a reason, including your neighbors. Instead of complaining about what you don't have be thankful for what you do have (because God has given it to you for a purpose!) Use whatever he has given you: a yard, pool, TV, cooking gift, mechanical skills to invite your neighbors over and impact them for good.
If reaching your neighbors is difficult realize that the Bible tells us to love our neighbor and to love our enemies, probably because many times they are the same people! You can fulfill two commandments with one action. God has given you your neighbors for a specific purpose, be the initiator and not the instigator.
3. Making your mark in your neighborhood as a family will save the souls of your family and your neighbors!
Acts 17:27 - "God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us."
The reason why God has placed people within your neighborhood who don't know Jesus is so that through Christians examples they would seek and reach out to God. This includes your own family.
Your family won't come to Jesus if they don't see that Jesus is important to you! More is at stake than your neighbor's souls, everyone who lives under your roof their souls are at stake too. When you live your life on mission for God it will become infectious within your family. You will be teaching them values of service, ministry, and living your life on mission!
If you are afraid to reach your neighbors remember that God "is not far from any one of us." You may be the closest thing to Jesus that anyone knows or sees. Be bold because the living God lives inside of you and me!
As I start my family, may my little girl come to love Jesus because her parents take God's commands to love their neighbors seriously!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Why Commitments Made at Momentum Matter - Momentum Youth Conference Recap '15

Many Christians tend to criticize decisions made by teens and others while at a youth conference or during a spiritual high moment. They claim those decisions are not valid.
This criticism is typically a self defense mechanism where the Christian making this claim feels guilty as they don't see fruit within their own lives. It's easy to simply dismiss what God is doing in the lives of teenagers as insignificant if it lets you off the hook.
Decisions at the Momentum Youth Conference matter! Just ask my friend Zach who gave his life to Jesus six years ago at Momentum. He graduated with a degree from Bible from Grace College, preaches as an interim pastor, and is working on his Master's Degree. His life was forever changed at Momentum.
Decisions for Christ matter. Period.
 Here is what God did in the lives of our teenagers at Momentum:
1. 5 first time decisions for Jesus!
2. 22 rededications for Jesus!
3. At least half of the group confessed and broke the bonds of sin issues within their lives!
4. We spent an afternoon in the Noblesville, IN downtown community trying to impact people for Jesus. Our teenagers cleaned up trash, prayed for people, and even stopped an oncoming train to pray with the conductor. People stopped members of our group multiple times asking why so many people were walking around downtown which opened up doors to share the gospel!

5. It became evident that our group is ready to take big steps concerning the future growth of our youth ministry. They agreed that we need to be more outward focused and they want more ownership within the youth ministry. I can not WAIT to see how God uses the spiritual momentum of this week to kick start our fall ministry! We had the largest group at Momentum with 104 teens/adults and we are poised for even more physical and spiritual growth!
On a personal note I continue to thank God for the way the Momentum Youth Conference allows me to connect and share with people.
1. I had an opportunity to teach a Power Trax on Finding and Discerning God's Will for Your Life. My youngest brother led in worship through a closing song. It was a powerful moment as many teens took time to reflect and clean their hearts. On top of that, it was a blessing to partner with my youngest brother in doing ministry!
2. I had the opportunity to connect with many former students who are now youth workers. My legacy lives through them.
3. I had the opportunity to connect with many other youth workers and talk about youth ministry. It's a joy to impart wisdom and advice to help others advance the kingdom. 
Here is a picture of our group praising God for all that he did during our outreach afternoon in Noblesville, IN!

Decisions for Jesus always matter! Always!

After a powerful confessional time at youth group we prayed for those who made commitments that they would remain strong in Jesus!
I do not get to see my family enough. It was a joy to do ministry together with my little brother during a Power Trax session.
These are some former students of mine who are now youth workers. With them I am well pleased!

Just a fun selfie with some teenagers that attended my Power Trax. Youth ministry matters!

Monday, June 29, 2015

How Christians Should Respond to the Supreme Courts Ruling on Gay Marriage!

Just as a stoplight provides direction to traffic Christians in today's world need direction concerning how to properly respond to the Supreme Courts ruling which redefined traditional marriage of a man and a woman to also include same sex marriage. I believe that if believers in Jesus would do these three things it will immensely help the cause of Christ!


Christians need to stop acting surprised or alarmed at the Supreme Courts ruling! Seriously, everyone knew that this type of ruling was coming. Furthermore, we know that the spiritual climate of our day will continue to erode. Stop acting alarmed, surprised, and dumbfounded. This type of reaction is constantly misinterpreted by others. When we act shocked it also implies a sense of "we cannot believe that something bad" is actually coming to pass. Others interpret this as being hateful and close-minded. On top of that it implies that we as Christians are old-fashioned and are not in touch with reality. The first step in leading change is to define reality. When we act shocked or alarmed it sends off signals that we are not in touch with current happenings in our world. Don't give Christians a bad rap in that others think of us as being deluded and out of touch with reality when in fact the opposite is true as many are on the ground level trying to help this situation!


Instead of trying to change everyone's opinions through social media yield to the only being that can: God. He is and will always be in control. Yield to the God who shows us that we do not have to make decisions based off of fear, but that we can have a spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. If you want to have revival within this country draw a circle around yourself and pray for revival to happen first within that circle before it happens anywhere else.


The battle to win those who believe homosexuality is ok will not happen within their minds but within their hearts. Go make friends and build relationships with them. Understand that every human being is created in the image of God and deserves love and respect. Realize that it would be unfair of Christians to discriminate against homosexuality while we turn a blind eye to adultery and fornication. All sexual sin is sin. For those who are pro-homosexuality to be convinced that their ways are wrong it will not take a governmental change. What it will take are individual Christians who care for people's souls to love on people with different sin issues. This battle needs to be won one person at a time as Christians do what we are called to do. We are to be known for our love more than anything else!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Holy Moment - How My Picture Ended Up On a Student's Dresser - KY Mission Trip '15 Recap

In life there are holy moments when you encounter the presence or goodness of God like never before. These holy moments usually happen unexpectantly or by surprise.

This past week I led a group of teenagers and adults to Victory Mountain Grace Brethren Chapel. The church is located outside of Hyden, KY which happens to be the #1 county for drug abuse in the entire state of KY. This area has seen the EPA shut down most of the coal mines which was the  predominant job. Jobs are few, people are hurting, and hope is low.

The goal of our group was to be a blessing and to instill hope within the people of this area. We would pick up children and teenagers in 15 passenger vans and transport them to the church to love on them and share with them the good news of Jesus every evening.

During one of our van rides a teenager, named Brandon, leaned over and told me that he had a picture with me and some of our other teens from last year's mission trip framed on his dresser. This was my holy moment. I got to thinking that in this poverty stricken area in southern KY that there was a picture of me that was bringing hope to a young man. I was humbled and got teary eyed.

Our group goes down once a year to make a difference but yet we get to come back home to a life of comfort compared to what we encountered. Our trip every year is special to the children and teens that we encounter. For them it is like the Super Bowl. It is the highlight of their year. Now that is special, humbling, and motivating!

When you follow Jesus you never know where life will take you. Who would have thought that a picture of me would be sitting in a teen's bedroom in a trailer situated in the hollers of southern KY? The gospel of God needs to shine in the darkest of places.

Here are some other ways in which our group was able to see God work this past week:
1. We saw one of our own teens rededicate her life to Jesus this week. When you go to be a blessing to others you yourself are blessed.
2. All of our teens shared their testimonies of how God has impacted their lives during our evening outreach programming. This helped our team bond and understand each other better.
3. We saw 10-15 children/teens who had no connection with the church come because we walked around their downtown and invited them to come.
4. We saw the church triple their church attendance on Sunday morning with our group and visitors that we had invited.
5. Our adults workers were moved and impacted. One of them commented during team time: "I now have a renewed faith in the younger generation." Powerful statement.
6. The pastor and his wife were deeply encouraged. They have given their entire lives to the ministry there in KY. We did many work projects, afternoon outreaches, and an evening children/teen program every day.
7. Lastly, we had 18 children/teens who made commitments to follow Jesus during our evening programming. Wow!

 Here is a picture of Brandon, the teen who has a picture hung on his dresser!
Had to get a selfie of us so he could have a new picture to hang up!

A picture of our teens with some of the children/teens who made decisions for Jesus this past week!

Monday, June 1, 2015

TEN YEARS from now YOU will say it was WORTH IT!

What if you could FAST FORWARD ten years from now?
If you saw the potential impact you would make would it change how hard you worked TODAY?
Anyone working with young people will no doubt get frustrated or discouraged. It's hard and sometimes difficult because you struggle seeing the fruit of your labor.
This past weekend I had the opportunity to enjoy the fruit from blood, sweat, and tears strewn over ten years ago. I had the privilege of officiating the wedding of a couple that I had as a Jr. High director when they were in 7th grade. Their relationship lasted over ten years and yet to this day they still saw and remembered me as someone who had left an impact on their life.

I was reminded over and over again this weekend that people matter. Teenagers matter.
This weekend not only did I officiate the weeding of a couple whom I invested in and prayed for but I was able to encourage a number of former students. I also had the opportunity to thank and chat with older believers who had helped and invested a lot of time into me while I was in PA.
Ten years is an eternity when it comes to youth ministry. A squirrely Junior Higher can become a married adult in ten years. It's a time of great transition and vulnerability. Having Godly adults to invest in teens is critical.
Never forget who you are or from where you came from! This will keep you humble and thankful for those that God has placed within your life. In fact, God places people into your life for seasons for a reason and a purpose. This will give you intentionality with your relationships. That means that God has placed specific young people in your path for you to invest into and impact. NEVER TAKE THAT FOR GRANTED!
For those of you who work with people, never give up! You are making a difference. Press on. 
"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
(I Corinthians 15:58)
I sure love and miss this group of former Jr. Highers and I am proud of them!
Congrats Derek and Hannah! Honored to officiate your wedding.
My time with you will always be special to me.

Friday, May 22, 2015

How and Why Satan Tried to Stop Our Baby Before It Was Even Conceived!

The family is the building block of all of society. Satan knows this and wants to destroy the family.
God has commanded the human race "to be fruitful and to increase in numbers" (Genesis 1:28). Satan knows this and wants to squash the joy of having children.
Every baby at the moment of conception is "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14). Satan knows this and tries to devalue the life of that child.
My wife and I encountered this spiritual warfare over the conception of our child. Here's how:
Over the past few months my wife was having some biological issues that we thought were going to keep us from possibly conceiving and having a child. Finally, in early March we called a specialist and they too agreed that my wife's symptoms were severe enough that they scheduled an appointment for us at the end of March.
That's when we decided to pray and enlist a core of family members to join with us in prayer sometime during the early part of March.
During the middle part of March I left for a week to participate in a module for my schooling at Capital Seminary in DC. Upon arriving home my wife mentioned that she thought she may be pregnant. That Monday morning she took a pregnancy test that revealed that she was 2-3 weeks pregnant!
We had been praying for a baby for years BUT our prayers had become more intense as we realized Kim's situation and had enlisted the prayers of other Godly people for us in early March. God heard our prayers, and the prayers of his saints, and opened up my wife's womb. That is the ONLY conclusion that we have come too!
My wife has now entered her second trimester and the baby and her are both healthy and well! Ironically, but in no surprise our baby's due date is on Thanksgiving day itself. What a great reminder it will be of God's goodness and faithfulness during that holiday season for our family every year.
Satan knows how a child can bring a family closer and how much kingdom advancement can happen when a family grows and is passionate about following Jesus. We faced spiritual warfare and as always our God came through!
Here is a picture of our little guy/girl! Excited to raise and then release this child into the world to be a kingdom advancer for Jesus.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How to Conquer the Feeling of LONELINESS!

Everybody struggles with feeling alone at times during their life. You are not alone in your feeling of loneliness!

Even some of the greatest men in the Bible felt alone. Take Elijah for example. He encounters God powerfully when he defeats 850 false prophets on Mount Carmel, he prays for rain and it suddenly happens, and then he runs faster than a horse to beat a rainstorm (I Kings 18). One surely wouldn't think that Elijah would feel alone after this. Yet, soon afterwards he runs for his life when Queen Jezebel wants to kill him. (Elijah goes up against 850 false prophets and yet runs away from 1 woman...C'mon!) He runs away and wants to give up.

I Kings 19:4 - "While Elijah went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.”

One day Elijah is the bravest and closest to God he ever was and the next day he wants to die! Elijah states his complaint to God on why He wants to give up.

I Kings 19:10 - "I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.”

Simply put, Elijah tells God that he wants to give up because he is all alone. No one cares. No one wants to follow God.

God replies in two ways: First he appears to Elijah in a whisper at the mouth of a cave. In a small, quiet, yet reassuring way. And then he tells Elijah that he is not alone. That there are 7,000 in Israel just like him (I Kings 19:18).

We can use the story of Elijah to learn some ways in which we can overcome loneliness. Here's How:

1. Realize, you aren't alone! Satan wants you to feel alone. It's one of Satan's greatest strategies. Yet, in reality there are thousands of people that feel just the same way that you do. For Elijah, when he felt a whole country had turned their backs on God there were still 7,000 people who were following after Him! Gather with others who feel the same way that you do. There is strength in numbers.

2. Embrace the Quiet! God speaks the loudest in the quietest times. God appeared to Elijah through fire and wind, but only spoke to him in a gentle whisper. Maybe God has you alone for this season so that you will focus more upon Him?

3. Serve! If you have more time use it to advance the kingdom of God like Elijah did as a prophet. Trust me, spending time serving others is never wasted time!

4. Do things single or alone that you can't do while married! Enjoy the benefits of being single. I'm sure if Elijah was married his wife would have been against him having an altar competition of fire against 850 other prophets! If you have more time enjoy it and do things with your extra freedom.

5. God made the moon for you! God did not make the beautiful things in life for you and another person. He wants you to enjoy it with Him! When you see something that makes you want to share it with another person spend time sharing that with God.

6. Figure out your loneliness triggers! For Elijah what triggered his loneliness was fear and that he did not know how to handle the mountain top experience. For you, your trigger may be stress, depression, sitting alone at night, etc. Anticipate these times and come ready to battle them.

7. Go to bed early. Elijah fell asleep underneath a tree before God spoke to Him. Things always seem worse at night as you brood over them. Go to bed early, wake up, and start your day out fresh!

8. Become the person you'd want to be with! After God spoke to Elijah he gave him another assignment. Don't just sit around waiting for someone. Work hard at being the person you'd like to date someday!

You can overcome feelings of loneliness! Any other things to keep in mind that have helped YOU!?!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Are YOU stuck in a RUT in Life? Here's How to Get Out Of It........

Everyone at some point in their life will feel stuck.
Or feel like they are not going anywhere.
Or feel like the they are treading water.
Or feel that whatever once brought them pleasure and meaning is not doing so anymore.
Such times in our lives brings us frustration. In fact, frustration always stems from expectations or desires that we have that are being unmet or unfulfilled.
For example, common areas of 'stuckness' people have are in the areas of singleness, jobs or employment, children, or the failure to complete dreams and aspirations.
After many months or years of having constant frustration it can lead to feeling like you are stuck or that you are in a rut. This can then lead to feelings of hopelessness and wanting to give up.

Here are some things to keep in mind when feeling like you are "stuck" or are in a "rut"

1. Evaluate the "why" you are in a rut. Are you stuck because of bad past decisions. Do you have unattainable goals? Do you have false hopes? Take time to reflect and clarify how you got into a rut in the first place. This will help you come up with concrete ways in which to work your way out of the rut.
2. Rewire your thinking. Approximately, 95% of the thoughts that you think today you will have tomorrow. Of those thoughts, about 80% are negative! Negative thinking becomes cyclical and our brains will start to automatically think and react negatively. The only way to change this perspective is to think positively and make it a habit. That is why we are to fill our minds with God's Word as we will rewire our brain to think positively!
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthythink about such things" - Philippians 4:8
3. Keep pushing on. The majority of the time you will not feel like heading in the right direction. We all want to be in a state of homeostasis or balance. Push yourself to keep going. You won't feel like exercising, reading, or serving others (especially when you are tired), but keep doing these things even when you don't feel like it.
4. Do NOT be too proud to ask for help. When your car gets stuck in a deep rut and is immovable you must ask for help. In the same way, if you are stuck or are in an emotional or spiritual rut don't be afraid to get help. It's why God created others so we can support each other.
5. Use creativity to spark new ways for purpose. We are not animals and can think creatively and abstractly. Use the periods of being stuck in your life to think of new ways and methodologies to do things that will bring back life, energy, and purpose to your life. Be an innovator and see your frustration as an obstacle that you can overcome with the right creativity.
Any other ways to get out of a rut?