Monday, April 7, 2014

In SICKNESS and in Health - Get Better Kim

I have known my wife for over three years and I have never seen her sick........until today.

This morning, therefore, I had to go shopping to pick up the typical sick supplies. You know the Soup, Gatorade, Flu medicine stuff.

As I was traveling to Meijer's a few thoughts crossed my mind.

1. I am only 'repaying' Kim a small part of what Kim has done for me. My wife has been faithful and loyal in cleaning, making dinners, and rushing me to the hospital while I was struck with a Kidney stone. (see Compared to what she has done for me, this is only a small way to show my love for her.

2. God created the husband and wife relationship for stability. Everyone needs someone they can 'lean on' from time to time. This time my wife is leaning on me, but I will need her support and to lean on her too down the road (sooner rather than later).

3. It's time to live out my wedding vows. I made sure that in my vows I kept part of the traditional wedding vows to love my wife in sickness and in health. During my drive to pick up the supplies there was some excitement and joy as I was delivering on my promises.

Let's be honest: being sick is never enjoyable!

Best wishes to a speedy recovery Kim!

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