Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why ALL Easter Church Visitors Should Return Next Sunday

There is NO getting around the meaning of Easter. While the Easter holiday has been secularized (Bunny, Eggs, etc.) people can still not escape the fact that it stands to remember the day that Jesus rose from the dead! This fact is undeniable.

Therefore, many people know, at least subconsciously, that they need to go to church to find out more about this Jesus guy on Easter!

If you are a person that goes to church only on religious holidays let me encourage you to come more often. Here are some reasons why you should:

1. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus every Sunday, not just on Easter! In fact, the reason why Christians meet on Sunday instead of Saturday is because that is the day that Jesus rose from the dead and the early church met on Sundays to remind their congregants of this fact!
2. Get IN the habit of going to church instead of OUT of the habit! We are commanded in the Bible to regularly go to church.

Hebrews 10:24-25 "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

3. Church family is needed family! I do not know where I'd be without the prayer, emotional, and financial support over the years from my church family.
4. It keeps you fresh and on fire! If you take a log out of a fire it will burn for awhile but will eventually simmer out. If you remove yourself from church you may stay on fire for Jesus for a bit but you will eventually flame out.
5. The statement: "Church is full of hypocrites" has no merit! You go to church to discover the truth and only you will be held accountable for what you do with that truth. No church is perfect and if you find the perfect church you wouldn't qualify to be in attendance.

Sunday mornings should have the most traffic as people are flocking to church. May this happen in your town, surrounding cities, our nation, and around the world!

See you at church THIS SUNDAY!

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