Friday, February 14, 2014

What All Singles Should Know On Valentine's Day!

Let's face it: it's a couple's world. Most activities require two, four, six, or eight individuals. It's always an even number. Many times singles feel left in the dark. I remember, I once was there.
I can remember getting a host of invitations once I started dating Kim for fun "double dates." While receiving all of the invitations it hit me: "am I all of a sudden cooler or more hip now that I have a girlfriend? Why would people not invite me to activities when I was single?" While my friend's intentions were always noble it was easier and more natural for them to start inviting me once I had a girlfriend.
I made a resolution soon after dating Kim. I will always be on the look-out to include singles. The biggest and most memorable feeling I had as a single was of feeling left out or lonely.
Valentine's Day is hard for singles and for a number of other people for various reasons.

Here are some reasons that ALL singles should keep their heads up!

(All married couples should remember these principles too)
1. If you are a nobody without somebody; you will be a nobody with somebody! Work on and focusing on being the person God created you to be. Your worth does not come from who you are around, but from God.
2. You do not NEED to be in a dating relationship! Trust me, there are countless individuals who are single. When feeling lonely use that feeling to drive you to serve others. Use your extra time to serve others. I do not regret one moment that I had in serving people as a single youth pastor.
3. ENJOY the journey! Do not try to shortcut or manipulate your way into a relationship. Understand that God is working in your life and in your future spouse's. Allow Him to stir up those desires in that person whom you have a "crush" on.
Songs of Songs 3:5 "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires."
4. There is a feeling of JOY when God does fulfill a specific desire! When God responds in a powerful way to a request that you have, in His timing, there is a sense of joy and awe of God for His provision. Remember, it's worth waiting for the right thing!
Proverbs 13:12 "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
5. God talks the LOUDEST in the SILENCE! I will be honest. As a single youth pastor I spent countless hours in a fishing boat by myself talking, debating, crying out, and asking God questions. I came to appreciate the quietness and calm more than ever. God spoke to me innumerable times when it was just Him and I. Learn to enjoy those quiet times with God.

When it's the right person at the right time it's worth it!
To my forever bride, Kim!

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