Thursday, March 28, 2019

Why you struggle with ANGER (and don't even realize it!)

We live in a world full of angry people. Be honest, what's your first reaction when one of the following happens to you?

- You don't get your fast food order on time? 
- You get cut off in traffic? 
- Someone questions something you said? 

The danger about anger is that many times we don't know we are angry. We use terms that we are just "frustrated". Frustration has it's roots in anger. When you are frustrated you are angry because of expectations that went unmet. 

Over the past couple of months I realized how angry of a person I truly was. I was not someone who would "rage" or throw "tantrums." Instead, I would let things simmer and fester inside. This can be extremely dangerous and for awhile I was completely blindsided by it.

Here are some things that I am doing (and I'd encourage you to do) to help you with anger

1) Lower Your Standards. This sounds counterintuitive or wrong. My anger was stemming from expectations that I put onto other people. When they failed or did something that was not up to par I became angry. Unfortunately, my standards were so high that I did not leave room for failure. I did not leave room for people to be human and to make mistakes. In fact, I could not even keep the standards at times that I held other people too. This does not mean that you don't hold those you do life with to standards or hold them accountable. What it does mean is that your standards are realistic and that you leave room for grace. 

2) Focus on the positive. There will always be something that is going wrong in your life. Don't focus on the negative. Many times we have so much to be thankful for as humans YET we tend to narrow in on the negative. Take time to count the positives in your life and thank God for them too!

3) Keep your anger in check. The only way to keep your anger in check is through God's Word, prayer, and proper accountability. Anger in your life can rise to levels that go undetected yet can be devastating to your emotional health. The only way to temper anger in your life is through God's power. You can't do it on your own.

Ephesians 4:26-27 - "And don't sin by letting anger control you. Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil."

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate. Especially with number 1. I’ll be the first to admit that I can be a very angry person. Defined to read this today!
