Tuesday, May 22, 2018

How to determine your CALLING in life!

A person's calling is one of the least talked about and self reflected parts of our being. When I use the word "calling" I am referring to God's primary purpose and direction for one's life. A calling pushes you to give up short term satisfaction for long term gain. A calling helps determine everything in our lives!

For example, God has called me to be a husband and a father. There are many trying and difficult days when I don't feel like being a husband and a father. There are many days when my wife doesn't feel like being a wife or a mother. Why do we continue on? Because we are called by God to persevere in our marriage and with our family. We give up the short term satisfaction of quitting and moving on for the long term health and growth of each other and our family. 

I believe this with all of my heart; The greatest calling you need to answer in life is whether or not you'll accept Jesus as Savior! If you answer the call of God on  your heart then your entire life and perspective will change. 

I believe God has created every person to a unique calling and purpose in life. The question is: What is God calling YOU to do and to become? How can you determine the call of God in your life?

The answer: Pain. God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad for our greatest calling! Part of the reason we all have struggles in life is because God is using those struggles to perfect us and to refine our calling. Our pain can be someone else's gain! 

Think to yourself: In what areas have you experienced the most pain, grief, depression, or hurt? I know that God is calling you to use that for good. When we are weak then we are strong (because we have to rely upon God). When we are at our lowest God speaks to us the loudest. When we are unsure of our future God is calling us to persevere toward a brighter future. 

My guess is that you have something that God has laid upon your heart that you now feel called to do. Here's my advice: Stop talking yourself out of what God has called you to do! It's easy to rationalize or to let fear win the day. Don't play it safe. You my have failures in answering this call. Yet, just the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing God's will should be enough for you. Very few answer the call. Will you?

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