Thursday, June 1, 2017

Why God Cares for Kids!

Our God deeply cares about children. He loves children so much....but why?

I believe there is a special place in God's heart for kids because they are raw, real, and transparent. You never have to guess what's on a child's mind or heart. They don't normally hide things well.

Because of this they are a great reminder of what we as adults should be. We should be raw, real, and transparent with each other, but most of the time we aren't. It's too easy to get caught up in "the game" of life. It's because of this genuineness that children emulate how a relationship with God should truly look like.

Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Each person needs childlike faith to accept God. Children don't buy into why you can't do something, they believe and will themselves to do it. Sometimes I wonder if a child's image of God is bigger than the one that many adults have tried to construct by putting God in a box. A child sees God with wonderment and awe and comes to Him in a beautiful posture of humility and rawness. When is the last time you approached God that way?

When we launched Legacy Church nine months ago my prayer was that God would use our church to reach many children because He cares for them! Our church started with 3 children in the nursery (and one of those was mine!) Now on many Sunday's we are trying to add staff to our nursery because we have so many. What greater way to introduce a person to church than as a nursery worker through a gentle touch! On many occasions I've heard a child cry at the back of our gym or in the hallway and I always smile. Those are good sounds as it means that there is life within our church.

My prayer is that Legacy Church will ALWAYS welcome children and youth. We yearn to be a church that will be a safe place for them to be loved and grow in their walk with Jesus! We've promised to give our best staff, resources, and facilities to our children and youth. Why did we make that promise.....because God cares for kids!

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