Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Do NOT make the MISTAKE of FOCUSING solely on the PAST this CHRISTMAS!

When Jesus was born the whole world missed it!
God had made it extremely clear that He was going to send His Son. For example, His coming was prophesied down to the exact day in Daniel 9. It was prophesied as to where He was to be born in Micah 5. God had not spoken directly through His prophets for 400 years before Jesus. This time period in history is known as the "Silent Years". The reason God did this was to usher in a dramatic pause for the coming of Jesus.
The Jews should have known the exact day and town where Jesus was born. They should have been filled with anticipation and excitement as God was directly intervening with man after a 400 year hiatus and yet they missed it!
Why did the Jews miss it?
The Jews missed Jesus because they were too focused on what God had done in the past. They were trying to relive the glory years under King David. While under Roman suppression they forgot to live in the present and look towards the future so they turned to the past.
Do NOT make that same mistake this Christmas!
It's easy to spend time being thankful for the birth of Jesus this Christmas. It's appropriate to share what God did this past year around the Christmas table, but do not stop there!
Since Christ came to earth we can not only reflect on God's goodness in the past but on His goodness in the future! He came once and is coming again!
Here's just an idea this Christmas. While you are going around the family Christmas dinner table sharing what you are thankful for this past year ALSO share how you have hope this next year!
The way in which Christmas gets presented many times is not wrong, just incomplete!
Through the birth of Jesus we have hope and thankfulness in our past, present, and future circumstances. Start celebrating Christmas with hope and a watchful eye towards the future.
Jesus came as a baby the first time, but He will be riding a war horse the next time! There is victory and hope for the future's of all those in Christ Jesus! Let's celebrate Christmas that way too!

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