Transitions in life are important and critical.
In fact, how well you transition can MAKE or BREAK your effectiveness as a human being.For example, psychologist Erik Erickson coined the term "identity crisis" and was influential in the study of human development. If an individual did not properly transition into their natural next developmental stage they would remain 'stuck' in that psychological developmental stage. They would be stunted or retarded developmentally and without psychological help could not progress and mature.
In the Bible, during the Exodus and the book of Acts God made it clear countless times through his disciplinary intervention and revealed will that during that transition period for the people of God the stakes were high and it was important that people transitioned and followed His will wholeheartedly.
As I look back on the 2014 year it is clear that it was a HUGE transitional year for me.
Here are just a few of the major transitions:- Married in November...and BETTER for it!
- New job position at Grace Community Church in August
- Moved to a new home and town in August
- Having people and traditions be "new" and "fresh"
- Started a Blog (maybe not major but it was a significant 'marker')
As always, none of these transitions were easy, (except for the Blog). God though, was gracious and faithful through it all. I saw how God has worked throughout other transitional times in my life and through the uncertainty there is now an eager anticipation for what lies ahead! I just need to keep reminding myself that everything takes TIME, but when you are following Christ everything in life is WORTH IT!
I do not know what lies ahead for you this New Year. It may be a year of great transition and difficulty. I do know that God will be faithful to you always as He has been to me. Remember, when change occurs it may be rattling to your way of life......but if you remain faithful.....God will use the pain and uncertainty to bring about a greater purpose and joy in your life. I've seen it time and time again!
With that being said, I'd like to wish you a COURAGEOUS NEW YEAR! It takes courage to step into the unknown. (I'd much rather you be courageous than wish you a 'Happy' New Year!)
God's blessings to you this 2014 year!
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