In my first blog post I stated my reason for starting my blog:
"First, the older I get and the more people I meet the more I want to stay connected and keep people posted on my life. Second, I hope that my blog can be a blessing to those in ministry and leadership positions. I always 'check up' on different pastor's blogs and want to learn more about their heart and vision for ministry."
In just a short year the reasons for my blogging have changed. As I reanalyzed why I blog this is what I came up with:
1. I blog for me! Blogging has been like an online diary of what God has done in past events. It also helps me to remember where I've come from in life and helps me to verbalize where I want to head in the future. On occasion I enjoy going through past posts and celebrating what God has done.
2. I blog for connection! Blogging allows me to stay connected with others and helps those close to me know what is going on in my life. I have lived in three different states, have taken trips outside of the country, and have made friendship across the globe. Blogging helps me to stay connected to others.
3. I blog for gospel and ministry/life enrichment. In the past year my blog has seen over 8,000 page views. The world has become smaller due to the invention of the internet. Within the past year I have received over 100 page views from people living in Russia alone (weird I know). Blogging can have a worldwide impact. I have also seen how different people have typed in various key word searches and articles from my blog have popped up. May this blog be an encouragement and sharpening tool for life and ministry effectiveness!
Blogging has been very beneficial and meaningful to me over this past year. May God use this blog for His glory in the future and may you find this blog as beneficial to your overall growth as a person ....(and may you also get a few laughs out of it too).
Top Viewed Blog Posts this Past Year
1. Kenny Lindley Funeral
2. What Most People Might Not Have Known about Kim and I's Wedding
3. What I've Learned in Two Months of Marriage
4. What All Singles Should Know on Valentine's Day
5. Relationships Over Time Equals Effectiveness