Monday, December 30, 2013

Transitions Can MAKE or BREAK You - Happy 2014 to YOU

Transitions in life are important and critical.
In fact, how well you transition can MAKE or BREAK your effectiveness as a human being.

For example, psychologist Erik Erickson coined the term "identity crisis" and was influential in the study of human development. If an individual did not properly transition into their natural next developmental stage they would remain 'stuck' in that psychological developmental stage. They would be stunted or retarded developmentally and without psychological help could not progress and mature.

In the Bible, during the Exodus and the book of Acts God made it clear countless times through his disciplinary intervention and revealed will that during that transition period for the people of God the stakes were high and it was important that people transitioned and followed His will wholeheartedly.
As I look back on the 2014 year it is clear that it was a HUGE transitional year for me.
Here are just a few of the major transitions:

- Married in November...and BETTER for it!
- New job position at Grace Community Church in August
- Moved to a new home and town in August
- Having people and traditions be "new" and "fresh"
- Started a Blog (maybe not major but it was a significant 'marker')

As always, none of these transitions were easy, (except for the Blog). God though, was gracious and faithful through it all. I saw how God has worked throughout other transitional times in my life and through the uncertainty there is now an eager anticipation for what lies ahead! I just need to keep reminding myself that everything takes TIME, but when you are following Christ everything in life is WORTH IT!

I do not know what lies ahead for you this New Year. It may be a year of great transition and difficulty. I do know that God will be faithful to you always as He has been to me. Remember, when change occurs it may be rattling to your way of life......but if you remain faithful.....God will use the pain and uncertainty to bring about a greater purpose and joy in your life. I've seen it time and time again!

With that being said, I'd like to wish you a COURAGEOUS NEW YEARIt takes courage to step into the unknown. (I'd much rather you be courageous than wish you a 'Happy' New Year!)
God's blessings to you this 2014 year!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Why EVERY Youth Pastor Should Visit Local Schools

There is NO EXCUSE for youth pastors to not be involved in their local middle and high schools! 

I was reminded twice this past week as to WHY I visit local schools and eat lunch with students on a regular basis.

This past Monday I went to a family get together in Kendallville. As soon as I walked in the door I introduced myself to a visiting family member and their son. I said hello to the son and he quickly responded: "Oh I know come and visit the lunches all the time." Due to his familiarity with me it led to a very easy relational conversation. What was cool for me to think about was that I had not visited the East Noble high-school since May of last year and yet I was still reaping fruit from my time spent there!

My second story happened at the end of the first Christmas Eve service this past Tuesday as I was coming down the stairs from the sound booth. As soon as I reached the North Foyer entrance a young gal exclaimed: "Hey, I know visit our school all the time." Her recognition of me led to a very easy conversation and invitation to come to our youth ministry!

One of my favorites verses in Scripture is found in the book of Acts: "From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands" (Acts 17:26). God has specifically put you as a person into the exact era, family, and location that He desires. This should give you and I a sense of purpose and meaning! So many times we throw pity parties about what our current location does not have, but God chose us to be there, so make the most of it and be as an integral part of the community that God has put you in!

Here Is A List of Reasons Why All Youth Pastors Should Visit their Local Schools Regularly
(I go on average twice a week to eat lunch at local schools and visit sporting/music events regularly)
1. You STAY YOUNG! I have been mistaken for a senior in high-school almost every week. Working with young people keeps you young and fresh.
2. Your students SEE THAT YOU WALK THE WALK! Do not expect your students to do something that you are unwilling to do. For example, I challenge our students to be evangelists and to reach out to their friends. Therefore, I make it a point to talk with and meet new and unsaved students, build relationally into their lives, and invite them to church.
3. It keeps you ONE STEP AHEAD OF THE GAME! I am not what you would consider as a 'hip' youth pastor and never fully will be BUT I can tell you the overall atmosphere of the school, where and who my students sit with at lunch, and some of the main issues and basic heartbeat of the community.
4. You become a RESOURCE FOR PARENTS! As an individual that gets to eat and be around their son/daughter regularly I often get approached by parents as to questions concerning their kids.
5. I may be the ONLY GODLY INFLUENCE A STUDENT KNOWS! I have come in contact with a large number of students who do not even know what a pastor or minister is! I may be the only person they know that represents Jesus!
6. It holds me ACCOUNTABLE! As I become more and more known by students and parents in the community it holds me accountable to do the right thing in private and public. I want to represent Jesus as best as possible.
7. It LEADS TO MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES! As the administration of the school gets to know me more it leads to future ministry opportunities. For example, I've been called into the school to counsel students after tragic situations. I've been called over the loud speaker to a history class to explain the difference between Islam and Christianity. I've had the opportunity to run a Christian program inside the school's cafeteria after classes.
8. Jesus MADE HIMSELF AVAILABLE TO PEOPLE! There were times where Jesus would simply make himself available to minister to people, even to children. I need to assign times to do the same to better shepherd and talk with young people.
9. It's FUN! I have a bunch of different lines that I use when meeting students to get a laugh to help break the ice. Most students see pastors and church as being old, stanch, and ridged. I get to break that stereotype!
10. It STREGTHENS MY FAITH! Let's be honest walking into a cafeteria with 600 barbaric teenagers is intimidating. A verse that I constantly repeat is Psalm 118:6 "The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?" What's the worst a student can do to me in the cafeteria - throw food at me or cuss me out (both have happened to me)! That's minute compared to the impact I can have on students. Every time I visit a school I feel anxious, but leave strengthened!
Here are just a few cool stories of people that I've met while visiting local high-schools 
I met Dallas and got to chat with him while he was a senior in high-school during lunches. During that time we built a relationship. He was my roommate for a number of months and I had the privilege of baptizing, officiating his wedding, and sharing in the joy of hearing that his wife is expecting (I told him that I better be the godfather)! I would never have known this guy if I had not visited the schools regularly.
I met Skyler a week before his family started attending our church. Due to my familiarity with him it made it easier for him and his family to get involved with our church. This past August I had the opportunity to baptize this guy!

Due to my relationship with our local middle school it opened up doors to run a youth program on Wednesday evenings and reach out to unchurched students. Any time you reach's a good thing!
If you want to have influence with people you better put yourself in positions to be around and close to them!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Benefits of a Youth ALL-NIGHTER!

This past Friday our youth program hosted a Red-Eye All-Nighter! Here is the basic schedule of what we did with 180 teens/adults:

- Diaper Dodgeball in the gym as students registered for the night
- Headed to the Link for some fun, overview of the rules, worship, and a gospel presentation
(Rich Yauger, former youth pastor, spoke and did an excellent job. We had 5 students make  decisions for the Lord and many came forward. There was an unparalleled attitude of worship, brokenness, and surrender during the worship set that followed!)
- Split up Jr. High and Sr. High and went to Fort Wayne. Each group bowled for three hours and then went laser-tagging and played video games for three hours.

*Many youth ministries do lock-ins at a church and keep students in one spot all night. Let's be honest most students get bored and start doing things they shouldn't after a few hours. We keep our students moving. (We had to rent/find bus drivers for four buses but it was worth it!)
Here are some reasons why All-Nighters can be beneficial for a youth ministry
1. Easy Evangelism - It's easy to invite a friend to do fun things all night for only $20. We had 35 first time visitors to our youth program.
2. Set Goals for the Students - We set a numeric goal of 200 people we wanted at this event and came close. I had a number of students who said that we wouldn't get close...but we did. Students love goals and challenges!
3. Medal of Honor for Youth Workers - Youth workers view All-Nighters as their way of receiving the military's vision of the Purple Heart. Youth ministry is not for the faint of heart and they love the challenge of staying up late with teenagers.
4. Information is Power - All students had to check-in using our computer database system so it allowed me to get updated addresses and visitor information so I can send students and parents promo stuff in the mail.
5. Share the Gospel/Worship - Yes, All-nighters are full of pop and pizza but you have a lot of energy beforehand as students are hyped for the night. Use that energy to share Christ and to have them sing their hearts out to the Lord!
6. Allows you to Evaluate your Students - When you do a trip like this you get to watch firsthand how your students follow instructions and respond in different situations. I challenged our youth leadership team to come forward and encourage students who made decisions. They followed through. We had zero problems or incidents on this trip which shows that our students are understanding that this trip was not about themselves, but had a greater purpose.
7. Provides Momentum - I had a number of students who were excited about what God did during the trip. We had a time of vision casting and testimonies this past Wednesday. It was a momentum boost as we head into the holiday season.
8. Vision, Vision, Vision - Communicate your vision for an event before, during, and after it happens. I had the opportunity to challenge our students and state goals. Afterwards, I got to encourage them for their behavior and evangelistic zeal. I also, got to share with them how this event fits into the greater picture of where our youth ministry is heading.
9. Relationships - You get to build relationships with students as you are bowling with each other, beating them at laser-tag (I got 2nd out of 30), and riding in a bus together.
10. Fun - Ministry is exhausting and tiring. I believe though that ministry when done right is always rewarding and fun. I know I had a fun time serving, driving bus, eating pizza, bowling, laser-tagging, laughing, praying, talking, and hanging with students all night!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Think BIG

Growth is NOT an option.

Many organizations, businesses, and churches are promoting 'small'. I find this ironic because leaders promote smallness to encourage people to think that their group is intimate and welcoming so that the visitor will stay. So in reality their plea for 'smallness' is really an advertisement and desire for future GROWTH!

God commands Christians to be evangelistic and to make disciples of all nations through the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19. We should feel called to reach as many people for Christ as possible! For example, the first church started out as a mega-church movement in the book of Acts! By the time of the Dispersion it was rumored that there were approximately ten thousand Christians living in Jerusalem. News spreads fast....and just think they didn't even have social media or a Jerusalem Gazette to relay this information

My point is not to knock on small businesses, organizations, and churches. I grew up, thrived, and was part of a vibrant yet small church growing up. Numbers are never the true measure of health in any organization. My point though is that we should be THINK ING BIG and REACHING out. Many groups stay small because if push came to shove they truly do not want to grow any more because of fear, loss of control, or uncomfortability.

This is where FAITH comes into play. Good leadership understands the mandates from Scripture and pushes on while moving through unchartered waters by FAITH. I believe and know that God wants to BLESS your you have FAITH to make the difficult decisions and to stand on God's promises even if it may temporarily cost you a few disgruntled persons?

I have told my wife Kim this many times. Never give up long-term growth for a short-term fix. Many organizations, churches, and businesses do this because they lack VISION and FAITH.

In working with different churches and youth groups it's fun watching people 'get it' concerning this GROWTH principle. It takes faith to reach out, to think outside the box, and to do what it takes to disciple people. While this provides more work it is definitely more rewarding to see people expecting God to show up every event!

We believe in a BIG God, why are we thinking and expecting SMALL results! Think BIG!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

What Many People Might NOT have KNOWN about Kim and I's Wedding

I have been extremely busy these past two months. Here are a few quick highlights and reasons why I have not blogged!

- Setting up and executing a Judgment House Outreach. We saw 680 people walk through with 90 first time decisions for Jesus and 82 rededications.

- PhD work was front-loaded this semester.....BOTH CLASSES!

- Ministry, need I say more!

- Most importantly I got married on November 9th to the beautiful and perfect compliment for me, the former Kim Ernsberger!


Here is a list of some aspects of my WEDDING that are SPECIAL to ME!
1. My family got to play a LARGE role in my wedding. As they say: "blood is thicker than water." I was honored that my family was standing on stage with me and supporting me on my BIG DAY!
   - Father (Officiant)          Best Men - Brothers           Bridesmaid - Sister
2. Members of First Christian Church and dear friends graciously provided the evening meal. Not only did they provide the meal, it was excellent!
3. I had a number of close friends from high-school and college make the long trek from Pennsylvania to support me. Shout out to Brian Orme and Logan Conley who travelled the farthest, all the way from Philadelphia, PA.
4. My two other groomsmen are special to me. First, there was Jared Yordy a friend and ministry partner who I've grown up with since the 3rd grade. Second, there was Jacob Niblick who is my adopted son. Jacob is a reminder to me every day of why I am in full-time ministry.
5. I have interactive and fun family and friends. I do not think I have ever seen a dance floor as packed than at my wedding! There were BODIES!
6. The eight ushers in the wedding are all men who I've had the opportunity to personally disciple. They are all DEAR brothers in the Lord and many are in or are pursuing full-time ministry!
7. I had people from all walks of life at my wedding. Friends from elementary school, high-school, college, and post-college. Friends from PA, OH, Kendallville and Goshen. I thank God for those whom He has placed in my life!
8. I had the opportunity and blessing to join the Ernsberger family. They have been good to accept me which isn't easy you know ;)
9. I got to zip-line in for my grand entrance! Yep, you read that right. (Please like my video on YouTube so it goes viral ;)
10. Watching, MY bride walk down the aisle was priceless. I was speechless and moved to tears. I will NEVER forget that moment!
Kim and I had a wonderful honeymoon spending time in different parts of Michigan. We are back in town and are enjoying being together, establishing a home, and ministering in the Goshen area!
Jon Corbin and Rick Yoder used the party favors as bow ties - Impressive!

Picture of a former student, Logan Conley, who is now working in inner city Philadelphia.
Nice photo bomb - Nathan Taner (Squib) 

When I came down it was ELECTRIC!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Taking Your Game to the NEXT Level

Humans are creatures of habit.

It is natural for human beings to get to a certain point in their life and to become comfortable, complacent, and to coast. Consistency and predictability are high values for humans and rightfully so as it provides stability for people. Stability is needed and is good, except when we are settling for less than what God has created us to be. Here is my point: Most people settle for FAR LESS than what they could be in all phases of their lives!

When I was in college I started to lift weights seriously. I thought that I knew a lot about lifting, until I met a guy named David Burris. Dave and I quickly became friends and lifting partners and he had some experience in health and nutrition and in physical training. I soon realized that I did not know as much as I thought I knew and was soon asked to take my physical training to the NEXT level! I was asked to do difference exercises, work harder, work longer, and to be committed. My freshman year I grew physically and by the end I was able to bench 100 pounds more than my body weight. If it was not for Dave pushing me and encouraging me to take my physical training to the NEXT level I never would have done so!

I have been youth pastoring at Grace Community for the past month and have been challenged in different ways to take my game to the NEXT level. Here are some examples:
- Fight Club has pushed me in my physical regimen. I had become too complacent in this area of my life. (Kim will appreciate all the hard work when it is time for wedding pictures ;)
- To make sure that I am allowing space for the Holy Spirit to work in my programming and in church activities and to not be 'too ridged' in my planning.
- To understand the concept of team and to strive to live out the phrase: all for one and one for all!

This fall I picked a word in which I want to work on and be 'known' for: pacesetter. Just as my friend and the staff at Grace Community are helping me take my game to the NEXT level I want to be known as a person who expects and pushes the best out of those around me, especially the teenagers in my youth ministry.

I will always remember this analogy: life is like a roller coaster. Life has it's up's and down's, but when you are coasting, you are only preparing yourself for a free fall! May I never coast in this life!

The stakes are high, complacency kills. It's time to take your game to the NEXT level and to push on! It's hard, but worth it!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

You Can Work ANY Job and Not Love People EXCEPT When You Are A Pastor!

You could be a lawyer and not love your clients. You could be a doctor and not love your patients. You could be in sales and not love the consumer. You could practically do any job and not love the people, except when you are a pastor! 

People can spot a fake a mile away, especially teenagers. Young people are looking for others that are genuine and authentic. It will not take teenagers long to know if YOU truly care about them.

This past Friday morning a senior at Fairfield high-school took his life. The tight knit community of New Paris and the students in the school were shocked and blindsided. The school called all the youth pastors in the area asking if they would come in and support the hurting students. As soon as I found out that youth pastors were being summoned I quickly drove to the school to be an encouragement. It was a blessing to be there to pray with, counsel, and encourage the students. Many of the students at the school who I got to talk with attend our youth ministry, AXIS. When a crisis situation happens there is little time to think, love must act, and jump at the opportunity to help!

Here is how God worked miraculously on Friday:
- I was planning on being at Fairfield most of the day because our church was providing a meal for the football players. Afterwards, I was planning on going to the football game. I did not have to rearrange my schedule at all to be there earlier at the school.
- On my way back to pick up the subs from Subway to feed the high-school football team I prayed and tweeted that God would use this young man's death to bring people to His Son Jesus. Little did I know that the young man had worked at THAT Subway. The workers at Subway were grieving all day. I had the opportunity to pray with one of the workers at Subway in the parking lot who was searching for God and meaning in this situation. GOD ANSWERED
- That same lady who I prayed with who worked at Subway, lovingly, drove her SUV to Fairfield with four six footlong subs to minister to the football team because she knew that I did not have enough room in my car, and because she had been touched by what our church was trying to accomplish. Pray for her, she will be at the viewing. Her name is Lori.
- It was a blessing to see the school come together and wear white at the home football game. The school even played the song 'It Is Well' during pregame. When tragedy happens people are searching for God. I'm glad the school allowed for truth to be proclaimed, especially in such a tragic situation.

As I told many of my students, past and present, there is nothing they can do to make me LOVE them less! I may at times be disappointed, but I will always LOVE them. Even though it was a dark day in Fairfield history it allowed people to express their love for God, for teenagers, and for the community! Light shines in the darkest of moments!

Monday, August 26, 2013

EVERYONE wants to be a part of something that is BIGGER than themselves!

Humans are fragile and are dependent beings. For example, we need food, shelter, water, community, air, health, and many other factors just to live! God has grafted into each person an awareness of how 'small' and dependent we are compared to how 'BIG' and self-sustaining He is! God has created man with a void that only He can fulfill because His presence and truth is all encompassing.

Unfortunately, many young people fill this God created void with negative 'fillers' that will not bring true peace. Everyone wants to be a part of something that is BIGGER than themselves because whether we admit it or not we were created by a BIG God to fulfill BIG purposes that he mandated to the human race in the book of Genesis. 

As a youth pastor I have the privilege of pushing teenagers to be a part of something that is BIGGER than themselves in following God here at Grace Community Church. This past Wednesday in my official first youth group as youth pastor I gave a challenge to the students and adults as to what I expected of them. I asked that all those who wanted to be a part of something 'BIGGER' than themselves in reaching people to stand up and sign a piece of paper that will act as a rallying cry and future remembrance marker for what we are called to do. Over 130 students and adults signed! Almost every great revival in the world has come from the hands of teenagers. Pray and dream BIG!

Let's face it, the world is full of apathy, and a normal Christian life is simply abnormal to find. Christians need to dream and do BIG things because God has promised us that He will meet us halfway...."to do immeasurably more then we ask or imagine!" (Ephesians 3:20)

This past Sunday I had my first youth team meeting where I had the opportunity to get to know the adult staff and cast my vision for the youth ministry. It was fun watching their eyes grow and glisten with excitement as we dreamed and prayed for what could be. Everyone wants to be a part of something BIGGER than themselves!

I would rather be a complimentary role player on a winning team than be a star player on a losing team. This rings true to me as it was true of my high-school football career. Find out where God is moving and join Him in doing BIG things for the Lord! We may have to lower our ego, be placed into a different role, but the impact of people who play the right role for the right team in kingdom advancement is BIG!

Picture of our signed document stating personal commitment to being a part of the BIG puzzle at AXIS this year!

Monday, August 19, 2013

It's Time to Jump on the Ministry Treadmill - Thoughts on the Past First Week at Grace Community Church

A treadmill is a great machine, because you get to SET THE PACE in how fast you want to run. Complacent people set it at a lower pace while those who are more ambitious and hunger to lose weight eventually ramp up the speed. Likewise, each church has a specific pace in which it is trying to move, grow, and accomplish things for the Kingdom. A sense of urgency in reaching lost people is a must in quickening the pace. Therefore, a church must SET THE PACE and go faster in reaching people otherwise it will become complacent and not become the purposeful organism that God created it to be.

My first week at Grace Community Church went by lightning fast. The church is on mission and is moving fast and it is my job to jump on board and to keep pace while adding creativity and leadership over the youth program. This needs to be done well.....otherwise I will end up like the guy in this Youtube video:

I love 'taking my game' to the next level and working hard in reaching and equipping people. If God things are happening I just want to be part of the team. "Find out where God is moving and then join Him!"

Here are some of the highlights of this past week in being part of a church that has a sense of urgency, passion, and fast pace in reaching people:

- I was amazed and almost brought to tears by the number of men who came to our Fight Club Kick-Off. Men truly want to lead victoriously and there is a hunger to understand what it means to be Biblically Masculine and to Spiritually Lead. Great Night!
- There is a lot of 'potential' with the youth program at Grace Community Church (see past post).
- This past Sunday I had the opportunity to baptize a young man, pray and talk with another young man who was searching for God, and after church invited our waitress to church and she was extremely receptive and interested in coming. It's just fun 'being used' by God for kingdom advancement.
- As I sit in my office today I am overjoyed and excited to see what God will do this week and in the future!

As a believer in Jesus it is imperative to jump on the treadmill of ministry and to press on! Looking forward to picking up the pace in serving, building, and reaching people in Elkhart County.

Oh, and I have to show a picture of a nice 5 pound bass that I caught late Saturday night. Remember, Jesus picked fishermen....not golfers, hunters, or athletes! ;)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Potential, Potential, Potential - First Axis Recap

The church is just ONE generation away from extinction. It is vital to train up Godly young people who will pass the baton on to the next generation. I will ALWAYS have a heart for teenagers regardless of how old I get. As I met, was involved, and evaluated my first Axis youth group the one word that kept coming to my head was "potential." This group of young people has an UNLIMITED amount of potential! I was impressed with the following from our first Axis youth group meeting:

- The positive energy and uplifting atmosphere
- The willingness to take risks as a group, even in playing a different game
- The support of the adults and desire of older believers to see young people grow
- The amount of TALENT that was evident in the group
- The love of the teenagers for their youth pastor, Rich, who is transitioning
- The grace and heart of Rich in wanting to help me and the youth program succeed. Rich's words:
"I would never trust my kids with someone I do not trust. If I could have picked anyone I would have picked Dan" meant a lot when said in public with a genuine heart.

There is a 'ton' of potential within the youth ministry here at Grace. As a youth pastor it is my job to evaluate and challenge each student/adult individually and to move our group as a whole corporately. This group has the ability to do extraordinary things for the kingdom and it's my job to help us continually move, push, and grow as we focus on Christ! 

I'm excited for the future with this church and with this group of young people. Watch out Goshen....better yet WATCH OUT world!

Commissioning Pastor Rich Yauger as he transitions into another role at Grace! Yes, he is somewhere in the middle! :)

Upbeat Wii Just Dance Song that was interactive and fun!

Great shot of Rich 'passing on the baton' of pastoral leadership within the youth ministry to me!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Church Culture and My First Days at Goshen

As many of you may know I have officially transitioned into my new office and role as Associate Pastor of Youth at Grace Community Church in Goshen, IN. My first day was yesterday and I was welcomed with a rearranged office and a new title (see picture)
If I did not get picked on at least a little I would wonder if something was wrong and if the staff was truly excited about my arrival. :)
Anyway, I've been busy getting acclimated, set-up, and working with the team here at Grace Community Church. What I've noticed is that the culture of this church is different than of all of the churches that I have been a part of. The culture or DNA of a church is it's true drive and/or default mode. Leadership is key in developing a good healthy church culture.
Here are just a few of my experiential conclusions these past few days in which I have appreciated the culture of my new church:
1. The church and staff know how to have fun. Ministry when done right needs to have a 'fun' element and 'joyful' component to it.
2. There is an openness in being able to express oneself in meetings or to just pop in and visit while in your office.
3. It's all about reaching and growing people at this church and if it takes extreme or outside of the box ways in doing so than it will happen.
God has continued to bless and show himself through this transition, and the staff has been great. Tomorrow is my first youth group at Grace Community Church and I look forward to connecting with the young people and getting ready to push, challenge, and shepherd them!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

I Can Only Sit in the Bleachers for So Long.....................

I love ministry and working with people. Nothing brings me greater joy than in serving, challenging, and equipping others. I was reminded of that this morning. One thing hit me real hard. While I loved this Sunday off I knew that I could only sit in the bleachers for so long. It's easy to watch ministry done every Sunday morning but I crave serving in ministry as a football player craves game day! While watching from the bleachers may be safer and requires less commitment there is great joy, an adrenaline rush, and satisfication in being a game-changer for Jesus! Why people sit on the sidelines I will never know?!? Get off of the bleachers and be a diehard Christian that is into serving, impacting, being intentional, and reaching others! It was what we are called and commanded to do!

Tomorrow is my first day in the office at Grace Community Church in Goshen. I am excited be a part of their team and serve with them every Sunday!

When I have a Sunday off I go to as many church services as I can to fellowship with others and evaluate and get new ideas on how to do ministry. This Sunday I went to South Milford Church of Christ (Kim's home church) and Grace Christian Church in Kendallville. Here are some 'cool' things that happened this Sunday morning.

- In arriving at South Milford I was able to visit and talk with many teenagers as I knew most of their youth group from my lunch visits to the local high-school. Plus, many older adults knew Kim so it was 'fun' being the new highlighted couple.
- We arrived a half an hour early to Grace Christian's second service and I quickly met a friend as soon as I walked in the door. It was a couple who was on my search committee which brought me to Kendallville and had transitioned to Grace Christian because their sons were attending that church. Anyway, they gave me a tour of the church and I got to pray with their small group in the basemant of the church. Loved having an opportunity to fellowship and pray with other believers.
- I was impressed and challenged by Pastor Chris Mosley's church and in his sharing with his members on what it meant to be part of a 'team' at Grace Christian Church. It was easy to see how they went from a church of 14 to 500 in such a short time because of their missional mindset and vision. Thankful for all churches in the Kendallvillle area that are striving to reach out! Remember, there are always plenty of lost people to go after in a community. (Plus, it was nice fellowshipping with another pastor who is a die-hard Steelers fan).

I was able to 'visit' Pastor Chris' office. Instead, of rearranging everything I decided to take the tasteful approach and snap a picture of his Steelers gear behind his desk and rave about it!

As I start this new chapter in life one thing remains the same: my love for God and for people. Until the day I die I will always have a hunger and a desire to stay in the game and to be more than just a fan in the bleachers! I want to be a game-changer/playmaker for Jesus! Next stop: GOSHEN here I come!

Monday, August 5, 2013

I WILL NEVER FORGET......................

This past Sunday was my last official day of ministry at First Christian Church in Kendallville, IN. It was a special day for a number of reasons. As youth pastor I had an inside peak at many of the events and happenings of that day, and I spent time today marvelling at what all God did in just two services. Here are some things that I WILL NEVER FORGET about this past Sunday!

- I WILL NEVER FORGET the support, encouragement, gifts, and love shown by all generations towards me.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the testimonies and baptisms of five students. All sharing different stories of changed lives impacted through our youth program.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET watching as a number of unsaved and new students came and joined in on our mega youth choir. God continues to move!
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the church gift given to me and presented by Doc Chandler and Greg Mcneal.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the support from Kim and my family in which members came to both services.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET Luis Perez speaking and preaching from the stage in Spanish to his parents proclaiming truth to them. Here was a new believer preaching to his parents in Spanish in front of 300+ people. Incredible!
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the joy of praying with and for Shawn Mason and Alex Cooper, dear friends, as they become the interim youth pastor couple. It was a honor to hand the ministry off to a young man whom I have invested countless hours in and whom I trust.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the binder full of encouraging letters written by the youth group presented to me by Matt Taner in which I read that night and cherished.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the true celebration finale in which we shot confetti, hit balloons into the air, and sang our hearts out. What an awesome moment.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET walking outside after second service and seeing cars park in the grass because there was no parking space left.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the goodbyes, I mean see you laters, afterwards and how special they truly were.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the image of countless students raising their hands in acknowledgement of coming to know Jesus and having been baptized during my time pastoring in the youth ministry.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the fun in filming the parody video and the creativity in which we showed it.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the dance that was written by Tedra Spuller and that was executed brilliantly by our group.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the enthusiasm from our youth program in getting excited about what could happen in the future.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the good food, great company, and Nibby's magic tricks afterwards.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the desire of our youth group to make Pastor Dan's Last Ride memorable and special. IT WAS!
-I WILL NEVER FORGET how Kim stood by my side the entire time during worship and through the services. She will be a perfect ministry helpmate in the future!

Thank you again First Christian Church for your love and generosity towards me and towards our youth program. It is the stories of changed lives that will help motivate me as I continue my ministry career in Goshen. The command is the same: to make disciples wherever you are. Looking forward to hearing great life transformation stories in Kendallville and being a part of life transformation through Jesus in the Goshen area!

In order to show their 'support' I was given a symbol of 'support' signed by members of the Underground Movement! This will look good hanging up in my future office. :)

Great picture of a great student celebrating what God has DONE and WILL do!

It truly was a CELEBRATION!

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Power of an Encouraging Word

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. (NLT)
Proverbs 12:25
This afternoon I had the opportunity to peruse and read some letters, cards, and notes that people have given me and that I have kept throughout the years. As one pastor friend recommended to me years ago: deal with all of the negative letters right away and then tear them up BUT keep all of the cards and letters that are encouraging and dear to you for future rereadings. This has been great advice as I have on occasion read through encouraging letters that I have saved in my office when I was down and hurting. Here are a few noticeable reflection points on this topic.
- I kept more encouraging cards and letters when I was at my lowest moments. For example, I have kept the most items from the years of 2008-2009 as I was grieving over the loss of a new fiancee while adjusting to a new life in Indiana. This is when encouraging words meant the most.
- There is a sense of satisfication in your work when you realize that God has used you at a particular location. This also gave me a deeper sense of purpose and hunger to reach others in the future.
- Reading encouraging letters cheers a person up as it makes them feel special.
- There is always a surprise in receiving a letter of encouragement. Rereading the letter helps you relive that surprise and excitement level when you first received that letter.
- Encouraging other people is Biblical. Life is difficult and the community of believer needs to encourage and spur other people on toward love and good deeds! That is why a person is NOT getting as much out of their faith if they simply come, hear a good sermon, and leave. Community is important because it fosters encouragement and growth!
I would like to thank the people of First Christian Church and the town of Kendallville for being so intentional about encouraging me in my spiritual growth. The fruit of our youth ministry and your encouragement will live on for generations!
I also pray that I have been an encourager to you a reader of this blog today.
A picture of one of my files that contain encouraging cards/letters/notes!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Momentum Recap and Role Change

The Momentum Youth Conferece is our group's and one of my higlights every year. This year was NO different. We took appoximately 70 persons from First Christian Church and adopted another 12 persons from different groups. God moved in various ways. Here are just a few of those ways:
1. Saw 4 students make first time commitments to follow Jesus. PRAISE THE LORD!
2. There are at least 6 students interested in baptism and who went through my baptism 101 class while at Momentum (picture below).

3. We bagged, sorted, and delivered a semi-truck worth of food to needy families in the Marion, IN region.
4. I won an 'Equipping Leadership Award' from CE National (picture below). I was truly honored because the other person who won the same award was Knute Larson a retired pastor of a 7,000 member church.

5. The speakers and worship were incredibly meaningful and impactful this year.
6. Our students were some of the KEY leaders at the Conference. Every year our group gets to serve and share at the FIRST MAIN SESSION because the Conference and leadership trust our young people.
7. The opportunity to bond and encourage each other throughout the week was incredible.
8. Lastly, my role has changed as I have become a youth minitry veteran and where many of the young youth pastors come up to in seeking advice.
My role at the Momentum Youth Conference has changed considerably throughout the years. From 1999-2003 my role was as student and primarily learner. From 2005-2006 it was as a youth intern at Grace Church at Willow Valley. From 2008-current it has become one as youth pastor. Within the past two years my role has grown to be one of encourager, mentor, and counsultant.
The longer I am in youth ministry the less I feel like I truly feel knowledgble about youth ministy in certain aspects. Therefore, I was humbled countless times as younger youth pastors asked questions and set up appointments to talk and discuss ministry. I even had a pastor from Canada who is driving eight hours to see our Youth Celebration Service on August 4th because he wants to get ideas and learn more about youth ministry.
As a youth ministry veteran and a youth pastor of a 'successful' ministry this year I had to privilege of embracing my role as consultant and confidante. More then anything else it made me hungrier to grow in my talents, skills, and youth minstry acumen. If you are not growing you are dying and I need to continue to grow to be the ultimate best I can be through Christ.
I have learned a lot about youth ministry these past six years. My dream and goals are far reaching in that I want to be a part of a youth ministry that is a blessing to the NATIONS! I love developing and equipping people for leadership. The success of the church will rise and fall with leadership develoment and equipping. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

I Never Would Have Thought............................

Proverbs 16:9 - In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord DETERMINES their steps.

My father shared this verse with me when I was making big decisions after college. It's a verse that is comforting to the believer knowing that God is sovereign and knows what is happening in our lives, even the minute. As they say: "hindsight is always 20/20" and a person can only understand the why's to why God allowed specific circumstances in their life until afterwards. Many times God does not reveal to us the reasons for specific circumstances until months or years later. This blog post is a look at some past "I Never Would Have Thought" circumstances that God brought into my life. I can honestly say that I'm thankful for God providing and doing all of these things, yet most of these items I would never have thought or imagined would happen.

1. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that one of my closest friends would be a retired doctor.
2. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that God would miraculously save a senior in high-school at Momentum in 2009 and that he would become a fellow pastor and friend.
3. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that God would use our youth program in such a powerful way not only in Kendallville, but across the United States.
4. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that I would have the desire to pursue a Ph.D.
5. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that our youth program would have a large number of students that would pursue full-time ministry.
6. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that I would ever approach my 30's.
7. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that God would use friendliness and an outward focus to reach so many teenagers in the Kendallville area for Jesus.
8. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that I would be working with the staff at Grace Community Church in Goshen.
9. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that God would use a college-bible study that I so passionately started to reach 20-somethings to introduce me to my wife.
10. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that I would live to see a winning Pittsburgh Pirates season (fingers crossed).
11. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that I would learn to enjoy the silence.
12. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that I would ever live in and be so impacted and influenced by people in a town named 'Kendallville'/(Kendalltucky)
13. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that I would be considered a 'youth ministry expert' by some.
14. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that I would move, get married, and start a new job within a three month time period.
15. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that Taco Bell would lose it's does young does!
16. I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that I would experience so many highs and defeats in ministry in such a short time.

Whew! I'm glad God is in control.....I can't wait to update this list in another few years!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

When It Rains It Pours....Therefore You Need A Roof

Trouble seems to find me during BIG transition times in my life. I have come to EXPECT and know that there will be things that will not go according to plan as a transition stage is about to occur.

For example, within the past two weeks I have had to get a new debit card and redo all of my online bills due to someone in Egypt who was trying to hack into my bank account and in which the bank froze my account, be without my laptop computer as it had a glitch and had to get worked on, and get new tires and a new tie rod for my car. You never know how much you need things in life until they are broke!

Trouble comes in two's and three's and I believe this to be the case whenever there is a big transition stage, especially when you are in ministry. The enemy will do anything he can to thwart plans and to frustrate you. The stakes are high! Therefore, it is important to have a firm foundation in life through Jesus Christ.

The Bible mentions many times that God is our firm foundation. We can BASE our entire existence and future on His promises and on His Word.

Speaking of a firm foundation it's also important to physically have shelter and to live on a firm foundation. As they say: "There's no place like home." A home is a place of safety, refreshment, and stability. It's important to have a well-maintained home both physically and relationally inside. Today, Kim and I put an application in for a rental home near Goshen as we start moving together in starting our future together. Hopefully, it will get accepted and we can pursue a rental lease. Things are moving along!

These are a couple of pictures of the home we are pursuing to rent. Only God knows if this will be a place where Kim and I can start our marriage together and can call 'home.' Regardless, it has been awesome to see God provide and answer prayers in all things! He is worth following in ALL things!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Difference a DECADE can make!

Today, my high-school graduating class is meeting for our 10 year reunion in South Central, PA. (Unfortunately, I was unable to make it due to the busyness of this transition period in my life). Man, does time fly. A lot can change in a decade. I thought it wise to be introspective and take a look at what God has done in the past ten years since my high-school graduation. God only gives us seven or eight, or if we are lucky nine decades, so I think it wise to learn from my past decade of life and experience.

Psalm 90:10

10 Our days may come to seventy years,
    or eighty, if our strength endures;
yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow,
    for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
12 Teach us to number our days,    that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

- I gained my high-school diploma, undergraduate degree, master's degree, and have started a Ph.D. degree.
- I went from being a 'Keystoner' to a 'Hoosier.'
- I started as a Jr. High youth intern, became a part-time Jr. High director, became a youth pastor, and am now a 'veteran' youth minister.
- I gained thirty pounds only to have quite recently lost fifteen of those pesky pounds again.
- I have gained a deeper sense of calling and direction from the Lord.
- I have started seeing gray hair show up in my beard.
- I have gone from being a mentee to one who is a mentor to men that are pursuing full-time ministry.
- I have gone on mission trips to Haiti, Israel, and across the U.S.
- I went as a student on Operation Barnabas (a ministry training program) only to be a Senior Leader in 2010.
- I have baptized and had the opportunity to officiate a number of weddings of my students.
- I have started the process whereby all Cosentino's start to shrink. (As if we were not short enough).
- I have started the process of my NEXT transition as I will be moving to Goshen, IN to serve as associate pastor there.
- I upgraded from a Saturn to a G6 convertible.
- I rarely sleep the entire night now, but get up to go to the bathroom in the wee hours of the morning.
- I have met countless people, suffered hardships, and felt God's abiding peace.
- I have learned that God expects us to DREAM and EXPECT big things from Him.
- I have learned that I can only eat Buffalo Wild Wings before 9 PM otherwise forget it.
- I love to fish for both the animal and for the unsaved.
- I have used innumerable hair cuts and fashions.
- I co-taught my first college class as a professor.
- Most importantly, God has placed the woman of my dreams into my lap!

God has done some incredible thing in my life within the past decade. I thank God for everyone whom He has placed within my path. If the next decade was like the past decade my wife and I are in for one wild ride!

A picture from when I was a part-time Jr. High director in South Central, PA. Great guys, great memories!
Kim told me that I could never sport the 'perm' look again. This is the best you and anyone else will ever get a chance to see this look from me again. Sad day! ;)

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Value of Short Term Mission Trips

I have recently returned from a great weeklong trip to a daughter church of my current church in Hamilton, OH. The church has a regular attendance of 32 on a Sunday morning with a Daycare attached. We sent a group of approximately 20 people, mostly teenagers, to minister to the church. During the week we did countless manual labor projects during the day and a children's program every night. We also helped lead the congregation in worship through song, testimonies, and dance on Sunday morning. It was a great trip and I am PROUD OF MY STUDENTS!

Short term mission trips are valuable and are critical in fulfilling the Great Commission. My first mission trip/ministry training experience was as a senior in high-school on an Operation Barnabas Team. I learned the joy of serving the Lord and am still using much of my training that I learned that summer in training up future student leaders.

When I was a student intern at Grace Church of Willow Valley learning under Shannon Hollinger, who was the current youth pastor, I became aware of the need and importance of developing weekend, weeklong, and summer long short-term mission trips. So many youth programs don't have a vision for regular short-term missions. Not having regular local, national, and international trips can be fatal in the development and perspective of your students.

Here are some reasons why short term mission trips MUST be offered in youth ministry:

1. You get to REALLY know people when you live with and minister together! Believe me, you get to know a lot about people's sleeping habits, likes and dislikes, and goals by being together 24/7 for a week.

2. Missions is what should drive the engine of your youth ministry! Reaching and being outward focused gives your youth ministry a sense of purpose!

3. It helps students develop a greater concept of the world! God has created a huge world that needs to be reached, not just your local community. Sending students out on mission trips helps them to develop an understanding of God's redemptive work throughout all of the world!

4. Serving helps qualm most ails! Students learn that by working and serving together they can get a lot accomplished. If you are feeling inadequate or lonely serving brings a God-given fulfillment to your life.

5. Training, Training, Training! Offering a mission trip gives you time to train your students through sessions beforehand, during the trip, and having a debriefing time afterwards. Help your students to understand their experiences and prep and train them throughout the entire process.

6. You can help set their course for life! I was molded and shaped by people like Shannon Hollinger and programs like Operation Barnabas that taught me an 'outward' perspective. In helping teenagers to be others and servant focused you can help them develop habits and attitudes that will last a life-time!

7. Missions leads to other ministry opportunities! Once your students get a heart and passion for missions it will lead to other ministry opportunities at home. For example, our youth program had two campuses in which we did ministry training and outreach this year. Also, you get an opportunity to build relationships and offer positive feedback because of the trust earned while on a mission trip.

8. Students will take what they learn and it will impact their families at home! As soon as I returned home I ran into a student who was influenced through our missional mindset. She asks for prayer requests from all of her waiters/waitresses even though her mother, who is an atheist, dislikes it! Parents care about their students and hearing stories of changed lives will motivate the parents.

9. Mission trips require administrative planning, vision, and praying! To pull of a successful short term ministry trip one must work hard BEFORE the trip and get others involved.

10. You and your students feel God's blessing! God has created us to serve Him. I feel most in His presence when I am serving other people. No wonder why Christians complain, get lethargic, and don't feel God's blessing. It's because they are not SERVING and REACHING out!

Be a person that is not afraid to GO and to SERVE! You always must give something up in being missional focused, but the rewards are so worth it!

A picture of many of our students who worked hard this past week.
What a group of potential life-changers for Jesus!

Every Youth Group Needs a Nibby - Part 2

I was reminded once again why it is great to have a 'Nibby' in your youth program this past week. I learned and re-learned some aspects about Jacob that helped me grow in appreciation for his giftedness and talents.
Just for the record: I am proud of ALL of our students in our youth group and who went on our recent mission trip to Hamilton, OH.
1. Jacob desperately wants LOST people to come to know Jesus!
- I will never forget watching Jacob witness to and pray for a middle-aged man.....while he was half-naked in the guys locker room at the local YMCA. Don't all people need Jesus clothed or unclothed?!?
- I will never forget Jacob leading children to their parents after our children's program AND inviting the family to our Sunday morning service. The parents couldn't get their kid unless they were first invited!
2. Jacob is very creative even more than I give him credit for!
- Jacob designed each of our teaching sets out of cardboard boxes and duct tape. They turned out excellent!
3. Jacob's 'testimony' gets me every time and reminds me that no matter 'how broken' or 'down and out' a person is they are valuable in God's sight!
- Jacob was able to read his testimony on Sunday morning and as always he did an excellent job in sharing about his family and his being bullied problems. He gave God the credit for his turn-around and his enthusiasm for the gospel. He had me stand next to him during his testimony and at the end 'thanked me for being a father-figure when he needed one.'  Great reminder to me that people MATTER even the least of these!
For the record, Jacob also has the ability to 'annoy' me more than about any other person that I know. He had to 'take a lap' more then any other student on the trip. {Students had to take laps around the sanctuary if they asked unnecessary or foolish questions....which of course is Jacob's specialty}. Regardless of Jacob's struggles his heart and passion are admirable and noble. He is maturing and God is using Him....for that I am proud!
All the guys had to sleep on one half of the sanctuary during our stay. There was extra room and space for everyone. Of course, Jacob HAD to sleep next to me and HAD to roll over next to me on most nights to get comfortable! I took this picture at 3 AM. Notice how much space is on his mattress (above - queen sized) and how close he is next to me (below - twin sized). :)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Every Youth Group Needs a 'Nibby'

There is always a student in a youth program that is classified as being 'unique' or 'different.' Almost all youth groups have at least one of these students. Unfortunately, in many youth programs this student get suppressed or left out of the 'main group.' I believe that this is a travesty.
Our group has a young man nicknamed 'Nibby.' Almost everyone that runs into our group soon meets and gets to know him. Our youth program along with our adults have made it a goal to love Nibby and to make sure that he and all the others students know that he is a key part of our group. The benefits of having a Nibby in youth group are countless. Here are just a few:

- Nibby is fearless in sharing his faith. Nibby does not pick up on all of the 'social cues' in starting a conversation, but that does not matter to him! He is one of the few students that I know who carries  Christian tracks and Mark Cahill books to give to strangers. His commitment to reach out has motivated me at times to be more bold in my faith.

- Nibby is a Christian magician. Many of his tricks 'flop', but there are many that are incredible. I mean how many students do you know that can work their way out of a straight jacket?!? The ability to do magic tricks helps Nibby relationally as I have seen elementary students, teenagers, and adults get drawn into his trick. Everyone loves a good surprise and magic trick!

- Nibby reminds me that you can not use personal deficiencies or problems as a crutch! Instead, use them to be a difference maker for Jesus. Having Nibby in our group is great because no student can say that they have gone or are going through 'worse' than Nibby. Yet, Nibby, continues to do his best to walk with and follow Jesus.

Yesterday, I drove to Sullivan University to pick up Nibby, my 'adopted son.' During the ending program his current classmates voted on awards for their classmates. Jacob won 3 out of 8 of those awards as he competed with 90+ others students. Nibby won most improved cook, most creative, and best attitude. I'm going to be honest with you, my chest swelled a bit as I saw other people's love and admiration for him and his talents. (This feeling was offset though when Jacob spilled BBQ sauce on the backseat carpet of my car on the ride home :)

What I'm most proud of is that Nibby got a chance to be part of a group in which he was disciplined appropriately and lovingly and yet was given the chance for his gifts and talents to flourish! The growth in Nibby is definitely a testimony of patience and love from a host of students and adults. Community is where relationships grow and develop. Every group needs a Nibby as it provides diversity and an opportunity for reflection, growth, and love!

Nibby and I's pose after winning three awards yesterday at culinary school! Congratulations 'son'!