I was reminded twice this past week as to WHY I visit local schools and eat lunch with students on a regular basis.
This past Monday I went to a family get together in Kendallville. As soon as I walked in the door I introduced myself to a visiting family member and their son. I said hello to the son and he quickly responded: "Oh I know you....you come and visit the lunches all the time." Due to his familiarity with me it led to a very easy relational conversation. What was cool for me to think about was that I had not visited the East Noble high-school since May of last year and yet I was still reaping fruit from my time spent there!
My second story happened at the end of the first Christmas Eve service this past Tuesday as I was coming down the stairs from the sound booth. As soon as I reached the North Foyer entrance a young gal exclaimed: "Hey, I know you....you visit our school all the time." Her recognition of me led to a very easy conversation and invitation to come to our youth ministry!
One of my favorites verses in Scripture is found in the book of Acts: "From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands" (Acts 17:26). God has specifically put you as a person into the exact era, family, and location that He desires. This should give you and I a sense of purpose and meaning! So many times we throw pity parties about what our current location does not have, but God chose us to be there, so make the most of it and be as an integral part of the community that God has put you in!
Here Is A List of Reasons Why All Youth Pastors Should Visit their Local Schools Regularly
(I go on average twice a week to eat lunch at local schools and visit sporting/music events regularly)
1. You STAY YOUNG! I have been mistaken for a senior in high-school almost every week. Working with young people keeps you young and fresh.
2. Your students SEE THAT YOU WALK THE WALK! Do not expect your students to do something that you are unwilling to do. For example, I challenge our students to be evangelists and to reach out to their friends. Therefore, I make it a point to talk with and meet new and unsaved students, build relationally into their lives, and invite them to church.
3. It keeps you ONE STEP AHEAD OF THE GAME! I am not what you would consider as a 'hip' youth pastor and never fully will be BUT I can tell you the overall atmosphere of the school, where and who my students sit with at lunch, and some of the main issues and basic heartbeat of the community.
4. You become a RESOURCE FOR PARENTS! As an individual that gets to eat and be around their son/daughter regularly I often get approached by parents as to questions concerning their kids.
5. I may be the ONLY GODLY INFLUENCE A STUDENT KNOWS! I have come in contact with a large number of students who do not even know what a pastor or minister is! I may be the only person they know that represents Jesus!
6. It holds me ACCOUNTABLE! As I become more and more known by students and parents in the community it holds me accountable to do the right thing in private and public. I want to represent Jesus as best as possible.
7. It LEADS TO MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES! As the administration of the school gets to know me more it leads to future ministry opportunities. For example, I've been called into the school to counsel students after tragic situations. I've been called over the loud speaker to a history class to explain the difference between Islam and Christianity. I've had the opportunity to run a Christian program inside the school's cafeteria after classes.
8. Jesus MADE HIMSELF AVAILABLE TO PEOPLE! There were times where Jesus would simply make himself available to minister to people, even to children. I need to assign times to do the same to better shepherd and talk with young people.
9. It's FUN! I have a bunch of different lines that I use when meeting students to get a laugh to help break the ice. Most students see pastors and church as being old, stanch, and ridged. I get to break that stereotype!
10. It STREGTHENS MY FAITH! Let's be honest walking into a cafeteria with 600 barbaric teenagers is intimidating. A verse that I constantly repeat is Psalm 118:6 "The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?" What's the worst a student can do to me in the cafeteria - throw food at me or cuss me out (both have happened to me)! That's minute compared to the impact I can have on students. Every time I visit a school I feel anxious, but leave strengthened!
Here are just a few cool stories of people that I've met while visiting local high-schools
I met Dallas and got to chat with him while he was a senior in high-school during lunches. During that time we built a relationship. He was my roommate for a number of months and I had the privilege of baptizing, officiating his wedding, and sharing in the joy of hearing that his wife is expecting (I told him that I better be the godfather)! I would never have known this guy if I had not visited the schools regularly.
Due to my relationship with our local middle school it opened up doors to run a youth program on Wednesday evenings and reach out to unchurched students. Any time you reach out...it's a good thing!
If you want to have influence with people you better put yourself in positions to be around and close to them!
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