- Nibby is fearless in sharing his faith. Nibby does not pick up on all of the 'social cues' in starting a conversation, but that does not matter to him! He is one of the few students that I know who carries Christian tracks and Mark Cahill books to give to strangers. His commitment to reach out has motivated me at times to be more bold in my faith.
- Nibby is a Christian magician. Many of his tricks 'flop', but there are many that are incredible. I mean how many students do you know that can work their way out of a straight jacket?!? The ability to do magic tricks helps Nibby relationally as I have seen elementary students, teenagers, and adults get drawn into his trick. Everyone loves a good surprise and magic trick!
- Nibby reminds me that you can not use personal deficiencies or problems as a crutch! Instead, use them to be a difference maker for Jesus. Having Nibby in our group is great because no student can say that they have gone or are going through 'worse' than Nibby. Yet, Nibby, continues to do his best to walk with and follow Jesus.
Yesterday, I drove to Sullivan University to pick up Nibby, my 'adopted son.' During the ending program his current classmates voted on awards for their classmates. Jacob won 3 out of 8 of those awards as he competed with 90+ others students. Nibby won most improved cook, most creative, and best attitude. I'm going to be honest with you, my chest swelled a bit as I saw other people's love and admiration for him and his talents. (This feeling was offset though when Jacob spilled BBQ sauce on the backseat carpet of my car on the ride home :)
What I'm most proud of is that Nibby got a chance to be part of a group in which he was disciplined appropriately and lovingly and yet was given the chance for his gifts and talents to flourish! The growth in Nibby is definitely a testimony of patience and love from a host of students and adults. Community is where relationships grow and develop. Every group needs a Nibby as it provides diversity and an opportunity for reflection, growth, and love!
Nibby and I's pose after winning three awards yesterday at culinary school! Congratulations 'son'!
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