As many of you may know I have officially transitioned into my new office and role as Associate Pastor of Youth at Grace Community Church in Goshen, IN. My first day was yesterday and I was welcomed with a rearranged office and a new title (see picture)
If I did not get picked on at least a little I would wonder if something was wrong and if the staff was truly excited about my arrival. :)
Anyway, I've been busy getting acclimated, set-up, and working with the team here at Grace Community Church. What I've noticed is that the culture of this church is different than of all of the churches that I have been a part of. The culture or DNA of a church is it's true drive and/or default mode. Leadership is key in developing a good healthy church culture.
Here are just a few of my experiential conclusions these past few days in which I have appreciated the culture of my new church:
1. The church and staff know how to have fun. Ministry when done right needs to have a 'fun' element and 'joyful' component to it.
2. There is an openness in being able to express oneself in meetings or to just pop in and visit while in your office.
3. It's all about reaching and growing people at this church and if it takes extreme or outside of the box ways in doing so than it will happen.
God has continued to bless and show himself through this transition, and the staff has been great. Tomorrow is my first youth group at Grace Community Church and I look forward to connecting with the young people and getting ready to push, challenge, and shepherd them!
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