Monday, September 28, 2015

The Nicest Compliment I've Ever Received After Officiating a Wedding!

I've officiated a number of weddings. I've received a number of compliments and remarks throughout the years. I will never though forget a compliment from a father of the bride given at my latest wedding.
As the reception was winding down I went over to the father of the bride to congratulate him and wish him well. He turned and stated that many members from his family had remarked that I had done a good job officiating the wedding and asked where the father of the bride found me.
He stated these words that were very meaningful to me: "I didn't find the pastor, I guess, He found us!"
I do not officiate weddings so I can wax eloquently or build myself up. I officiate weddings to be a blessing to others so that God's glory may be multiplied.
You see the bride of this wedding found Jesus through our youth ministry years ago. She told her family so that they in turn found Jesus.
I was intentional through the years at trying to be a blessing to this family and the father of the bride insinuated this through his remark.
His remark motivated me. Something you say or do can help set a young person's path for the rest of their lives. I want to help as many young people run hard after Jesus as possible.
Isn't that why Jesus came to earth in the first place: to seek and to save the lost?
This wedding will be a great reminder to me to continue to reach and invest into people. At the end of the day it's people that truly matter!
Some dear people whom I love are in this picture! Congrats again!

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