Friday, September 11, 2015

Hope for the Heart Broken!

When people lose a loved one or suffer from a "break-up" it causes grief, confusion, and hurt.
Having a broken heart hurts. I've been there as I've suffered through a broken engagement myself.
People really do hurt and feel pain when heart broken. In fact, recent research has shown that emotional pain and physical pain are closely connected. Both types of pain impact the same parts of the brain.
If you don't believe me read this article..

Therefore, emotional pain can hurt and feel just as real as physical pain. On top of that, while physical pain can quickly go away the memories of a broken heart can last longer.

As someone who has dealt with the pain and anguish of a broken heart here are a few suggestions:

1. Give yourself time to grieve. Be ok not understanding your emotions. You may cry and not really know why. You truly are hurting. Being open and vulnerable is a good part of the healing process.
2. Maintain a good balance of time with others and time alone. Some people will advocate that you need to stay busy after the tragic loss of a relationship. I would argue that you need to stay active with others, but do allow yourself some alone time to process, evaluate, and grieve. When you are alone, you are not truly alone, you can dialogue and connect with God. Balancing your time with yourself and with others is key after getting your heart broken.
3. Understand that God is allowing your pain for the good of others. In the future, you may have an opportunity to connect with someone who has gone through a similar situation. God, may also be refining within you certain qualities through a dark time in your life which He will use in the future. We individualize pain, but don't forget that there is a corporate element. This is why the Bible tells us to carry each others burdens (Galatians 6:2).
4. Verbalize and regurgitate your feelings to a trusted individual at appropriate times. Don't bottle up your pain. Talking out loud will help you process what you are feeling.
5. Cling to the promises of God. God will always hold up His end of the bargain. God will never leave your or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). God will give you comfort in your times of trouble (2 Corinthians 1:3-5). God will provide strength when we need it (Psalm 46:1).
There is a lot of heart break in the world. To all who read this blog, I just prayed for YOU!


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