I believe our youth ministry is poised for great things this year. (No, I am not saying that because it's my job. I really believe that God is up to something BIG this year!)
When it comes to measuring spiritual growth in a person or in the corporate life of a group of believers it's hard to measure growth week to week. It's much easier to measure the growth of a group when you look back a year ago. Spiritual growth was evident within our youth ministry this past year!
Here are some areas in which I have seen spiritual growth and in which God has made it known that BIG things are in store for Axis Youth Ministry this Fall!
1. Numerical Growth - We had close to 200 teenagers and adults at our Axis Kick-Off this past Wednesday!
2. Boldness through Prayer - One of my goals this past year was to have our students develop a boldness in their prayer lives. My desire is to have our teenagers develop the ability to pray out loud with confidence to their Father. This past Wednesday we had a prayer time for our persecuted 'family' in the Middle East and at least 75% of our teenagers got in groups and prayed OUT LOUD with BOLDNESS to their Father!
3. Boldness in Sharing their Faith - We sent over 100 teenagers on some type of missional experience this summer. We sent groups to Hyden, KY; Philadelphia, PA, and Chicago, Ill. We had all of our mission trip teams share in front of our group and our students did a great job of verbalizing their passion and what they learned about the joys of sharing their faith with the group.
4. Initiators in being Friendly - While our Slip N Slide Kickball event was happening I witnessed many adult staff and teenagers going out of their way to greet visiting teenagers or students on the fringe! We did not just have a fun event to have a fun event...we had a purpose of reaching teenagers through that fun event. Big difference.
5. People Want to Jump on Board - I believe that winning breeds further winning. This year we have 11 new youth staff who want to join our team in building up and reaching teenagers. It's all about getting the right people on your team and we are well on our way!
We are off to a great start to our Fall programming in reaching lost teenagers, teaching them Godly principles, and equipping them for work of the ministry!
Watch out world because it's time to storm the gates of hell with an army of teenagers! (Let's be honest that's a scary picture, especially to Satan!)
We shared testimonies of what God did during the summer!
We prayed with boldness!
We heard testimonies of what God did on our summer mission trips!
We prayed and commissioned our summer intern Chad!
How many teenagers can you fit into a 'kiddie' pool?
Answer: Just One More
Surf's up! Coming IN!
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