Monday, August 25, 2014

The POWER of THREE! (What it takes to Disciple Teenagers)



I believe that all teenagers need at least THREE Godly voices in their life.

Hopefully, a teenager has two Godly parents and another adult they can turn to for advice. Unfortunately, most teenagers don't have two God fearing parents so it is even more crucial that they have additional positive voices within their life.

(It is now abnormal for teenagers to live in same parent homes. In the youth groups that I've worked in I'd say that 60% of the teenagers that we reached came from broken homes).

We all know that teenagers are starting to develop their independence. This is backed up by psychological research. The reason that teenagers need at least three Godly voices within their life is that, even if their parents know the Lord, most students when they are teenagers will not follow their parent's example simply for the fact that they are trying to become autonomous. Teenagers will 'buck' their parents because it's all they've known and they are spreading their wings to fly!

This is why it is imperative that parents get another Godly adult to come alongside of them and offer Godly counsel to their teenager. (Also, do not take this personally parents of teenagers. Remember, when you were a teenager? You didn't want to listen to your parents either. It's ok to get help and it will only make your parenting stronger if you have another Godly adult whom your student can turn to for help).

In my experience, the power of three also holds true. This past Sunday we had a youth team meeting with all the adults who will be investing into our youth program's teenager's lives this year. When the question was brought up: Why do you want to work with teenagers? Almost everyone said: Because I had someone invest into my life who made a difference OR because I want to stem the tide of students who are walking away from the faith after high-school. Disciples do not grow on trees they are forged through Godly mentor relationships with older and wiser believers.

Why do I believe in the power of three? Because God used a youth intern while I was in high-school to help mentor and provide direction to me during a foundational and difficult time of my upbringing. I believe in the power of three because I KNOW I needed someone other than my parents to turn to in high-school. I believe in the power of three because I KNOW as an adult what impact it can have on the next generation.

Do you believe in the power of three? Who has impacted you for Jesus? Who do you go to when you need Godly advice?

Are you investing into the next generation? We need Godly people to love on and rub shoulders with our teenagers...are you willing?

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