The goal is for the joining together, (collision), to be permanent and lasting. While we have had our share of difficulties I can honestly say that I love my wife more each day!
Kim and I's world officially and ceremonially collided on November 9th, 2013 and I'm glad they did!
Here is a list of the NOT SO Serious lessons that I've learned in almost three months of marriage!
2. Country music can wear off on you. I drove home from work the other day listening to country music and did not realize it until I got home!
3. You start liking some of the same TV Shows. Luckily, I haven't stooped to watching Reba yet (there is still hope).
4. I still have not learned my lesson about keeping the toilet seat up. See previous post.
5. Smiling while your spouse is upset is NEVER acceptable.
6. Never question the purchase of something that your wife thinks is vital (even if you don't).
7. Washing the dishes means making sure every noticeable stain or germ has been properly removed otherwise you will have to rewash.
8. Don't try and 'pump your wife up' to accomplish something. For some reason, women don't respond to pressure the same way guys do.
9. It is OK to eat leftover food in the fridge just be smart about giving your spouse a chance to eat what she thinks is valuable leftovers. The rule "No Name Fair Game" does not apply to the married couple's fridge.
10. Celebrate differences, life is too short to get annoyed by the little things. Your spouse is just as frustrated about certain things in YOU, yet loves you in spite of it!
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