Monday, February 24, 2014

The HIGH calling of being a DAD

I was reminded this past Friday of the high calling and responsibility of fatherhood as around 400 dads and daughters participated in our Daddy/Daughter Dance at Grace Community Church.

The dance served two purposes. First, it was a youth group fundraiser to help our teenagers go to the Momentum Youth Conference. More importantly, it allowed dads to spend a night with their daughters to make them feel loved, cherished, and special.

I will be honest with you, I had a few sappy moments, watching dads love on their daughters throughout the night. It was a great evening.

The effects of having absent or abusive fathers are well documented. Here are some startling statistics:

Approximately 98% of homosexual males had abusive or absent fathers
- Teenage girls are 164% more likely to have a pre-marital birth if they had abusive or absent fathers
- 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average.  (National Principals Association Report)

In fact, research has shown that it is imperative that fathers show appropriate physically touch with their daughters. The pinnacle age a father should show appropriate physical touch (i.e. hugs, pat on the backs, etc) is at the age of eleven. This makes perfect sense because as daughters are entering pre-puberty they need to know that there is a man that loves, cares, and cherishes them for who they are otherwise they will look for love in all the wrong places.

God has set the father up as the spiritual leader of the home (Read Ephesians 5). Without, a Godly male influence children flounder.

In the book "Why Men Hate Going to Church" the author states: "Boys follow men not religion." If there is not a Godly influence within a young boy's life it is unlikely that they will ever walk with the Lord!

24 million children (34 percent) live absent their biological father!

Now is the time for men to embrace the Biblical call and responsibility as fathers! Now, is the time for men to adopt and love on orphans. Our world desperately needs DADS!

The Daddy Daughter Dance was a success in that it provided an opportunity for dads to love on their daughters! One couple got dropped off at the church in a limousine!

I am forever grateful for a Godly dad and father. I look forward to one day, Lord willing, emulating many characteristics from my father and role model. 

Monday, February 17, 2014


Each elementary child is mesmerized by something!

I can remember fishing with my grandfather, uncle, and cousin as a five year old. I was fishing with a basic bobber and worm on a fishing bank overlooking cold clear water. We caught a bunch of small panfish that day but what I remember the most is being in awe of watching each small fish investigate and then try to devour that poor worm. It does not matter how many fish I catch I am always in awe and wonderment of the entire process!

Biggest bass I caught last year. Just ask me to replay the events from before the cast to landing this fish and I can tell you everything in full detail! 

I grew up in South Central PA and I can remember wishing, as most elementary students would, that we would have snow days where school would get cancelled. Before dinner, every evening, I would follow the latest weather reports on Weather World. When a storm system would draw near I would research and investigate as many forecasts as possible, and even make my own. To this day, I always enjoy a good snow storm and will regularly walk around my house and look out each window to enjoy the snowfall. (By the way, they are calling for 4-6 inches this evening and tonight!) This passion all started when I was an elementary student.

Here's my point. There is NO ONE else in my family that enjoys fishing or following the weather like I do. It was something that was cultivated within my being at an early age! Most of our desires and what we work towards as an adult starts out when we were younger children. That is why children's and youth ministry is so vital as it helps foster and develop each person's uniqueness and God-given talents. As a child, what mesmerized or made your mind race with excitement? I bet you are still passionate about that subject to this day!

Friday, February 14, 2014

What All Singles Should Know On Valentine's Day!

Let's face it: it's a couple's world. Most activities require two, four, six, or eight individuals. It's always an even number. Many times singles feel left in the dark. I remember, I once was there.
I can remember getting a host of invitations once I started dating Kim for fun "double dates." While receiving all of the invitations it hit me: "am I all of a sudden cooler or more hip now that I have a girlfriend? Why would people not invite me to activities when I was single?" While my friend's intentions were always noble it was easier and more natural for them to start inviting me once I had a girlfriend.
I made a resolution soon after dating Kim. I will always be on the look-out to include singles. The biggest and most memorable feeling I had as a single was of feeling left out or lonely.
Valentine's Day is hard for singles and for a number of other people for various reasons.

Here are some reasons that ALL singles should keep their heads up!

(All married couples should remember these principles too)
1. If you are a nobody without somebody; you will be a nobody with somebody! Work on and focusing on being the person God created you to be. Your worth does not come from who you are around, but from God.
2. You do not NEED to be in a dating relationship! Trust me, there are countless individuals who are single. When feeling lonely use that feeling to drive you to serve others. Use your extra time to serve others. I do not regret one moment that I had in serving people as a single youth pastor.
3. ENJOY the journey! Do not try to shortcut or manipulate your way into a relationship. Understand that God is working in your life and in your future spouse's. Allow Him to stir up those desires in that person whom you have a "crush" on.
Songs of Songs 3:5 "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires."
4. There is a feeling of JOY when God does fulfill a specific desire! When God responds in a powerful way to a request that you have, in His timing, there is a sense of joy and awe of God for His provision. Remember, it's worth waiting for the right thing!
Proverbs 13:12 "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
5. God talks the LOUDEST in the SILENCE! I will be honest. As a single youth pastor I spent countless hours in a fishing boat by myself talking, debating, crying out, and asking God questions. I came to appreciate the quietness and calm more than ever. God spoke to me innumerable times when it was just Him and I. Learn to enjoy those quiet times with God.

When it's the right person at the right time it's worth it!
To my forever bride, Kim!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Anxiety the PARALYZER!

I am an anxious person.

Does that statement surprise you? Most individuals who know me are generally surprised when they find out that I am an anxious person. As a high-school student I used to vomit due to nausea before every football game as I was anxious and nervous.  I have and continue to find ways to properly handle my anxiety.

- It’s estimated that 19 percent of the North American adult population (ages 18 to 54) experiences an anxiety disorder.
- Nearly one in three, 32 percent, say they worry “a lot” about losing their jobs.


1. Anxiety, or fear, will stop your growth as a person and as a human being if you let it. When you make decisions based off of your fear you generally sacrifice your long-term growth for a short-term fix.
2. Deep-seeded anxiety has roots in selfishness and control. Why are people anxious, because many times they are unable to control a particular situation. The opposite of anxiety is trust.
3. Habitual anxiety is sin and must be confronted and called as such.
4. People who are anxious have a problem focusing on anything on the horizon, except for the issue that is giving them stress. Anxiety can lead to bondage.
5. You can OVERCOME your fears and anxieties. It is possible.


1. Verbally and audibly pray for peace. God will give it to you!
Philippians 4:6-7 " Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
2. Work extra hard at pushing through your fears to accomplish what you KNOW God has called you to do! Focus on the motivation for pushing through your fears.
I John 4:18 "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
3. Find the right person who knows your anxieties to be a confidante and to give you good advice and to be a cheerleader for you to push through your fears! You are more likely to do the right thing when you are being properly affirmed!

Anxiety can lead to paralysis in your life. Do not let it. Trust in God and push through to live to your redemptive potential!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The NOT SO Serious - What I've Learned After Three Months of Marriage!

I have heard that it has been said that for many couples it takes five years together for true intimacy to develop. I believe this to be true because when two individuals come together it is like having two different worlds collide.

The goal is for the joining together, (collision), to be permanent and lasting. While we have had our share of difficulties I can honestly say that I love my wife more each day!

Kim and I's world officially and ceremonially collided on November 9th, 2013 and I'm glad they did!


Here is a list of the NOT SO Serious lessons that I've learned in almost three months of marriage!

1. When it comes to choosing between the cat and you.....the cat wins, every time!
2. Country music can wear off on you. I drove home from work the other day listening to country music and did not realize it until I got home!
3. You start liking some of the same TV Shows. Luckily, I haven't stooped to watching Reba yet (there is still hope).
4. I still have not learned my lesson about keeping the toilet seat up. See previous post.
5. Smiling while your spouse is upset is NEVER acceptable.
6. Never question the purchase of something that your wife thinks is vital (even if you don't).
7. Washing the dishes means making sure every noticeable stain or germ has been properly removed otherwise you will have to rewash.
8. Don't try and 'pump your wife up' to accomplish something. For some reason, women don't respond to pressure the same way guys do.
9. It is OK to eat leftover food in the fridge just be smart about giving your spouse a chance to eat what she thinks is valuable leftovers. The rule "No Name Fair Game" does not apply to the married couple's fridge.
10. Celebrate differences, life is too short to get annoyed by the little things. Your spouse is just as frustrated about certain things in YOU, yet loves you in spite of it!