Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Importance of Youth Ministry/A Teen's Concept of God

I love youth ministry. I love working with teenagers. I love watching teenagers grapple with and understand who God is. My love for youth ministry stems from my experience as a teenager.......

I believe that all teenagers undergo some type of crisis in which they start to 'doubt' conventional teaching and wisdom. This is normal and natural in a young persons faith development. What is most critical is that they have a Godly youth pastor/youth worker to help lead them through this difficult time in their faith journey. If a young person does not have a Godly person that comes alongside of them the effects of their evaluation of life may cause them to choose to 'believe in unbelief!'

There is growing research among Christians as to why individuals choose to become atheists. The conclusions are staggering:

- Most atheists at one time attended church as a child/young person
- Most atheists grew up in a church were the message and mission of the church was ambiguous and vague
- Most atheists adopted a concept and belief system of unbelief between the ages of 14-17

There is a term I stumbled upon called: "eleven year old atheism." Due to the fact that children's minds are developing rapidly at this age many have a contemporary crisis of faith as they try to harmonize their concept of literalness with an invisible God who is sovereign. In other words, as elementary children are transitioning into their teenage years they have lots of good questions concerning God as they develop in which they need appropriate answers AND someone to love on them!

The teenage years are critical in so many ways. The church of Jesus is just one generation away from extinction. We need Godly leaders to step up to the plate who will work with teenagers. It's hard work, and many teenagers literally stink as hormones are raging, but the pay-off of watching young people 'get it' and grasp the goodness of God is sooooo worth it! Will you stand in the gap!?!

Psalm 71:18
Even when I am old and gray,
    do not forsake me, my God,
till I declare your power to the next generation,
    your mighty acts to all who are to come.

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