Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Letter to My Daughter's Future Husband!

To the future husband of my daughter,
          Nothing brings me greater joy then to see God work in my daughter's life and to watch Him provide for her. Up until this moment I have been the primary source of God's provision for Charis. Now that source of care, comfort, and responsibility is shifting to you. Before I say anything else I want to let you know that I am FOR you! I want your marriage to be healthy and to be all that God intends a Christ-centered marriage to be. I will not meddle in your affairs. I will support you as the leader of your new household. I will not gossip or cut you down in front of my daughter. We are not a perfect family, but we are a praying family. My wife and I have been praying for you way before Charis was even born. To join this family you must realize that there will be heated discussion and arguments at times, (it was your decision to marry into this Italian family by the way), but that at the end of the day we respect each other and admit our shortcomings. 

        A person's last name is significant. My daughter has a full understanding of what it means to be a Cosentino. Very shortly she will be giving up her last name for your last name. Make sure that you uphold the dignity and honor of being a man and protect the legacy of your name and household. I expect you to be the gatekeeper of your home. To monitor what comes in and out and to protect my daughter and your family. You ARE the spiritual leader of your home. If you don't take up the mantle of spiritual leadership my daughter will do it in your stead, and will come to resent you for it. Charis is a natural leader. Use her giftedness to your advantage as a married team. Yet, you must be the spiritual head. You are the one to bravely lead her and your family into uncertainty as our world continues to grow dark. I can assure you that my daughter is not a quitter. She will not quit on your marriage. A Godly man never gives up. The Bible says that even though a Godly man falls seven times he gets back up again. We expect you to take risks, to make mistakes, and to struggle at times. You'll be measured by how well you get back up and try again!

        You won't understand this until you have a daughter of your own but just hear me out. Charis will always be "my little girl" and I'll always be her "Daddy." Nothing will change that. What will change is that you are now the "main man" in her life and that's a good thing. My wife and I are excited to have you as part of the family! 

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