Tuesday, May 29, 2018

How To Adopt A Giving Mentality!

Think of the person that you admire the MOST in life. My guess is that they are one of the most generous people that you know. Giving is naturally linked with personal satisfaction. When we as humans are self-indulgent we will eventually feel guilty, depressed, and worthless. BUT when we give of our time, talents, and resources to others we feel as though we have made a difference in our world. Simply put, giving helps us to find purpose above and beyond ourselves. 

Ecclesiastes 5:10 - Those who love money will NEVER have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness!

The question then arises: How can we adopt a giving mentality?

1) See giving as a "test" of what is in your heart! Jesus states that "wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be (Matthew 6:21)." Simply put, what you spend your money on shows what you care about in life! If someone would do an audit of your personal checking account it would become very obvious to them what you care about. If you care about others and truly want to find satisfaction in life you will give of your time, talent, and resources. If you are a Christian, giving shows that you truly believe in the promises of God that He will bless faithful givers. 

2) Give REGULARLY! The only way to adopt a giving mentality is to give regularly. Giving should become a habit. Habits become the fibers of our character or the very essence of our beings. Get in the habit of giving a regular percentage of your salary to church or other non for profit causes. Get in the habit of picking up the tab when you go out to lunch with someone. Get in the habit of going through your cell-phone and calling people who come to your attention who need help. The most generous people are so because they've been doing it regularly for awhile and have made giving a habit. 

3) SERVE! Serving and volunteering is simply another outward expression of giving. As a pastor the most important aspect to assimilate and help people become connected members of the local church is to get them to serve. When you serve you have ownership of a particular ministry or area. When you have ownership you have "skin in the game" and will really care about what you are investing time, energy, and resources towards. It's easy to write a check, but are you willing to roll up your sleeves too?

4) If you feel compelled to Give then GIVE! Many times God prompts our heart to give toward a cause or we feel like we need to give YET we rationalize why we shouldn't give. We move that prompting to the back of our mind and quickly forget about it. In general, a person has 10 seconds to act on a prompting or they never will. People who are generous not only give regularly but they give to needs that God brings across their radar and that tugs at their heart too!

I'm curious, what are some other ways in which YOU have seen in others or you are personally trying to adopt to help you become a more generous person?

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

How to determine your CALLING in life!

A person's calling is one of the least talked about and self reflected parts of our being. When I use the word "calling" I am referring to God's primary purpose and direction for one's life. A calling pushes you to give up short term satisfaction for long term gain. A calling helps determine everything in our lives!

For example, God has called me to be a husband and a father. There are many trying and difficult days when I don't feel like being a husband and a father. There are many days when my wife doesn't feel like being a wife or a mother. Why do we continue on? Because we are called by God to persevere in our marriage and with our family. We give up the short term satisfaction of quitting and moving on for the long term health and growth of each other and our family. 

I believe this with all of my heart; The greatest calling you need to answer in life is whether or not you'll accept Jesus as Savior! If you answer the call of God on  your heart then your entire life and perspective will change. 

I believe God has created every person to a unique calling and purpose in life. The question is: What is God calling YOU to do and to become? How can you determine the call of God in your life?

The answer: Pain. God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad for our greatest calling! Part of the reason we all have struggles in life is because God is using those struggles to perfect us and to refine our calling. Our pain can be someone else's gain! 

Think to yourself: In what areas have you experienced the most pain, grief, depression, or hurt? I know that God is calling you to use that for good. When we are weak then we are strong (because we have to rely upon God). When we are at our lowest God speaks to us the loudest. When we are unsure of our future God is calling us to persevere toward a brighter future. 

My guess is that you have something that God has laid upon your heart that you now feel called to do. Here's my advice: Stop talking yourself out of what God has called you to do! It's easy to rationalize or to let fear win the day. Don't play it safe. You my have failures in answering this call. Yet, just the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing God's will should be enough for you. Very few answer the call. Will you?

Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Letter to My Daughter's Future Husband!

To the future husband of my daughter,
          Nothing brings me greater joy then to see God work in my daughter's life and to watch Him provide for her. Up until this moment I have been the primary source of God's provision for Charis. Now that source of care, comfort, and responsibility is shifting to you. Before I say anything else I want to let you know that I am FOR you! I want your marriage to be healthy and to be all that God intends a Christ-centered marriage to be. I will not meddle in your affairs. I will support you as the leader of your new household. I will not gossip or cut you down in front of my daughter. We are not a perfect family, but we are a praying family. My wife and I have been praying for you way before Charis was even born. To join this family you must realize that there will be heated discussion and arguments at times, (it was your decision to marry into this Italian family by the way), but that at the end of the day we respect each other and admit our shortcomings. 

        A person's last name is significant. My daughter has a full understanding of what it means to be a Cosentino. Very shortly she will be giving up her last name for your last name. Make sure that you uphold the dignity and honor of being a man and protect the legacy of your name and household. I expect you to be the gatekeeper of your home. To monitor what comes in and out and to protect my daughter and your family. You ARE the spiritual leader of your home. If you don't take up the mantle of spiritual leadership my daughter will do it in your stead, and will come to resent you for it. Charis is a natural leader. Use her giftedness to your advantage as a married team. Yet, you must be the spiritual head. You are the one to bravely lead her and your family into uncertainty as our world continues to grow dark. I can assure you that my daughter is not a quitter. She will not quit on your marriage. A Godly man never gives up. The Bible says that even though a Godly man falls seven times he gets back up again. We expect you to take risks, to make mistakes, and to struggle at times. You'll be measured by how well you get back up and try again!

        You won't understand this until you have a daughter of your own but just hear me out. Charis will always be "my little girl" and I'll always be her "Daddy." Nothing will change that. What will change is that you are now the "main man" in her life and that's a good thing. My wife and I are excited to have you as part of the family!