Monday, August 8, 2016

How do you sum up NINE years of Youth Ministry?

This is my last week in full-time youth ministry. I have spent nine full years as a youth pastor. It's a surreal feeling that this is the end of my youth ministry career.

I became a youth pastor because I wanted to make a difference in young people's lives. I wanted to be a part of something that was bigger than myself. I've been blessed and privileged to work with some of the best teenagers and adults in the world. I took some time in my office to reflect. Here is the best way that I could summarize what these past nine years have meant.

- I've taken 672 students to the Momentum Youth Conference. I've seen teenagers break free from sins, make first time commitments to follow Jesus, and make decisions to go into full-time ministry. This conference has truly been a catalyst for spiritual growth not only in my life but in the students and adults who have gone as well.

- I've taken 334 students on various mission trips. I've taken students to the following places in the U.S. Canton, OH, Chicago, Philadelphia, Hamilton, OH, & Hyden, KY. I've taken students internationally to Haiti & Israel. I never went on a mission trip as a teenager, but learned the value of serving others and teaching people to be outward focused. I've slept next to a witch doctor's home, walked where Jesus walked, and served in the worst county to live in the United States. I've encountered heavy spiritual warfare and seen young people bring light to dark places.

- I was a senior leader of a 31 person summer ministry team called Operation Barnabas. I led in 2010 on Team Colonial. Operation Barnabas (OB) is a summer ministry training program that teaches young people how to evangelize, serve, and minister. Our group traveled up and down the Northeast coast. We did beach evangelism in Massachusetts, ran into a cult in New Hampshire, and did ministry in my backyard in South Central PA.

- I've had the privilege of baptizing over 100 teenagers. I've also seen these teenagers lead many of their friends and family to Jesus who then got baptized.

- I've seen at least 9 former students who are in full-time ministry or who are pursuing youth ministry. The church who doesn't produce a pastor doesn't deserve a pastor. It's been a joy calling others to be workers in God's harvest field.

- I have had cries of joy and shed tears of grief over decisions students have made. I truly do love my students and always will.

- I have officiated weddings of many former students. I have enjoyed sessions of pre-marital counseling. It's an honor to be in the background on people's special day.

- I have worked with incredible adult support staff. I believe that adults are the glue to any youth ministry. You are only as good as the adults you have on your team. I've worked with some of the best adult support staff.

- I moved from PA to Indiana as a naïve 22 year old. When you are investing your lives into people and doing what God wants you to do it's always worth it. I don't regret my decision and never will.

- My house has been used as a safe haven for young people. I've had the opportunity to hang with and give a bed to many a need teenager.

- I have drunk tons of Mountain Dew and lots of pizza at various hours of the night in the name of Jesus.

- I've added my wife to the mix as a ministry couple. We can do more for the name of Jesus together.

- Youth ministry is a true ministry field. Its' real hands on ministry and in my mind is where the battle of a church is won or lost. I never felt like I was following a lesser calling.

- I've officiated funerals of former students. You never think that this will happen, but it does. I consider these huge opportunities to love on families and to point people to Jesus. It's part of the reason why youth ministry is so crucial.

- I've been pranked more times than one can count. As a mischievous teenager who did the same to my youth pastor I can't say that I didn't deserve it!

- I bet you I've had to fundraise close to half a million dollars to help teenagers go to the Momentum Youth Conference, Operation Barnabas, mission trips, etc. Every cent and all the energy is worth it!

- I'll miss those one on one conversations with students after youth group. I'll miss visiting the local  middle/high-school cafeterias and talking with teenagers. I'll miss the energy and enthusiasm of teenagers. Simply put, I'll miss immersing my life with teenagers.

As my youth ministry career comes to a close I have a saying that will always ring true. Once a student of mine (you are) always close to my heart! I always love hearing from students and giving good advice when called upon. My time as a youth pastor has inspired me to keep my eyes fixed on finishing the ministry calling of my life until the end. It's not the end, just the beginning!

I went through my FB page and pulled up a few pictures from my youth ministry career. This is not an exhaustive list but each picture helps flesh out what nine years of youth ministry has entailed.

My latest trip to Hyden, of the most impactful trips of my youth ministry career!

I will miss visiting students at their school (like Izzy) on a regular basis!


I will always have a heart to develop leaders. Here's a picture of Nick (former intern) who I'm excited to see where God leads.

Feed My Starving Children!

All of these former students are 'killing it' in ministry!

I was a Jr. High intern and these two were some of my first students. Honor to officiate their wedding last year!

I'll miss food, conversations, and giggling with teenagers!

#PastorDansLastRide....wait, I'm back!

Buck Buck!

A parting gift of underwear since I 'supported' so many teens through the years!

Love hearing stories of changed lives and baptizing teenagers!


Most epic Sub-Zero Talent Show rendition ever!

Bible quizzing was influential in my life and in so many of my students!

Loved leading teenagers to be 'on mission'

Israel trip! A couple of us go to wrestle a few Bedouin's....or we talked a lot about it!

 During this Momentum every opening session interview was done by a member of our youth group!

Hamilton, OH & Pastor Jack was a great trip through the years!

Loved what God would do on retreats!

Team Colonial '10!

Food fight....that we promised we'd never do again. Teenagers literally puked.

Birthday party by my first group of Sr. Highers. This is when I knew I could make it as a youth pastor!

This car was known through town because it got TP'ed so much!

I've loved teaching and engaging teenagers with God's Word!

First Momentum Youth Conference as a youth pastor!

Slip N Slide Kickball fun!

Loved reaching out to the 'worst county in the US to live in' with groups through the years!

My last night at Momentum was accompanied by being thrown into a pond, shaving creamed, and made to wear this tiara. Quite fitting!

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