Monday, August 8, 2016

How do you sum up NINE years of Youth Ministry?

This is my last week in full-time youth ministry. I have spent nine full years as a youth pastor. It's a surreal feeling that this is the end of my youth ministry career.

I became a youth pastor because I wanted to make a difference in young people's lives. I wanted to be a part of something that was bigger than myself. I've been blessed and privileged to work with some of the best teenagers and adults in the world. I took some time in my office to reflect. Here is the best way that I could summarize what these past nine years have meant.

- I've taken 672 students to the Momentum Youth Conference. I've seen teenagers break free from sins, make first time commitments to follow Jesus, and make decisions to go into full-time ministry. This conference has truly been a catalyst for spiritual growth not only in my life but in the students and adults who have gone as well.

- I've taken 334 students on various mission trips. I've taken students to the following places in the U.S. Canton, OH, Chicago, Philadelphia, Hamilton, OH, & Hyden, KY. I've taken students internationally to Haiti & Israel. I never went on a mission trip as a teenager, but learned the value of serving others and teaching people to be outward focused. I've slept next to a witch doctor's home, walked where Jesus walked, and served in the worst county to live in the United States. I've encountered heavy spiritual warfare and seen young people bring light to dark places.

- I was a senior leader of a 31 person summer ministry team called Operation Barnabas. I led in 2010 on Team Colonial. Operation Barnabas (OB) is a summer ministry training program that teaches young people how to evangelize, serve, and minister. Our group traveled up and down the Northeast coast. We did beach evangelism in Massachusetts, ran into a cult in New Hampshire, and did ministry in my backyard in South Central PA.

- I've had the privilege of baptizing over 100 teenagers. I've also seen these teenagers lead many of their friends and family to Jesus who then got baptized.

- I've seen at least 9 former students who are in full-time ministry or who are pursuing youth ministry. The church who doesn't produce a pastor doesn't deserve a pastor. It's been a joy calling others to be workers in God's harvest field.

- I have had cries of joy and shed tears of grief over decisions students have made. I truly do love my students and always will.

- I have officiated weddings of many former students. I have enjoyed sessions of pre-marital counseling. It's an honor to be in the background on people's special day.

- I have worked with incredible adult support staff. I believe that adults are the glue to any youth ministry. You are only as good as the adults you have on your team. I've worked with some of the best adult support staff.

- I moved from PA to Indiana as a naïve 22 year old. When you are investing your lives into people and doing what God wants you to do it's always worth it. I don't regret my decision and never will.

- My house has been used as a safe haven for young people. I've had the opportunity to hang with and give a bed to many a need teenager.

- I have drunk tons of Mountain Dew and lots of pizza at various hours of the night in the name of Jesus.

- I've added my wife to the mix as a ministry couple. We can do more for the name of Jesus together.

- Youth ministry is a true ministry field. Its' real hands on ministry and in my mind is where the battle of a church is won or lost. I never felt like I was following a lesser calling.

- I've officiated funerals of former students. You never think that this will happen, but it does. I consider these huge opportunities to love on families and to point people to Jesus. It's part of the reason why youth ministry is so crucial.

- I've been pranked more times than one can count. As a mischievous teenager who did the same to my youth pastor I can't say that I didn't deserve it!

- I bet you I've had to fundraise close to half a million dollars to help teenagers go to the Momentum Youth Conference, Operation Barnabas, mission trips, etc. Every cent and all the energy is worth it!

- I'll miss those one on one conversations with students after youth group. I'll miss visiting the local  middle/high-school cafeterias and talking with teenagers. I'll miss the energy and enthusiasm of teenagers. Simply put, I'll miss immersing my life with teenagers.

As my youth ministry career comes to a close I have a saying that will always ring true. Once a student of mine (you are) always close to my heart! I always love hearing from students and giving good advice when called upon. My time as a youth pastor has inspired me to keep my eyes fixed on finishing the ministry calling of my life until the end. It's not the end, just the beginning!

I went through my FB page and pulled up a few pictures from my youth ministry career. This is not an exhaustive list but each picture helps flesh out what nine years of youth ministry has entailed.

My latest trip to Hyden, of the most impactful trips of my youth ministry career!

I will miss visiting students at their school (like Izzy) on a regular basis!


I will always have a heart to develop leaders. Here's a picture of Nick (former intern) who I'm excited to see where God leads.

Feed My Starving Children!

All of these former students are 'killing it' in ministry!

I was a Jr. High intern and these two were some of my first students. Honor to officiate their wedding last year!

I'll miss food, conversations, and giggling with teenagers!

#PastorDansLastRide....wait, I'm back!

Buck Buck!

A parting gift of underwear since I 'supported' so many teens through the years!

Love hearing stories of changed lives and baptizing teenagers!


Most epic Sub-Zero Talent Show rendition ever!

Bible quizzing was influential in my life and in so many of my students!

Loved leading teenagers to be 'on mission'

Israel trip! A couple of us go to wrestle a few Bedouin's....or we talked a lot about it!

 During this Momentum every opening session interview was done by a member of our youth group!

Hamilton, OH & Pastor Jack was a great trip through the years!

Loved what God would do on retreats!

Team Colonial '10!

Food fight....that we promised we'd never do again. Teenagers literally puked.

Birthday party by my first group of Sr. Highers. This is when I knew I could make it as a youth pastor!

This car was known through town because it got TP'ed so much!

I've loved teaching and engaging teenagers with God's Word!

First Momentum Youth Conference as a youth pastor!

Slip N Slide Kickball fun!

Loved reaching out to the 'worst county in the US to live in' with groups through the years!

My last night at Momentum was accompanied by being thrown into a pond, shaving creamed, and made to wear this tiara. Quite fitting!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Storybook Ending to My Last Momentum (As A Youth Pastor)

This past Saturday night was truly a storybook ending to my experience as a youth pastor at the Momentum Youth Conference.

At the end of our youth group time the students took over to share stories/remembrances of my time as their youth pastor. As a youth pastor I always struggle with thoughts and questions concerning my ministry effectiveness. Am I properly modeling certain aspects of the Christian walk well? Are my teenagers and adults catching anything? Am I making a difference in people's lives?

During the sharing time I was blessed hearing a number of different testimonies and praises. I was able to take a quick look during the sharing time at a youth leader sitting next to me and he whispered; "it stuck!" Stories and thoughts shared from that night will motivate me for years to finish the ministry race well.

To top the night off I was picked up and carried to a pond at Cedarville University and was made to 'walk the plank.' Luckily, a number of teenagers jumped in with me. When we came out I was doused with tons of shaving cream. It was a great send off.

Nine years ago our youth group threw a student named Josh into that exact pond during the Momentum Youth Conference. Everything had come full circle. It was now my time to be thrown into that pond.

I thank God for my time spent serving as a youth pastor, especially during the Momentum Youth Conference week. There was no other way I'd love to go out, wet & blessed!

I smelled like pond water for days.....but it was worth it!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Story of the Birth of Legacy Church (Kendallville, IN)

Awhile back my wife and I saw the movie 'McFarland USA' together. In that move Kevin Costner moves his family to Mcfarland, California into a poverty stricken Latino community as a high-school teacher. His goal is to move his family out of the community as soon as possible once he builds up his credentials. In the end he develops a world class cross country team that brings hope to the community. When it comes time to accept offers from other schools he decides to stay and to raise his family in that community. His cross country teams continued to be the best in the country for years and he learned to love the people in that area.

After watching movies my wife and I like to critique them. I asked my wife what she thought of that particular movie. After hearing her thoughts I said: "I think God is calling us to a needy area. I think He could be calling us back to Kendallville!" My wife exclaimed: I didn't get any of that out of the movie! I love her for her candor.

This brought us to a place of praying, searching, and seeking God's will. After feeling a sense of God calling us to take a step of faith I contacted a number of close friends and mentors to pray with us. I decided to take steps of faith to see if God was calling us back to Kendallville, IN. He has made it CLEAR that He is calling my family back to the area.

First, I contacted three men (all former students in Kendallville, IN) and shared with them my heart of what I thought God was calling us to do. My desire was for us to be a team. Within time all three of them agreed that they felt that God was calling us to do this. All of these men have grown up in Kendallville, IN and have a heart for the people that live there. Two of them moved back into the area. I believe these men to be some of the best leaders that I know. The three men are:

Josh Leonhardt - Worship - Moved from Laporte, IN
Logan Conley - Youth/Children - Move from Philadelphia, PA
Zach McCue - Discipleship

Second, I started praying for God to give us a free building. All we had was a dream. I prayed for a month (telling no one) and received a phone message from a close friend who knew of a storefront that was available. Long story short we are leasing this storefront on Main Street (rent free) and it's a perfect location for offices, meetings, and outreaches to the community.

Third, we knew we needed a place to meet on Sunday Mornings. Through a casual conversation the Kendallville YMCA opened up it's doors for our church to meet there. The YMCA board gave unanimous approval for our group to meet there on Sundays. We will have nursery, children's, and adult worship space!

If that wasn't enough Youth For Christ contacted us as they have a number of middle-schoolers who hang out in the YMCA's youth room. Due to our connections and heart, Logan Conley, has been hired as the Youth For Christ Middle School Director and will run youth ministries out of the YMCA.

Before we knew that we were going to be meeting in the YMCA and Logan was going to be hired at Youth For Christ he purchased a home in Kendallville. You won't believe me but his house is on a street that connects the YMCA to the middle-school! His house is perfectly positioned for his family to make a difference in the lives of teenagers.

As we continued to move forward many people heard of what God was calling us to do. We have an incredible launch team with close to 100 people involved who are passionate about reaching the town of Kendallville, IN for Jesus.

If that wasn't enough Legacy Church saw it's first person come to know Jesus! My wife's step grandfather who is 92 years old has recently accepted the Lord and will be at our first launch service on 9-11 of this year! It'll be one of his first church services he's ever attended since a child. It's a remarkable story of God being gracious for 92 years!

If I had more time I could elaborate on how God is providing for us financially or about countless God conversations with other people. God's providing for us in unimaginable ways.

This chain of events make it super clear that God wants us to launch Legacy Church this Fall. Everything we asked for God gave us even more than we asked or imagined!

Some ways in which I get excited about our church plant is that:

- It started with prayer and seeking God
- The staff leadership team are men that I love, admire, and respect
- We have incredible lay leadership
- We have some incredible buildings in the Kendallville area in which we can be a blessing to the community and hold services
- Our launch team is HUNGRY
- Kendallville is open to the gospel. 70.9% of the people that live in Noble County have no religious affiliation. Our goal is to reach the unreached.
- We desire to be a multiplying church that reproduces
- We have developed a path of discipleship that will effectively help people spiritually grow
- We have a multi-generational launch team with people ranging from 1 years old up to 92 years old

We are excited to hold our first service as a church on 9-11 @ 10 AM at the Kendallville YMCA!

I have NO CLUE what the future holds for Legacy Church. All I know is that God is behind it. If God is behind it than I want to be a part of it. We can't wait to be a church that leaves a positive legacy for generations in the Kendallville, IN area and beyond. We invite you to be a part of it!

Make sure you take time to 'Like' our Legacy Church Kendallville FB Page!

We helped unload Logan & Jessica Conley's stuff a month ago when they moved from Philadelphia, PA. This is our team commissioning them and their home!

A picture of me signing the lease for the YMCA which will be our Sunday Morning home!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

One of My Top 5 Worst Life Experiences - Wisdom Teeth

A few days ago I was thinking about my recovery process regarding getting my wisdom teeth extracted. I compared it to some of my other personal life experiences. I came to the conclusion that the process of getting my wisdom teeth out was one of my top 5 worst life experiences. What are my other worst life you go (in order):

1. Failed engagement/Dating break-ups
2. Kidney Stone
3. Open dislocation of the bone in my right ring finger
4. Wisdom teeth
5. Infection in my leg as an elementary student

Wisdom Teeth Extraction & Recovery Story

I opted to not get my wisdom teeth out unless it was necessary. A few months ago I started developing soreness on my jaw around where my wisdom teeth were located. In addition to that I developed sacs of fluid in certain areas where my wisdom teeth were causing issues. I was not one of the lucky ones.....I needed to get my wisdom teeth out.

On the day of my surgery the oral surgeon made it clear that my surgery was going to be a little more intense than most. Due to my age (31) and to how deep my wisdom teeth were impacted it would make this surgery harder than normal. My upper left wisdom tooth was extremely deep and close to my sinuses. My lower right wisdom tooth was deep and was sitting on my jaw nerve.

Toward the end of the surgery my wife was called to the operating room where one of the nurses explained that since my lower right wisdom tooth was so deep it had caused some complications in the removal process. Simply put, they though that they had broke or fractured my jaw and were doing X-rays to see. Luckily, my jaw was not broken. One of the few things that went right.

Upon release my wife rushed me home and left to try and get liquid medicine. Unfortunately, she did not return by the time my medication had worn off. I was crying when she returned and blubbering statements such as "why did you leave me?" (At this time I can laugh over this situation....but it still may be a bit fresh for my wife ;)

The next four days I slept 16-18 hours a day due to the pain and drowsiness of the medication. I even had blood gush from my nose as they had to crush my upper wisdom teeth since they were so close to my sinuses. Simply sitting up caused me to be nauseous. By the weekend I was feeling a bit better, but could not sit or stand up. I was finally able to get on my feet six days after my surgery.

In the aftermath I lost 8 pounds in 8 days. A silver lining through this trying endeavor. I was only able to eat soft foods for quite some time.

As I look back on this story one pervasive theme has emerged. I'm so glad that Kim was around to take care of me. Within the past 2.5 years of our marriage my wife has had to take care of me as I've had a kidney stone and had a traumatic wisdom teeth surgery. In addition, I've had the opportunity to pay the favor back through the difficult pregnancy of our daughter Charis. I'm thankful that marriage is about teamwork. I don't think either of us would have made it without each other.

How was your wisdom teeth surgery? Would you recommend getting them out early or risking it like I did?
Two Words: Never Again!

What I've Learned at Grace Community Church (Goshen, IN)

In Acts 17:26 the apostle Paul states that "God determines the exact times and set places for people to live." Therefore, part of God's purpose in my family's life was to serve and grow together with the people at Grace Community Church these past three years. It's been quite the learning experience and I can't say enough good stuff about the staff and people at Grace. I took some time to reflect today on all that I've learned these past three years.

What I've Learned at Grace Community Church (Goshen, IN)

1. Team Dynamics - I had the opportunity to be a part of a dynamic pastoral team at Grace. "If you want to do it right go by yourself...if you want to go far do it as a team." I was sharpened and challenged more by the pastoral team at Grace than with any other pastoral team I've served with.

2. Don't Over Program - As a high level planner I was challenged to not over program and to leave room for spontaneity and the Holy Spirit to work. Things can change and happen very quickly so pay attention and use daily situations to move your group accordingly.

3. You Can Do More Than You Think - The pace of office life is very quick but you can do more than you think. When you are leaning on the Holy Spirit, being sharpened daily, and seeing life change it motivates you to press on and storm the gates of hell.

4. Youth Ministry is ALWAYS Where It's At - Working with young people has brought such joy, energy, and relevancy to my life. Regardless of my age, I will continue to invest into young people.

5. Don't Say Someone's 'No' For Them - Many times people or volunteers don't help or serve because they don't get asked. We have not because we ask not. I was reminded that even if you expect a no you need to ask. You are offering people to join a life changing mission. Never be afraid or timid about asking people to join.

6. Never Lose Sight of Reaching Lost People - I've never been a part of a group of believers so committed to reaching people who don't know Jesus. Evangelism is the engine that drives Grace Community Church.

7. People, People, People - At the end of the day it's people that matter. I've formed some life-long friends. I've met some of the greatest people on earth and know their names and their stories. I thank God for the people of Grace Community Church!

8. Don't Be Afraid to Call Out Men - Men need to be challenged and held to a high standards as the leader's of their home. Grace is not afraid to call men to a higher standard of living as Christ followers.

9. Give Invitations - Many people just need an opportunity to make a commitment or put a stake in the ground. Don't be afraid to have public invitations and invite people to join what God is laying on their heart and make a commitment.

10. Say Thanks - Thanks to Jim Brown who took a shot on hiring me as youth pastor. Thanks to an incredible pastoral team that spoke truth into my life. Thanks to an incredible adult youth team that loved on teenagers. Thanks to the teenagers of Axis youth ministries for the privilege of being your youth pastor. Thank you to Grace Community Church for allowing me to hone my gifts and talents (and for putting up with me!)

The greatest thing I take with me to Kendallville, IN is Grace Community Church!

Many Of The Teens I'll Miss...But Excited to See Where God Leads Axis!

First Axis Youth Event Three Years Ago!