Monday, April 20, 2015

Think You Can't Climb a Mountain......Than Don't Read this Post!

How do you climb a mountain? Take a step followed by another step in the right direction.

How do you build ministries/organizations/groups that thrive? Take a step followed by another step in the right direction.

In my experience there are many people with great intentions and big dreams. Few of these dreams ever become realities. What happens to all of these dreams? Simply put, the task looks too daunting so people never take a step in fulfilling their dreams.

Think about any regret you have in life. Chances are good that you have that regret because of something that you did NOT do that you wish you should have done. Don't come to the end of your life with these types of regrets. Here are some steps to building things that thrive:

1. Take the first step. You climb a mountain one step at a time and you build a house one brick at a time. Don't over analyze the situation and talk yourself out of it. Take the first step!

2. You can go further than you think. With the right motivation a woman can pick up a tree that is about to crush her child. Your body and your mind can do more than you realize. Push yourself.

3. Build something that you are passionate about. Do something that gives you purpose and meaning. Otherwise your motivation will fizzle.

4. Get others on board with you. If you want to do something right do it alone, if you want to go far do it with others!

5. Take Risks. Nothing great can about without some risk involved. If you play it safe you will always be mediocre at best.

6. Reinforce your values regularly. People forget quickly. Reinforce the values and vision to your group constantly so people know what direction you are heading.

7. Never become complacent. Complacency kills. If your group is complacent start a fire. Maintain a sense of urgency.

8. Never stop dreaming. The day we stop believing in "what could be" we settle for "what is."

9. Define reality. If your group is moving in the wrong direction than be honest and open about it. Unity does not require uniformity.

10. Pray for God's unmerited favor. Unless the Lord builds the house the laborer's labor in vain! (Psalm 127:1).

So mountain climbers....any other steps that I left out?

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