Monday, January 19, 2015

ReBOOT Retreat Recap

I love events that force people to live and to do life together (even if it's just for a weekend)!
This past weekend we sent a group of teenagers and adults to our first ever Reboot retreat at the JJ Resort in Michigan. Shawn Mcbride was our guest speaker.
We had a great time and saw God move amongst our teenagers!

Here's why Reboot was impactful and memorable:

1. We had 4 students make decisions to follow Jesus!
2. Our students really 'clicked' relationally and grew together as a group. Deep and meaningful relationships were forged.
3. We got buy-in from our teenagers that went. This was THEIR event as opposed to joining up with another group.
4. Shawn Mcbride did one of the BEST jobs as a retreat speaker that I have seen. He challenged our teenagers to 'reboot and go against the current' to make 2015 the best year ever!
5. Our Talent Show was not only fun but some hidden talent was exposed (especially vocally) in which I can tap into later. Leaders are talent scouts and I found some new talent to develop!
6. Our praise band, led by Jeremy Byng, did an excellent job of making their worship sets connect with our teenagers.
7. Indoor water park in winter, need I say more?
8. Hearing from a student: "This was the best weekend ever" is encouraging, especially because this weekend connected that student to Jesus!
9. Ministry is happening even after the event. I am receiving and hearing messages of students and leaders praying and doing ministry long after the event 'officially' was over. This is the mark of a truly great event.
10. The stage was set for a better Reboot Retreat next year. Momentum was gained and an anticipation earned by those who have gone to come and bring a friend next year!
Great group of teens and leaders!

May this be our heart and expression of worship every day!

 Our band was awesome!

4 students made a decision for Jesus!

We ended our retreat with prayer! It started AND ended with PRAYER!

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