I guess I have to be honest. This topic may 'not' be as important as advertised but I think it's worth reflecting on a bit. Seriously, who doesn't like chiming in on this debate over pet preference!?!
I am not an animal/pet person at all. My wife is a cat person. When I got married I not only added my wife to the equation but also adopted her cat, named Hunter.
Hunter and I have a volatile relationship to say the least. She has anxiety and I like to instigate which is not a good scenario. One minute I will be petting and playing with her and the next she will be hissing and growling at me. Such is the life of adopting a hyper anxious cat.
Now for the moment of absolute truth. Believe it or not, I'd actually rather have a cat than a dog. (Yes, I know many of you may be asking that my man card get revoked). I think I'd rather have a cat since I've always grown up with cats in my home as a child and dogs were never allowed. Plus, cats in general can take care of themselves and need minimal upkeep.
Some interesting research has also been conducted concerning dog and cat owners.
Simply put the following was found to be true:
1. Cat owners are more intelligent than dog owners.
2. Dog owners are more outgoing and extroverted than cat owners.
3. More people want to be dog owners (60% would rather own a dog, 11% a cat, and 29% liked both equally)
Which just goes to show that our society is full of people who'd rather be dumb and have a good time than be intelligent prudes. (I say this completely tongue in cheek!)
Not all comparisons in life have cat owners coming out on top! In fact, approximately ten years ago a generalization was made regarding comparing dog and cat theology.
Both cat and dog theology compared dogs and cats with their relationship to their owners.
Cat Theology is more stuck up because when cat owners provide for them cats can come to the conclusion that they must be God and deserve all that was given to them. Cats are generalized as being arrogant and prissy.
Dog Theology is more humble and lowly because when dog owners provide for them dogs are more grateful and look up to their owners much in the same way as we should look up to God. Dogs are generalized as being honorable and loyal.
In your relationship to God, the author posits, are you more like a cat or a dog?
Since the jury is out and research and comparisons abound my question to you is: Are you a dog or a cat person and WHY!?!
A Picture of my wife's cat, Hunter.
Notice I said 'my' wife's cat instead of 'our' cat ;)
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