Friday, May 9, 2014

I will never understand why people UNDERESTIMATE and UNDERVALUE teenagers!

Teenagers may be the most underutilized group of persons on this planet!

Let's face it, the secular world understands the power of reaching teenagers; that is why the entertainment and advertisement industry is geared toward influencing teenagers. If you can reach a teenager you can set them on a path for the rest of their lives! Not only that, but you will have the opportunity to influence those that come after them as well!

Why are many teenagers sitting on the bleachers in most churches, schools, and organizations? Teenagers are a force to be reckoned with. The question is are you going to harness that energy in a positive direction or a negative one? The choice is yours.

I was reminded of the potential power of teenagers this past week in a couple of different ways.

1. I spoke at a youth retreat, the Canton Grace Brethren Retreat, this past Saturday. It was a pleasure partnering with my parent's church and be a blessing to them because my parents have invested so heavily into my spiritual development. I could tell that there were a few teenage boys that were the typical "restless" type. They were chatting back and forth, tossing a pen, and of course were sitting in the front row. In one minute I had quietly resolved the situation by taking the pen from one of the young men while continuing naturally and in flow with my teaching. (The young man who gotten the pen taken away quietly under his breath said -"sorry". He definitely got my point in that I wanted to communicate something important and needed his attention). From that point on the students were taking notes, glued in, and wanted to learn. By the end of the second session I fielded deep, probing, theological, and complex questions. The questions the students were asking were the same that many adults are asking. If harnessed correctly teenagers have some serious brain power.

2. This past week has been a huge fundraising week for our teenagers as we work at raising funds to go to the Momentum Youth Conference. The teens here worked hard this past Sunday in making 300 pizzas and in setting up and helping with our Flower Fundraiser as a semi load of flowers was delivered on Tuesday. Teenagers like to be busy and do things so give them opportunities to serve!

Youth ministry is not a baby sitting job!
It's about seeing the potential in young people and getting the most out of them because you know they can do it.

It was great receiving a prayer blessing after teaching teenagers at the Metamorphosis Retreat this past Saturday!

Hard working teenagers making pizzas to be sold at church this past Sunday. We sold over 300 pizzas!

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