Friday, April 18, 2014

What's so 'GOOD' about GOOD FRIDAY?

Today is Good Friday.

I decided to do some basic web searching as to how Good Friday got it's name. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of reliable information as to the historicity and development concerning the naming of Good Friday.

Simply put, Good Friday is good because Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world. Another name for Good Friday is Holy Friday.

I took a few brief moments to ponder the wonderment of the cross this afternoon. Here is why Good Friday is Good:

1. Without the cross there would be no resurrection!
2. The cross is the pinnacle whereby all prophecy leads and is fulfilled! (i.e. Daniel 9:26)
3. God's love is on full display that He would turn his back on His Son that he Had known intimately since eternity past!
4. The compassion of Jesus is made known through his gracious and merciful words while being tortured and killed!
5. Satan strikes Jesus a fatal blow but Jesus has won the final victory forever! Game, set, match!
6. Christianity is unique and unlike any other religious system in that God cares so much for humankind that he would die for it!
7. Jesus got to finalize his mission on earth. He is the perfect example all the way from birth until he states: "It Is Finished."
8. The character of humility goes from being mocked to seen as where one's true strength lies!
9. Jesus' death had to happen for us to be given a Counselor, the gift of the Holy Spirit!


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