Monday, March 17, 2014


"You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family." Luckily for me, God knows what is best because He specifically placed me into an incredible family!

As a three year old my world was rocked when my parents brought home a baby sister. Within the next few years my mind was boggled that this other sibling was created differently than me. I could not understand why my sister had different body parts, acted differently, and was more emotionally wired.

As time moved on and other young brothers came along it was easy to try and mold and treat my sister like another brother. People generally try to change others to fit a mold within their perspective  that is like them.

As I look back now I'm glad that God blessed me with a younger sister that is different than me. Her skills and giftedness have been a blessing to meMarianne has helped me to shop for clothes, discuss relationship problems, and has always been around as a support system throughout the years.

She has endured endless pranks, countless sporting events, and manly body odors and jokes. She is a gifted connector of people and knows how to have some fun! She is an inspiration as she works hard to eat healthy and runs frequently!

I don't even think of March 17th as Saint Patrick's Day because it has a greater meaning within my life. March 17th is more importantly my sister Marianne's birthday!

Happy Birthday Marianne! I LOVE YOU and am so glad God put you in my life.

Proverbs 7:4 - Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” and to insight, “You are my relative.” The point here is of proximity. It's important to be close to wisdom as well as your sister!

Happy Birthday Marianne! As you can tell from this picture us Cosentino men need you!

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