Monday, December 29, 2014

If I DIED Today...............

More than two thirds, namely 68%, of the United States population is AFRAID of death!
Many people suppress their fear of death. Instead of addressing their inner emotions, thoughts, and beliefs at a funeral they bottle them up. In many instances, its felt that it's easier to not address such a difficult topic. Therefore, reflection or meditation concerning death and the after life gets left unresolved.
In fact, the first person I ever got to seriously talk about Jesus with was a young man who was terrified about death. He was having dreams about what death would entail and what would happen to his soul afterwards. 
Unfortunately, people can not ignore death.
We are reminded of death frequently. All living things die, including animals.
My first memorable encounter with death was as a six year old. A neighborhood friend, whose house I would frequently visit, was swimming off the shore of Lake Erie. (I lived approximately two blocks away from the lake). A rip current dragged him under where he then drowned. Both of his parents where deaf and were extremely loud and emotional when I visited before the funeral. Afterwards, I can remember being shook up and somber. In fact, that same somber mood impacts me today when I am at a funeral. Whether I am just another congregant or am the officiant a funeral instantly makes me reflective and somber.
Simply put, instead of ignoring death or the thought of your funeral let me encourage you to take the initiative to ponder your views and beliefs of the cause of death and the after life.
Here's why:
1. It will give you purpose! We plan everything in our lives far out in advance such as our retirement and work backwards making concrete steps and goals along the way. Why not do this with our very lives?
As a pastor and officiant of funerals the funerals that are the easiest are of people who lived their lives fully for Jesus and it was known to others. Don't make the pastor lie at your funeral. Live your life with intentionality!
2. It will give you peace! You do not have to live in fear. You do not have to live with a sense of trying to selfishly horde everything in this life as many do. You can have a peace which many do not have.
3. It will give you clarity! Instead of running and hiding from death you will be able to express your beliefs and views with clarity and conciseness. Trust me, people will curiously listen to others who are well studied on the after life!
4. It will give you hope! Without hope there is no motivation or desire to continue on. When there is hope beyond the grave it gives us meaning in our lives that there is something greater in our future.
5. It will give your family closure! Don't be a jerk and leave your family to do all of the funeral arrangements. Be proactive and plan key components of your funeral today. (I have different files/vidoes on my computer in which I want to be shared at my funeral as I do not want just any bozo to officiate my funeral).
6. It will make you pleasant to be around! You will quickly recognize that every day and everything given in that day is a gift from God. You will become a more generous and thankful person to be around as you will see God's goodness more clearly.
7. It helps us ponder the deeper things of life! "It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart." (Ecclesiastes 7:2).

When I look back on my life I can honestly say that I've lived a FULL life and am blessed. I also want to make sure that my final days are not wasted! What are you doing with your time? Are you AFRAID of DEATH!?!
Psalm 90:10, 12
Our days may come to seventy years,
    or eighty, if our strength endures;
yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow,
    for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
Teach us to number our days,
    that we may gain a heart of wisdom.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Do NOT make the MISTAKE of FOCUSING solely on the PAST this CHRISTMAS!

When Jesus was born the whole world missed it!
God had made it extremely clear that He was going to send His Son. For example, His coming was prophesied down to the exact day in Daniel 9. It was prophesied as to where He was to be born in Micah 5. God had not spoken directly through His prophets for 400 years before Jesus. This time period in history is known as the "Silent Years". The reason God did this was to usher in a dramatic pause for the coming of Jesus.
The Jews should have known the exact day and town where Jesus was born. They should have been filled with anticipation and excitement as God was directly intervening with man after a 400 year hiatus and yet they missed it!
Why did the Jews miss it?
The Jews missed Jesus because they were too focused on what God had done in the past. They were trying to relive the glory years under King David. While under Roman suppression they forgot to live in the present and look towards the future so they turned to the past.
Do NOT make that same mistake this Christmas!
It's easy to spend time being thankful for the birth of Jesus this Christmas. It's appropriate to share what God did this past year around the Christmas table, but do not stop there!
Since Christ came to earth we can not only reflect on God's goodness in the past but on His goodness in the future! He came once and is coming again!
Here's just an idea this Christmas. While you are going around the family Christmas dinner table sharing what you are thankful for this past year ALSO share how you have hope this next year!
The way in which Christmas gets presented many times is not wrong, just incomplete!
Through the birth of Jesus we have hope and thankfulness in our past, present, and future circumstances. Start celebrating Christmas with hope and a watchful eye towards the future.
Jesus came as a baby the first time, but He will be riding a war horse the next time! There is victory and hope for the future's of all those in Christ Jesus! Let's celebrate Christmas that way too!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Where are your EYES when you WORSHIP?

Just wondering, how many of you have seriously ever considered THIS question!?!
When you attend a worship service and are singing, where are your eyes?
Sometimes, and too often, I find myself looking and surveying other people when they worship.
Thoughts can quickly fill my thinking such as:
1. Some people are 'show boating' and are too expressive in their worship!
2. Some people have so much garbage going on in their lives how can they even worship God with how they've been treating each other and Him?
3. Do these people even have a basic understanding of who God is? How can they worship the One whom they do not even know?
This type of thinking can quickly lead to hypocritical thinking because it misses the mark or aim of our worship.
Paul says it best: We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. (2 Corinthians 10:12).
Simply put, when our eyes become focused on watching other people we can start measuring and comparing ourselves to them. In essence, we can quickly become prideful because we feel we have more of a 'right' to worship then they do. This is unwise, because our focus should always be on Jesus!
I have concluded that people will use different expressions of worship and this is solely between them and God. My focus should not be on what they are or are not doing.
When I worship I focus my eyes on one of two places. Focus on looking at and thinking about the lyrics of the song you are singing and how they impact your walk with Jesus or look up/heavenward and think about your relationship with Jesus. Either way my eyes are above the congregants below!
Next time you are singing in church take time to think about where your eyes are! If they are focused on other people it may be because you have become proud. Focus them higher on the words on the screen OR towards the roof as you focus on Christ!
Thoughts!?! Agree?


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Are you a CAT person or a DOG person? Why this topic is MORE important than you REALIZE!

I guess I have to be honest. This topic may 'not' be as important as advertised but I think it's worth reflecting on a bit. Seriously, who doesn't like chiming in on this debate over pet preference!?!
I am not an animal/pet person at all. My wife is a cat person. When I got married I not only added my wife to the equation but also adopted her cat, named Hunter.
Hunter and I have a volatile relationship to say the least. She has anxiety and I like to instigate which is not a good scenario. One minute I will be petting and playing with her and the next she will be hissing and growling at me. Such is the life of adopting a hyper anxious cat.
Now for the moment of absolute truth. Believe it or not, I'd actually rather have a cat than a dog. (Yes, I know many of you may be asking that my man card get revoked). I think I'd rather have a cat since I've always grown up with cats in my home as a child and dogs were never allowed. Plus, cats in general can take care of themselves and need minimal upkeep.
Some interesting research has also been conducted concerning dog and cat owners.
Simply put the following was found to be true:
1. Cat owners are more intelligent than dog owners.
2. Dog owners are more outgoing and extroverted than cat owners.
3. More people want to be dog owners (60% would rather own a dog, 11% a cat, and 29% liked both equally)
Which just goes to show that our society is full of people who'd rather be dumb and have a good time than be intelligent prudes. (I say this completely tongue in cheek!)
Not all comparisons in life have cat owners coming out on top! In fact, approximately ten years ago a generalization was made regarding comparing dog and cat theology.
Both cat and dog theology compared dogs and cats with their relationship to their owners.
Cat Theology is more stuck up because when cat owners provide for them cats can come to the conclusion that they must be God and deserve all that was given to them. Cats are generalized as being arrogant and prissy.
Dog Theology is more humble and lowly because when dog owners provide for them dogs are more grateful and look up to their owners much in the same way as we should look up to God. Dogs are generalized as being honorable and loyal.
In your relationship to God, the author posits, are you more like a cat or a dog?
Since the jury is out and research and comparisons abound my question to you is: Are you a dog or a cat person and WHY!?!

A Picture of my wife's cat, Hunter.
Notice I said 'my' wife's cat instead of 'our' cat ;)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Why Thanksgiving Should be Re-Named! This article could change your Thanksgiving rituals!

I believe that Thanksgiving should undergo a name change. What Thanksgiving stood for is no longer connoted in it's name. A seismic shift in meaning has happened and it's been apparent throughout the past decade.

Historically, Thanksgiving started and looks back to when some of the first Pilgrim settlers gave thanks to God for a great harvest that would save a tiny fledgling colony that winter. Since starting to be recognized as a national holiday Thanksgiving has, until recent times, been about the following:

1. Contentment - We have received more than we need or deserve. We have an opportunity to celebrate the abundance of our lives or the simple fact that God has been merciful and good to us.
2. Outward focused - Our gratitude is to God for His goodness and the Thanksgiving holiday is about spending time with family and friends.

With individualism and consumerism taking root within the hearts and minds of our country it has become apparent that Thanksgiving has changed. Thanksgiving is now about the following:

1. Entitlement - Since we have received more than we need or deserve than we must be fairly special. Therefore, it's perfectly alright to over eat on Thanksgiving day. The abundance and excess are seen as things that have come primarily from our hard work than from being given by a good and gracious God.
2. Inward focused - Thanksgiving is more about meeting our own personal needs and desires in making us happy. It's about eating good food and shopping early for the best prices.

When I was a child, Black Friday, started early on Friday morning. Now, Black Friday shopping starts as early as 6 PM in some stores on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is more about consumption and filling our bellies and buying gifts than in about contentment and remembrance to God for His goodness.

While I am not against Black Friday shopping (my wife goes every year). I do believe that families need to set up roadblocks to ensure that a wholesome family atmosphere is enhanced at Thanksgiving, otherwise consumerism will ruin your family holidays.

Here are some suggestions for you to put into place this Thanksgiving:

1. Turn off all cell phones when you meet as a family. Spend actual time together.
2. Don't spend more money than you budgeted on gifts on Black Friday. Trust me, good deals happen year round. You can even save time and shop online now too.
3. Share stories or events from this past year that you are thankful for as a family BUT make sure you focus on sharing stories of God's goodness and not about your own self-righteousness.
4. Family time is the priority not shopping time. Don't leave your family get together just so you can stand in a long line outside of Target.
5. Tell your parents and grandparents you love them and are thankful for them. If nothing else, honor your family members at Thanksgiving. You will be glad you did!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Do YOU Raise Your Hands in Worship? Thoughts on Why Some Do and Other's Don't!

I grew up in a relatively fundamentalist church. I use the word relative because fundamentalist has the connotation in mainstream society of extreme conservatism. My church was not extreme, but it was fairly conservative. The pastor preached from the New King James Version. You could wear jeans to church (but it was frowned upon). Upbeat music was considered acoustic guitar and vocals.

Lastly, you could raise your hands in worship (but few did). I can remember conversations with people in the church about hand raising. Those that raised their hands during worship in the church were allowed because it wasn't anti-Biblical, BUT (an underlying thought of those who weren't raising there hands was that the hand raisers were making a scene and were trying to garner attention to themselves through their expressions of worship).

As always our past church experience is a contributing factor to our actions and beliefs of today. Once I hit my teenage years I went from listening to Maranatha Praise and Worship to Christian hip-hip, rock, and even screamer music. It was a counteractive pendulum swing from the traditional and conservative worship styles I grew up with. To this day I love loud edgy contemporary music.

While I love contemporary music I could never get over the hurdle of raising my hands in worship. Maybe I don't raise my hands because there are some psychological barriers that were set-up in my brain as a child? Maybe I don't raise my hands because (for me) I find myself thinking more about the gesture and less about the words and heart of worship I am trying to communicate to my Savior? Whatever the reasons, the most I will generally do with my hands is gently beat them over my chest in rhythm with the bass and beat of the music. During worship services this is what best resonates and connects me to God.

Do you think your current worship style and worship expressions on Sunday Mornings has a lot to do with your past experiences?

I do believe that people are given freedom to be expressive in their worship. You are free to raise your hands, kneel, or close your eyes. You are also free not to do those gestures.

Jesus tells the woman at the well that God's people will "worship in Spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). In our current church contexts we define styles of worship with this verse. Churches that are Spirit churches tend to be characterized as hand-raising or more charismatic churches. Truth churches tend to be focused on preaching and are more traditional in their worship sets. While one is not more right than the other I believe that a church can be BOTH! People need to be Spirit-led in worship in a truthful expressing manner.

Concerning a worship service, I believe, it is important for churches to focus on truthful preaching while maintaining a spirit of freedom in their services to allow the Spirit to work. Hand raising in a worship service is a symptom of the root issue concerning healthy worship within a church! In other words, in a healthy church, members should be able to express themselves through hand raising and not feel guilty or that someone is watching over their shoulder. Freedom of hand raising or other appropriate worshipful gestures during a worship service should be the norm. Agree?!?

Friday, November 7, 2014

What ONE YEAR of MARRIAGE will teach you!

I have been married for a year!

In no other time period in history will I be married for exactly a year. I took some time therefore to think about all that I have learned about marriage within this past year.

Top Things a Year of Marriage will Teach You

1. You don't really know someone until you live with them! The inverse is equally true in that you don't fully know yourself until you live with someone. For example, I never knew that I snored. Living with someone will help you not only come to a full understanding of who they are but a full understanding of who YOU are!
2. Everyone has areas of particularity (some of which you will never understand!) Make sure you know your spouse's areas of particularity so you can honor them through your actions. For example, my wife wants the trash taken out to the road for pick-up every week (even if there is just a small bag in the trash can). This is important to her, therefore, it needs to be important to me!
3. You'll get invited to do more things with other couples! Newly wed couples are looking to forge a new marriage identity and this motivates them to do things with other newly wed couples.
4. Learning how a person communicates and how you as a couple communicates is imperative! In every couple there tends to be a person that is more direct and confrontational while their spouse tends to be more indirect and subtle in handling conflict. The key is that the direct person needs to be gentler and more intuitive in dialogue while the indirect person needs to learn to be more frank and direct. Meeting each other half way in the middle and not criticizing each other's communication methodology is key.
5. You will accrue a lot of stuff! Trust me.
6. Much joy comes from doing something that makes the other person happy! My wife knows that I love fishing and the beach so we do that sometimes together as dates. My wife loves ice hockey games so I do that sometimes with her as a date. You'll get more joy out of your marriage if your selfless.
7. Allow intimacy to develop! Many couples based off of previous relationship experiences never allow their spouse to fully see their heart, plans, and desires. Allow the other person in on your life. My wife and I pray every night before going to sleep. This builds a spiritual atmosphere of trust and gives me a sneak peak into what is important within my wife's mind.
8. Understand that your spouse is God's BEST for YOU! Why should my eyes wander and look at someone else? My spouse is God's best for ME.
9. Don't stop holding hands!
10. Make future goals together! Dream together. Do things TOGETHER!
11. You will get your feelings hurt! Make sure you push through your emotions and do the right thing by owning up to your mistakes.
12. Expect major road blocks, especially early on! Every couple that I talked with encountered major roadblocks within the first few months of their marriage. It will happen to you but that's why God has given you someone else to help you navigate through those times together.
13. Explore together! Take trips and do adventurous things together. This will help keep your marriage fresh.
14. Give yourself room to breath and develop as individuals. Learn that it's good if your spouse has other friends that they are able to do things with. There is not a whole lot of solitude when married so embrace and enjoy those quiet times to reflect and develop yourself.
15. It gets better! So far I can honestly say that I love my wife more today than I did yesterday.

Happy One Year Anniversary KIM!
I'd get married again today to you KIM!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Judgment House Recap - 2014

I love Judgment House!
Before, I give reasons as to why Judgment House is a great event I need to mention that this event at our church was not even my idea. This event has been a thriving outreach to the community and was started under the leadership of Rich Yauger years ago.
As a developing leader I am constantly evaluating events deciding which events should stay, which events should stay and be changed, or which events should be dropped. This is an event that definitely should stay (with minor revisions through the years).
This year we saw 719 people walk through Judgment House and saw 153 people make a decision for Jesus!
Here is what I love about Judgment House:
1. It allows teenagers to use their giftedness in communicating gospel truth! This year's cast consisted of over 50+ teenagers that worked hard in memorizing lines and acting within their scenes.
2. It's visual! It's one thing to hear about a real life scenario and yet another to see it!
3. It's powerful! People give their lives to Jesus. On our first night we had a 44 year old woman give her life to the Lord. On Wednesday Night a teenager that was suicidal gave their life to Jesus! Wow!
4. It allows for partnership! We had 10-15 students from Grace College come every night and help be counselors as people made decisions. We used their help and they got trained in how to lead someone to the Lord!
5. It strengthens other local youth groups! The best thing for the teenagers in a community is if there are a lot of strong youth programs. Every year we invite other youth ministries to come to Judgment House with the hope that it is beneficial for their group. We had over 5 youth groups this year walk through and many of their teenagers accepted Jesus!
6. It allows teenagers and adults to outreach together! It takes around 100 people a night (half teenagers and half adults) to pull off an effective Judgment House. It's all about intergenerational missional living!
7. It creates momentum for Axis youth ministries! This event creates momentum within our youth ministry in hosting events that will reach lost people. Next event - the Red Eye All-Nighter!

THANK YOU to everyone that helped out with our Judgment House this year!
Eternity will NOT be the same!
Our Wednesdays Night total cast picture!
Our Car Crash Scene Cast!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I turn 30 years old today......A Comparison of Perspectives of when I turned 10, 20, and 30 years old!

Today I am three decades old!

First off, I always find it odd that we celebrate the person who was born INSTEAD OF the mother who carried and delivered that baby after 9 months! Therefore, thank you and congratulations Mom! You deserve more honor than I do today!

On a different note I took some time to think about the difference in perspective of each birthday  namely my 10 year, 20 year, and 30 year birthdays.

Here's the difference (not at all an exhaustive list) on perspective of each decade changing birthday.
A Decade can make a HUGE difference!

Taco Bell
10 Year Old - What's Taco Bell? Mom says it's unhealthy!
20 Year Old - Taco Bell is my late night filling food of choice!
30 Year Old - Why does Taco Bell use caulk guns in preparing food? It tastes good, but only in small portions and not late at night!

Staying Up Late
10 Year Old - I got to stay up past 9 PM was awesome!
20 Year Old - I start feeling alive at 9 PM and can't wait to do things with my dorm mates all night!
30 Year Old - I'm thinking about bed at 9 PM and in bed not soon after!
Working with Teenagers
10 Year Old - Teens are intimidating!
20 Year Old - I can do anything a teenager does and "top it"
30 Year Old - These teenagers look like "little kids"

What's In a Birthday
10 Year Old - Cake and Ice Cream, Chuck E Cheese's, and MONEY!
20 Year Old - MONEY!
30 Year Old - Just another day
Thoughts on People of the Opposite Sex
10 Year Old - Glad I got MY cootie shot! Gross.
20 Year Old - Single and ready to mingle!
30 Year Old - Happily married and glad all the drama is over with!
10 Year Old - It will be forever until I get my license!
20 Year Old - I got a need for speed!
30 Year Old - I set my cruise control for 5-10 mph over. Max.
Hope you enjoyed some truth with a little bit of humor OR maybe a little bit of truth with a lot of humor :)

While life and perspective change I pray that I will never lose a heart for God and His people. May that be a constant variable throughout my years.
Psalm 71:18
"Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come."

The older I get the more responsible I am to declare God's power to the next generation! My role and responsibility only increase in the years to come. I don't know what God will do in the next decade and how my perspective on life will change.....I just know I'm excited about enjoying each individual day of the next 3,650 days (that's how many until my 40th birthday)! Who knows where I will be at in life by the age of 40!?!?


Monday, October 27, 2014

Wait, You are telling me that teenagers CAN be SERIOUS?!?

I will never understand why many youth ministries ONLY capitalize on the fact that teenagers want to have fun. While it is true that teenagers want to have fun they also want to go deeper in their walk with Jesus. Teenagers want to BOTH have fun and GROW in their Christian faith.

Youth ministry, therefore, should be thrilling because if done effectively the youth pastor/youth workers can enjoy fun AND build deep discipleship relationships with the teenagers in their group.

Why then do many youth ministries simply have fun as a priority and then try to add a smidgeon of Jesus?

Answer: It's easier. (Seriously, it's not hard to throw a party every youth group). Digging down into teenagers' lives is hard and messy.

It may be subtle, but it is noticeable. Is your youth ministry more about introducing teenagers to Jesus in a fun way OR about having fun and hoping the teenagers involved get something about Jesus?

This past Wednesday we broke from our normal youth group routine. After a fun opening activity I simply gave the teenagers an open forum to ask any spiritual questions they wanted of me. It was nothing more than a Q & A time. Teenagers were told they could ask any question as long as it was appropriate and had to deal with a spiritual matter.

I was flooded with questions about:
1. God's stance on war
2. Best witnessing techniques
3. How to properly confront a friend
4. God's view on homosexuality
5. What God thinks about tattoos

I even had a young girl openly confess that her friend was cutting and that she wanted help in knowing what to do!

Do you know what is most surprising about these questions? They were asked by Jr. Highers!

That's right. The same Jr. Highers that are picking their nose and flinging boogers one minute are asking deep theological questions that many adults ponder the next minute!

You see, a youth ministry must gives teenagers a forum to ask pertinent questions about life otherwise those same teenagers will think the church is irrelevant and leave it upon graduating!

Students really WANT to get deeper. Encourage this and don't remain on the surface with EVERY youth group meeting!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What we can learn from MONKEY BRAINS!

When I think of monkey brains the first image that comes to my mind is from the video: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. During the movie the people get served a delicacy for dessert: MONKEY BRAINS! 

(As a child this part of the movie grossed me out. As a teenager this part went from being gross to being grossly awesome!)
This past week I focused on my PhD work and attended a conference in Washington D.C. The conference's theme was on Neuroscience.
During one of the presentations it became evident that we can learn a lot from monkey brains!
Curious, here's how
1. Researchers discovered that a specific part of a monkey's brain becomes active when they participate in activities where motion and doing happen (i.e. grabbing a stick and scratching their head).
2. Researchers also discovered that the same identical part of a monkey's brain that becomes active when they do certain activities also becomes active when they watch someone else model the same activity (i.e. a trainer grabbing a stick and scratching their head). In other words, they have mirror neurons that are embedded within their brains!
3. Researchers startlingly found out though that when the monkey would watch someone else do something similar to the action, but not necessarily do that same action, that the identical part of the monkey's brain would not be active as in previous scenarios. (i.e. a trainer grabbing a stick and instead of scratching his head he would wave it).  In other words, mirror neurons could also perceive intent ion of actions!
Simply put, neuroscience has proven that belief is learned through mirroring and imitating other's beliefs AND that belief is in doing something!
No one believes something simply by hearing a bunch of knowledge. Believing is tied to our mirror neurons which become active when we see and do what we have observed.
It is crazy, but neurologically proven, that God has embedded within our brain, mirror neurons, that help us to be active participants and 'doers' who embody our beliefs instead of learning through content dumps.
We truly are - "fearfully and wonderfully made."
 God has designed us to imitate others and we are wired to be active participators of our faith! Why else would he order people to repent AND then be baptized!
One must see and then do to fully believe!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Why I am proud to be a C.O.S.E.N.T.I.N.O. - A tribute to Papa

My grandfather, Papa, passed away early this past Thursday morning. Instead of a perpetual feeling of sadness, (although I am sad), the primary emotion and feeling of being blessed and grateful over flooded my heart before, during, and after the funeral service. Seriously, how many people get to know all four of their biological grandparents for the first 30 years of their lives? Seriously, hundreds of people were praying for my grandfather and for my family! I am a blessed man!

While I am saddened over the loss of Papa I had the opportunity to learn from and build off of many of his admirable traits. He allowed future generations to stand on his shoulders so that they would reach heights that he could only dream of.

I am proud to be a Cosentino. Here are just a few reasons why:

1. Cosentino's are courageous. My papa moved from Italy as a teenager to the United States. He went to school for 3 years to learn English. Many people would have let their fear keep them in their homeland. Papa was courageous as he stepped through the unknown. His story is truly an American Dream story.
2. Cosentino's value service. Papa served in the military as a cook. He was proud to serve and be a citizen of the United States.
3. Cosentino's not only work hard, but they give their best. The phrase, he was a hard worker, is fairly cliché because it gets overused. Papa was more than a hard worker, he gave his best. He made sure that his family received the best when it came to where they lived, what they ate, and where they went to school.
4. Cosentino's are part of a tight-knit family. We easily had 75 family members at the funeral. All extended family showed up. When you have nothing left we always have each other.
5. Cosentino's are short. When your last name means "Little One from Cosenza" you will be short. Just a newsflash too - we like being short as well!
6. Cosentino's are providers. Papa provided for his family and his future inheritance will help provide for future generations. Even though Papa's father left his family, Papa stayed and provided for his.
7. Cosentino's are direct. One never had to guess what Papa was thinking, he would always tell you. Cosentino's are not afraid to be truthful and vocal when necessary (sometimes unnecessarily ;)
8. Cosentino's have a stubborn resolve. Papa was hard to sway or deter when his mind was made up. We know how to push forward.
9. Cosentino's are hungry for knowledge. Papa made sure that his sons went to the best colleges. All of his sons and eligible grandkids have college degrees. Some are working towards and have a Master's Degree. Currently, I am working towards a Ph.D. He would constantly tell me to "expand my mind" and to gain knowledge.
10. Cosentino's are true to themselves. Some of my fondest memories of Papa was when I lived with my grandparents during the summer of my junior year of high-school. I had the opportunity to drive with Papa into downtown Pittsburgh, work as an intern with my uncle, and then drive home. Every ride home we would be stuck in rush hour traffic. Papa would blast classic Italian music, roll down his windows, and sing out loud. He'd even wear a piece of cloth on his left ear (the side that was more exposed to the sun) in order to not get sunburn. People driving by would see a 70 year old man dressed in a suit driving a black Lexus belting out Italian music at the top of his lungs while driving with one hand so as to hold up his ear piece. Let's just say a lot of people chuckled and laughed as they drove by. (I tried to squirm lower in the passenger seat so as not to be seen). This never bothered Papa because he was true to himself and knew how to enjoy life. This is what mattered.

Proud to carry the Cosentino name! Proud to be a grandson of Joseph Cosentino.
May I build off of this legacy!

Monday, September 29, 2014

How a little girl can make a GROWN MAN cry!

Overall, I feel like I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. (When I was in 6th grade I had an open dislocated bone, where the bone popped out of my right ring finger, and while wincing a few times I never cried).

If you are trying to get me to cry it's probably easier if you'd use emotional tactics instead of physical ones. In fact, I almost cried after speaking with a 5th grade girl this Sunday.

This girl and her mother told me that she asks to pray for my grandfather, (Papa), almost every single night! This deeply impacted my heart.

My grandfather, (Papa), is slowly dying of pulmonary fibrosis which is a disease that scars the lungs. He's losing weight and energy. He will be lucky if he makes it much past the holiday season.

You see while I am worried about Papa's health physically I'm even more worried spiritually. He doesn't know Jesus. As a whole, in his life, he's wanted nothing to do with Jesus. The reality of his impending death makes that fact sink deeper into my soul.

Who knows though that due to this young girl's prayers for salvation that God will open up his eyes as he nears death? Can you imagine that it may be because of a young girl that my Papa will be in heaven?

If all believers in Jesus are part of a royal priesthood (i.e. I Peter 2:9) than this girl has a direct connection through Jesus to the Father! Her prayers are just as powerful as any other human beings.

Children's prayers are important and powerful. Who knows, maybe it will be this young girl's prayers that will tip the scales whereby the Holy Spirit will move in my Papa's life? Wouldn't that be something!?!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Why the LITTLE things are the BIG things in YOUTH MINISTRY - AXIS Recap

"It's better to be limping in the right direction than to be charging like a bull in the wrong direction."

I will never forget this saying from my father. It rings true! Life is all about heading in the right direction, even if you have to limp or take baby steps to get there.

Over the course of the past year I have seen our youth program take small steps every week in heading towards the right direction. This past Wednesday I saw a lot of neat things (small as they may be) that confirm that we are heading in the right direction.

1. Almost ALL of our teenagers/youth staff played in our opening games/activities. (It's important that teenagers feel like 'we are all in this together'. We played a bunch of silly group games and our youth staff where right in the middle of the game conveying that we are all equals). Even some of our adults that had physical limitations jumped in which showed our students that you can't use your physical limitations as a crutch!
2. We took up an offering to help with our church-wide effort in purchasing apartment complexes for refugees in Iraq. In meeting this physical need it would then open the door for us to meet a spiritual need. Our students gave $656.43. That's a lot of money coming from a group of people that don't have a lot.
3. We partnered with Grace College in hosting college students that take a youth ministry class. The Grace College students who come have had their hearts moved to help out more than just coming to view our ministry. I watched as college students opened up their wallets to give to our offering. One of the college students bought a second time visiting Jr. High girl a Bible because she didn't have one. When people on the outside see God working and want to jump on board it reaffirms in my heart that God truly is working!
4. We've added some incredible youth staff who are doing a terrific job in loving on our teenagers. This past year we've added teachers, former youth pastors, parents, youth counselors, college students, and people who just care about teenagers. Your youth ministry is only as strong as the adults that help within it. You can never have enough good help.
5. During our large group time there was an atmosphere of fun yet purpose. Different students led and our teens (while having fun) allowed them to lead. When students got up to share our teens were intently listening. There is an atmosphere of purpose that is developing. (It's something you can't put your finger on, but that you can intuitively feel). It's apparent that teenagers are buying in.

In the course of a year our group will meet regularly. Every week you can move your group to take the right step. We've taken over 50 steps in heading in the right direction...I'm looking forward to taking our next step together!

Remember, the little things are the BIG things when it comes to youth ministry. These small steps are really GIANT mile markers in the life and history of your youth ministry.
We encourage our teenagers to be able to pray out loud! Now during prayer time most do and are able to pray out loud. Just another small step that really is a BIG step!

Monday, September 22, 2014

The State of the NFL - When the Noise Becomes Deafening!

I LOVE Football. Consequently, I enjoy watching NFL Football.
The NFL has come under scrutiny of late for two reasons. First, some of it's high profile players have been charged with some possibly serious criminal charges. Second, to many people the NFL has not handled how it's disciplined its players well.
For example, Ray Rice (running back for the Ravens), was charged with domestic violence for punching his then fiancée in the face while in an elevator. Limited hotel footage captured some of the incident. Initially, Ray Rice was penalized two games. Soon after the incident the NFL stated that a first time domestic violence charge would receive a mandatory six game suspension. (Luckily for Ray Rice, since the new rule installment was not retroactive, it seemed like he got off the hook with only two games). Unfortunately for the NFL and Ray Rice a video camera inside of the elevator caught the actual incident where Ray Rice punched his fiancée and was later leaked after everything had been 'settled'. Once people actually SAW the incident they were outraged and the NFL has suspended Ray Rice indefinitely.
Other NFL super stars such as Adrian Peterson have come under public scrutiny for other criminal issues and the disciplinary process has been lacking in judgment and public satisfaction.
Here's the main problem: When the public noise and commotion becomes deafening the NFL is reactive to address the issues.
Every time the public does not like what at NFL player does and the outcry becomes so loud than in many cases the NFL will overreact to what the naysayers want. While it may silence the crowd the first time the next time an NFL player does something wrong the public cry will be even LOUDER because the crowd and general public knows that if it creates enough of an outcry the NFL will have to react. The public has been reinforced by the NFL to cause an uproar to get what it wants!
For example, take a young child into the store. If your child throws a 'hissy' fit every time you walk past the candy section in order to get a candy bar and you reward him with a candy bar than he will make a scene every time! You are reinforcing bad behavior which is what the NFL has been doing recently. 
When the noise become deafening to an organization that organization MUST address the situation BUT stand firm as a unified front and not overreact but come to a reasonable consequence and STICK with it! (While the general public won't like this....they will respect it)
As a leadership guru here are a few other lessons to be learned from the NFL:
1. Be proactive instead of reactive! If the NFL had come up with rules and standards before these issues it would have helped their situation. Instead they had to react instead which generally leads organizations to overreact causing people to think the organization can't make up their minds and are weak.
2. The commissioner needed more accountability. The NFL commissioner had too much power and it was only a matter of time until he made a false step. He needs help through committees and other influential people in designing player fines and suspensions.
3. Most importantly, when the noise becomes deafening you must address the situation but don't make a bad situation worse by reversing everything you committed to do (unless you are obviously wrong) just to appease the public eye. People may not like your decisions, but they will respect them. Simply put, leaders have spine and know how to diagnose, evaluate, and come up with a reasonable course of action when turmoil hits.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Why YOU might be a MEGA-CHURCH PASTOR...and NOT even REALIZE it!

At the core of the human heart people want their lives to matter. They want to exercise influence on other people.
I believe that this desire to influence others is one of the main reasons why people are involved with Social Media. (Let's be honest: I get followed by some new author of a book, pastor, blogger on Twitter almost daily).
Our world is becoming a virtual world where you can exercise influence on people easily through technology.
One of the greatest ways to make a difference in other's lives is to pastor and encourage the people that are your 'followers' on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
To date I currently have 2,497 Facebook followers and 811 Twitter followers. I do my best to write encouraging and beneficial information through my social media outlets because I take pastoring and shepherding my virtual flock seriously! In other words, I'm part of a virtual world where I can pass information on to a mega-church size of followers!
Can you imagine if people saw all of their 'social media friends' as people that they could reach out to and encourage! Can you imagine if Christians viewed their social media friends as being part of their personal flock and ministered to them?
There are a CROWD of people that you are influencing with every post and click. How are you LEADING your followers?

Are you effectively getting your message out to your social media followers, to your crowd? How are you leading them?

Friday, September 12, 2014

When is the LAST time you prayed for BOLDNESS?

I don't know about YOU but I know that I need to be more BOLD in my walk with Jesus.

This past Wednesday our youth ministries wrapped up our 'Missing' series by talking about a missing component within most Christian teenagers: SOLD OUT/BOLD for Jesus!

Boldness takes on many forms within the Christian walk:
- Boldness in seeking God
- Boldness in repenting of our sins (especially if we need to do it publically)
- Boldness in sharing our faith with the lost
- Boldness to do our best each day (even though we don't know what lies ahead)

I have the opportunity to visit teenagers within their local high-schools. It's an awesome opportunity to rub shoulders with teenagers that come from all walks of life. I've been visiting teenagers like this for seven years now and I still get nervous and anxious. (Just think: It's 500 teenagers against ME). Before I go into the schools I pray to God to give me boldness to show the love of Jesus to others in a bustling cafeteria. My God allows comes through in those prayers!

 I pray this prayer every time: "The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?" (Psalm 118:6) No matter if teenagers throw food at me, curse at me, or are impolite, my God is with me.....what's the worst that people can do to you?

When is the last time YOU prayed for boldness?

In the book of Acts the disciples prayed for boldness and looked what happened (Acts 4:31):

"After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly."

It's ironic that we need to go to God in our weakness and brokenness as we pray for boldness. We MUST do that so that others know that our boldness comes from God and not from us! Just like the disciples God wants to shake the world through passionate Christ followers if they pray to him for boldness.

My favorite analogy on being bold is found in the book of Proverbs (28:1)

"The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion."

Lion's do NOT live in FEAR. Lions do not LOOK OVER their shoulder as if being chased, they STAND their ground!

What our world needs are Christians to be BOLD!

God wants to make you a BOLDER......have you prayed for it?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Riding a Pink Bike......People's Reactions!

I'll admit it. I rode my wife's pink bike this past Saturday.
I wanted to go for a bike ride and the only bike that we own is my wife's pink colored 10 speed bike that she had in high-school.
The color and over all quality of the bike still did not hinder me from going on my bike ride so off I went.
As I was riding along I noticed that I received some 'shocked' and 'surprised' reactions from people. Among those that gave me the 'shocked' and 'surprised' reaction were:
1. People who were driving by
2. A pair of bikers who actually had legitimate modern bikes designed for long distance biking
3. Amish people
A thought soon hit me as I was riding. Most of the time, as I am driving by the Amish people in my community I see and perceive their modes of transportation and style of living to be different, unique, and in some instances weird. Here there was the perfect role reversal as I was the one that was being perceived as being weird!
You see, we normally think that whatever is different than us is automatically weird and this is generally not the case!
As humans we compartmentalize information. We struggle with new information that does not fit neatly into one of our compartmentalized boxes and we therefore become shocked and surprised. Once we learn the motive and rationale behind that new information we then store it into a new compartmentalized box within our brain that becomes part of our "norms."
This is the value of culture. Culture allows us to understand behavior and fit it with perceived proper living standards.
Remember, our ways of thinking are probably weird to the Amish!
In many instances, perceived cultural differences are not right or wrong.....they are just that, different. If we want to reach those segmented people with the gospel we must work hard to understand their line thinking.
Let's be honest: there is nothing truly wrong with riding a pink bike, right?!? ;)

This is not a picture of me...just one to help your imagination. :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Why I will one day be the 'HIPPEST' EIGHTY YEAR OLD AROUND and why YOU should be TOO!

Let's face it: the world is changing at a rapid pace. How we as humans communicate, do business, and live is changing too....whether we like it or not.
I was thinking yesterday. Will my kids know what a USB port is? What all will a cell-phone be able to do ten or twenty years from now? Will my kids know what a CD is? 
If you want to be able to communicate with people, especially the younger generation, you must be able to communicate on THEIR wavelengths. Not your own.
I desire to have the best relationship that I can, if God will's it, with my children and one day grandchildren. I also want to be able to communicate with younger generations when I am older.
Even though you may personally enjoy a specific style of communication or way of life you must know and be up to date with the current mode of communication and lifestyle of children, teenagers, and young adults.  
Therefore, much to my wife's dismay I will continue to listen to hip-hop (I actually enjoy it), have a Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Blog (and whatever else comes next), and I will always enjoy hanging around where younger people are gathered.
What I am NOT saying is that you MUST adopt whatever the current trendy style is, but you must KNOW why it is currently trendy. Students are amazed when I am able to have conversations with them about relevant music, fashionable clothes, and trends. It shows that I care about their world and it is an open door to communicate what is going on in my world.

I may not dress the 'hippest' when I am 80 but I will still know what the current best selling video games, music, and clothing styles are so I can best relate to my grandchildren.
If you want others to understand your world you MUST take the initiative to understand theirs first!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

NFL Kick Off Brings the start of FANTASY Football - How much HOPE do you have in your FANTASY Team?

Ask fans of all 32 teams and they will give you reason for optimism and hope in their team this NFL season!
Sports teams and players can install hope within a city or within an individual. Fans feel like they are part of the team and when their sports heroes win or lose so do they. In some cases a sports team can provide hope for people in a nearby area that are undergoing a difficult time. For instance, the 1970's Pittsburgh Steelers gave hope to the city of Pittsburgh while it was suffering a recession due to steel mill and factory layoffs. In 2005, after hurricane Katrina, the people of New Orleans rallied around their beloved Saints.
Hope is a powerful motivator. Without hope in one's life a person will feel depressed and a lack of meaning and purpose. People need hope!
I am passionate about Steelers football. If the Steelers are winning I am glued to the TV and am ecstatic. When the Steelers are losing I start cleaning while still watching the TV so as to feel like I am being productive (Don't think it's true...ask my wife). After a tough loss it would really dampen my mood after a game.
Then came the rise of fantasy football. I loved fantasy football because it combined a number of my passions. Football and managing a team. As a teenager playing Madden I preferred building and managing a team in Dynasty mode than in actually playing the games. I loved building an All-Star team that was underneath the salary cap!
I played fantasy football religiously for years. Fantasy football bled over to playing fantasy baseball and basketball. I became a year round fantasy sports manager. I would manage three to four teams a season and would generally win or come close to winning every team I managed.
After playing in fantasy leagues for a number of years I suddenly became convicted. Where does my hope truly lie? In human football players or in my God? Why am I spending so much time managing so many teams? If I truly hope in God shouldn't I spend more time with him?
I decided from that day on that I would stop playing fantasy football because it showed that my hope was in something that was a fantasy. It wasn't even real!
Can you imagine standing before the Judgment Seat of Christ and saying - "God, I was the best manager of fantasy football ever!"
I have been asked to play in a bazillion fantasy football leagues since my decision and have declined every time. I can honestly say that I have fully overcome the fantasy addiction syndrome.
I want my extra time to count for something more. I want my HOPE to be in something GREATER!
Is your hope in Jesus or in a bunch of over-weight men running around in pads?
People spend meaningful time on what they truly hope in!
Psalm 147:11
The LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

While I love the Steelers (even my office is decorated in black and gold) it's good to remember that there are more important things to place my hope in!