Saturday, August 31, 2013

You Can Work ANY Job and Not Love People EXCEPT When You Are A Pastor!

You could be a lawyer and not love your clients. You could be a doctor and not love your patients. You could be in sales and not love the consumer. You could practically do any job and not love the people, except when you are a pastor! 

People can spot a fake a mile away, especially teenagers. Young people are looking for others that are genuine and authentic. It will not take teenagers long to know if YOU truly care about them.

This past Friday morning a senior at Fairfield high-school took his life. The tight knit community of New Paris and the students in the school were shocked and blindsided. The school called all the youth pastors in the area asking if they would come in and support the hurting students. As soon as I found out that youth pastors were being summoned I quickly drove to the school to be an encouragement. It was a blessing to be there to pray with, counsel, and encourage the students. Many of the students at the school who I got to talk with attend our youth ministry, AXIS. When a crisis situation happens there is little time to think, love must act, and jump at the opportunity to help!

Here is how God worked miraculously on Friday:
- I was planning on being at Fairfield most of the day because our church was providing a meal for the football players. Afterwards, I was planning on going to the football game. I did not have to rearrange my schedule at all to be there earlier at the school.
- On my way back to pick up the subs from Subway to feed the high-school football team I prayed and tweeted that God would use this young man's death to bring people to His Son Jesus. Little did I know that the young man had worked at THAT Subway. The workers at Subway were grieving all day. I had the opportunity to pray with one of the workers at Subway in the parking lot who was searching for God and meaning in this situation. GOD ANSWERED
- That same lady who I prayed with who worked at Subway, lovingly, drove her SUV to Fairfield with four six footlong subs to minister to the football team because she knew that I did not have enough room in my car, and because she had been touched by what our church was trying to accomplish. Pray for her, she will be at the viewing. Her name is Lori.
- It was a blessing to see the school come together and wear white at the home football game. The school even played the song 'It Is Well' during pregame. When tragedy happens people are searching for God. I'm glad the school allowed for truth to be proclaimed, especially in such a tragic situation.

As I told many of my students, past and present, there is nothing they can do to make me LOVE them less! I may at times be disappointed, but I will always LOVE them. Even though it was a dark day in Fairfield history it allowed people to express their love for God, for teenagers, and for the community! Light shines in the darkest of moments!

Monday, August 26, 2013

EVERYONE wants to be a part of something that is BIGGER than themselves!

Humans are fragile and are dependent beings. For example, we need food, shelter, water, community, air, health, and many other factors just to live! God has grafted into each person an awareness of how 'small' and dependent we are compared to how 'BIG' and self-sustaining He is! God has created man with a void that only He can fulfill because His presence and truth is all encompassing.

Unfortunately, many young people fill this God created void with negative 'fillers' that will not bring true peace. Everyone wants to be a part of something that is BIGGER than themselves because whether we admit it or not we were created by a BIG God to fulfill BIG purposes that he mandated to the human race in the book of Genesis. 

As a youth pastor I have the privilege of pushing teenagers to be a part of something that is BIGGER than themselves in following God here at Grace Community Church. This past Wednesday in my official first youth group as youth pastor I gave a challenge to the students and adults as to what I expected of them. I asked that all those who wanted to be a part of something 'BIGGER' than themselves in reaching people to stand up and sign a piece of paper that will act as a rallying cry and future remembrance marker for what we are called to do. Over 130 students and adults signed! Almost every great revival in the world has come from the hands of teenagers. Pray and dream BIG!

Let's face it, the world is full of apathy, and a normal Christian life is simply abnormal to find. Christians need to dream and do BIG things because God has promised us that He will meet us halfway...."to do immeasurably more then we ask or imagine!" (Ephesians 3:20)

This past Sunday I had my first youth team meeting where I had the opportunity to get to know the adult staff and cast my vision for the youth ministry. It was fun watching their eyes grow and glisten with excitement as we dreamed and prayed for what could be. Everyone wants to be a part of something BIGGER than themselves!

I would rather be a complimentary role player on a winning team than be a star player on a losing team. This rings true to me as it was true of my high-school football career. Find out where God is moving and join Him in doing BIG things for the Lord! We may have to lower our ego, be placed into a different role, but the impact of people who play the right role for the right team in kingdom advancement is BIG!

Picture of our signed document stating personal commitment to being a part of the BIG puzzle at AXIS this year!

Monday, August 19, 2013

It's Time to Jump on the Ministry Treadmill - Thoughts on the Past First Week at Grace Community Church

A treadmill is a great machine, because you get to SET THE PACE in how fast you want to run. Complacent people set it at a lower pace while those who are more ambitious and hunger to lose weight eventually ramp up the speed. Likewise, each church has a specific pace in which it is trying to move, grow, and accomplish things for the Kingdom. A sense of urgency in reaching lost people is a must in quickening the pace. Therefore, a church must SET THE PACE and go faster in reaching people otherwise it will become complacent and not become the purposeful organism that God created it to be.

My first week at Grace Community Church went by lightning fast. The church is on mission and is moving fast and it is my job to jump on board and to keep pace while adding creativity and leadership over the youth program. This needs to be done well.....otherwise I will end up like the guy in this Youtube video:

I love 'taking my game' to the next level and working hard in reaching and equipping people. If God things are happening I just want to be part of the team. "Find out where God is moving and then join Him!"

Here are some of the highlights of this past week in being part of a church that has a sense of urgency, passion, and fast pace in reaching people:

- I was amazed and almost brought to tears by the number of men who came to our Fight Club Kick-Off. Men truly want to lead victoriously and there is a hunger to understand what it means to be Biblically Masculine and to Spiritually Lead. Great Night!
- There is a lot of 'potential' with the youth program at Grace Community Church (see past post).
- This past Sunday I had the opportunity to baptize a young man, pray and talk with another young man who was searching for God, and after church invited our waitress to church and she was extremely receptive and interested in coming. It's just fun 'being used' by God for kingdom advancement.
- As I sit in my office today I am overjoyed and excited to see what God will do this week and in the future!

As a believer in Jesus it is imperative to jump on the treadmill of ministry and to press on! Looking forward to picking up the pace in serving, building, and reaching people in Elkhart County.

Oh, and I have to show a picture of a nice 5 pound bass that I caught late Saturday night. Remember, Jesus picked fishermen....not golfers, hunters, or athletes! ;)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Potential, Potential, Potential - First Axis Recap

The church is just ONE generation away from extinction. It is vital to train up Godly young people who will pass the baton on to the next generation. I will ALWAYS have a heart for teenagers regardless of how old I get. As I met, was involved, and evaluated my first Axis youth group the one word that kept coming to my head was "potential." This group of young people has an UNLIMITED amount of potential! I was impressed with the following from our first Axis youth group meeting:

- The positive energy and uplifting atmosphere
- The willingness to take risks as a group, even in playing a different game
- The support of the adults and desire of older believers to see young people grow
- The amount of TALENT that was evident in the group
- The love of the teenagers for their youth pastor, Rich, who is transitioning
- The grace and heart of Rich in wanting to help me and the youth program succeed. Rich's words:
"I would never trust my kids with someone I do not trust. If I could have picked anyone I would have picked Dan" meant a lot when said in public with a genuine heart.

There is a 'ton' of potential within the youth ministry here at Grace. As a youth pastor it is my job to evaluate and challenge each student/adult individually and to move our group as a whole corporately. This group has the ability to do extraordinary things for the kingdom and it's my job to help us continually move, push, and grow as we focus on Christ! 

I'm excited for the future with this church and with this group of young people. Watch out Goshen....better yet WATCH OUT world!

Commissioning Pastor Rich Yauger as he transitions into another role at Grace! Yes, he is somewhere in the middle! :)

Upbeat Wii Just Dance Song that was interactive and fun!

Great shot of Rich 'passing on the baton' of pastoral leadership within the youth ministry to me!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Church Culture and My First Days at Goshen

As many of you may know I have officially transitioned into my new office and role as Associate Pastor of Youth at Grace Community Church in Goshen, IN. My first day was yesterday and I was welcomed with a rearranged office and a new title (see picture)
If I did not get picked on at least a little I would wonder if something was wrong and if the staff was truly excited about my arrival. :)
Anyway, I've been busy getting acclimated, set-up, and working with the team here at Grace Community Church. What I've noticed is that the culture of this church is different than of all of the churches that I have been a part of. The culture or DNA of a church is it's true drive and/or default mode. Leadership is key in developing a good healthy church culture.
Here are just a few of my experiential conclusions these past few days in which I have appreciated the culture of my new church:
1. The church and staff know how to have fun. Ministry when done right needs to have a 'fun' element and 'joyful' component to it.
2. There is an openness in being able to express oneself in meetings or to just pop in and visit while in your office.
3. It's all about reaching and growing people at this church and if it takes extreme or outside of the box ways in doing so than it will happen.
God has continued to bless and show himself through this transition, and the staff has been great. Tomorrow is my first youth group at Grace Community Church and I look forward to connecting with the young people and getting ready to push, challenge, and shepherd them!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

I Can Only Sit in the Bleachers for So Long.....................

I love ministry and working with people. Nothing brings me greater joy than in serving, challenging, and equipping others. I was reminded of that this morning. One thing hit me real hard. While I loved this Sunday off I knew that I could only sit in the bleachers for so long. It's easy to watch ministry done every Sunday morning but I crave serving in ministry as a football player craves game day! While watching from the bleachers may be safer and requires less commitment there is great joy, an adrenaline rush, and satisfication in being a game-changer for Jesus! Why people sit on the sidelines I will never know?!? Get off of the bleachers and be a diehard Christian that is into serving, impacting, being intentional, and reaching others! It was what we are called and commanded to do!

Tomorrow is my first day in the office at Grace Community Church in Goshen. I am excited be a part of their team and serve with them every Sunday!

When I have a Sunday off I go to as many church services as I can to fellowship with others and evaluate and get new ideas on how to do ministry. This Sunday I went to South Milford Church of Christ (Kim's home church) and Grace Christian Church in Kendallville. Here are some 'cool' things that happened this Sunday morning.

- In arriving at South Milford I was able to visit and talk with many teenagers as I knew most of their youth group from my lunch visits to the local high-school. Plus, many older adults knew Kim so it was 'fun' being the new highlighted couple.
- We arrived a half an hour early to Grace Christian's second service and I quickly met a friend as soon as I walked in the door. It was a couple who was on my search committee which brought me to Kendallville and had transitioned to Grace Christian because their sons were attending that church. Anyway, they gave me a tour of the church and I got to pray with their small group in the basemant of the church. Loved having an opportunity to fellowship and pray with other believers.
- I was impressed and challenged by Pastor Chris Mosley's church and in his sharing with his members on what it meant to be part of a 'team' at Grace Christian Church. It was easy to see how they went from a church of 14 to 500 in such a short time because of their missional mindset and vision. Thankful for all churches in the Kendallvillle area that are striving to reach out! Remember, there are always plenty of lost people to go after in a community. (Plus, it was nice fellowshipping with another pastor who is a die-hard Steelers fan).

I was able to 'visit' Pastor Chris' office. Instead, of rearranging everything I decided to take the tasteful approach and snap a picture of his Steelers gear behind his desk and rave about it!

As I start this new chapter in life one thing remains the same: my love for God and for people. Until the day I die I will always have a hunger and a desire to stay in the game and to be more than just a fan in the bleachers! I want to be a game-changer/playmaker for Jesus! Next stop: GOSHEN here I come!

Monday, August 5, 2013

I WILL NEVER FORGET......................

This past Sunday was my last official day of ministry at First Christian Church in Kendallville, IN. It was a special day for a number of reasons. As youth pastor I had an inside peak at many of the events and happenings of that day, and I spent time today marvelling at what all God did in just two services. Here are some things that I WILL NEVER FORGET about this past Sunday!

- I WILL NEVER FORGET the support, encouragement, gifts, and love shown by all generations towards me.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the testimonies and baptisms of five students. All sharing different stories of changed lives impacted through our youth program.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET watching as a number of unsaved and new students came and joined in on our mega youth choir. God continues to move!
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the church gift given to me and presented by Doc Chandler and Greg Mcneal.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the support from Kim and my family in which members came to both services.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET Luis Perez speaking and preaching from the stage in Spanish to his parents proclaiming truth to them. Here was a new believer preaching to his parents in Spanish in front of 300+ people. Incredible!
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the joy of praying with and for Shawn Mason and Alex Cooper, dear friends, as they become the interim youth pastor couple. It was a honor to hand the ministry off to a young man whom I have invested countless hours in and whom I trust.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the binder full of encouraging letters written by the youth group presented to me by Matt Taner in which I read that night and cherished.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the true celebration finale in which we shot confetti, hit balloons into the air, and sang our hearts out. What an awesome moment.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET walking outside after second service and seeing cars park in the grass because there was no parking space left.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the goodbyes, I mean see you laters, afterwards and how special they truly were.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the image of countless students raising their hands in acknowledgement of coming to know Jesus and having been baptized during my time pastoring in the youth ministry.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the fun in filming the parody video and the creativity in which we showed it.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the dance that was written by Tedra Spuller and that was executed brilliantly by our group.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the enthusiasm from our youth program in getting excited about what could happen in the future.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the good food, great company, and Nibby's magic tricks afterwards.
- I WILL NEVER FORGET the desire of our youth group to make Pastor Dan's Last Ride memorable and special. IT WAS!
-I WILL NEVER FORGET how Kim stood by my side the entire time during worship and through the services. She will be a perfect ministry helpmate in the future!

Thank you again First Christian Church for your love and generosity towards me and towards our youth program. It is the stories of changed lives that will help motivate me as I continue my ministry career in Goshen. The command is the same: to make disciples wherever you are. Looking forward to hearing great life transformation stories in Kendallville and being a part of life transformation through Jesus in the Goshen area!

In order to show their 'support' I was given a symbol of 'support' signed by members of the Underground Movement! This will look good hanging up in my future office. :)

Great picture of a great student celebrating what God has DONE and WILL do!

It truly was a CELEBRATION!