Tuesday, October 31, 2017

How to STOP the NFL Kneel Down Nonsense!

What is currently happening with the NFL could be stopped. Let's stop being afraid to step on people's toes and to simply call something "what it is."

For the record, I approve the NFL players right to raise awareness of social justice and inequality matters. As Americans we have freedom of speech. I do not approve of NFL players doing this during the national anthem as it is disrespectful to our great country in which we have so many freedoms that other countries do not have. (In my conversation with people I have found that most people feel the same way. Therefore, the players should be able to raise awareness yet do so in an appropriate and respectful manner. Here's how this can easily happen).

The problem arises with three parties. Here's what each should do.

1) Those in authority (President Trump/NFL Owners/Roger Goodell)

Stop provoking the players! Even though you may have a point or are right in your assessment of the situation cussing or name calling the players as prisoners isn't the right way to call them out. You are guilty of verbal injustice. Meet at the table with the players with respect and an open mind. Let them know that they are free to promote their cause but that they need to do so before or after the national anthem.

This practice is already being done in schools across the country. (For instance, Jehovah Witness students don't have to recite the pledge of Allegiance in schools, but they do need to honor and respect the flag with their posture). NFL players should have to do the same thing.

Mandate that the NFL players need to be respectful during the playing of the national anthem. If they are not they will be fined and the money goes to an organization that helps promote unity within our country (i.e. Help families of fallen soldiers, etc.). If you hit the players in the wallet they will stop, trust me.

2) The NFL Players

Understand that YOU ARE being disrespectful when you kneel during the national anthem!

Both of my grandpa's served in the United States Military. My grandpa Cosentino became a naturalized citizen and had to EARN the right to become an American. Countless men and women have given their lives to protect the freedoms that our country holds so dear. You can promote your cause before or after the national anthem. The ONE THING that we as Americans should all agree upon and be united for is that we ARE Americans!

3) You/The Viewer

Don't get caught up in the hysteria!

I don't watch the NFL because I learn or agree with the NFL players on issues of politics. I watch the NFL because I enjoy the game of football. Therefore, I can still watch a football game because I won't let what the players do to bother me. I do know plenty of people though who are more than bothered with what the NFL players are doing and have stopped watching football altogether. I understand and am ok with this stance. If you choose this route though don't complain about the NFL. The loss of viewership and money will put pressure on the NFL to change. You've done your part.

Lastly, it would help if the media would stop giving coverage to people who shouldn't be in the spotlight. The media though is always looking for "the big story". Asking them to do something like this is a waste because the media will never change.

This issue is a reminder that our country is DIVIDED. Exercising our "rights" will never win over the other side. Jesus laid down his "rights" for you and for me.

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Best Is Yet To Come! (Thoughts on 1 Yr Anniversary at Legacy Church)

This past Sunday Legacy Church was able to celebrate our ONE YEAR birthday! Birthday's signify important milestones and are special. We as a church got to remember and thank God for the life that He has breathed in and through our church.

Here are some ways in which we thank God for breathing life through Legacy Church this past year:
- We've had the privilege of seeing 15 people go public for Jesus through baptism!
- We've seen 12 children get dedicated by their families!
- We've seen 20+ families come and get connected to Legacy Church since our launch!
- We've partnered with the Wreck (now called the Crew) which is a youth center in town as we aim to reach teenagers for Christ!
- We've seen God do miracles and come through in powerful ways as He has always provided for our church!

Lastly, when I arrive for Sunday services I always come expecting God to reveal Himself in powerful ways. There is community, comradery, and joy on Sunday mornings at Legacy Church!

Interesting note: During our launch Sunday we had some sound/tech issues and that was no different this past Sunday. I truly believe that Satan not only attacks hearts and souls but sound systems as well! When there are "bigger" Sunday's and the stakes are higher always expect spiritual warfare. Regardless, we were able to maneuver things well and God was glorified.

As I look to the future I am excited with where God is moving Legacy Church. I truly believe this passage of Scripture concerning our church (Eph 3:20) - "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." We believe that God has immeasurable plans that we can't even dream of as a church. It's our job to rely upon God's Spirit and power and to join Him in His work.

I said this on Sunday and I still mean it today, Legacy Church, the best is yet to come!

Here are just a few pictures taken from this past Sunday. God's been soo good to our church!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The QUESTION every parent is ALWAYS asking themselves!

Every person on the planet has insecurities of some type. Those who don't seem to be insecure, simply mask it better than others. The job of a parent is so daunting, challenging, and arduous that at one time or another even the most secure parent has asked themselves this question: Am I doing a good job as a parent?

Parenting is a trust from God that He has given to many. The only thing on earth that we as humans will leave behind with a soul when we die is our children! Because we as humans inherently understand this responsibility we naturally want to do our best as parents, yet we often feel and wonder if we have done a good job.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to sit on a park bench with my 18 month daughter. I was able to ponder and dream of what the future might look like for her and what my role would be in helping to shape her future.

In talking with parents, all of them struggle with the question, am I doing a good job with my child.

Here are some things to remember and do that might just help YOU!

1. Don't try to be perfect. Point your child to the ONE who is perfect!
If you pretend like you have EVERYTHING together your children will come to think of you as a hypocrite. Be real and honest with your children. In fact, they don't expect you to have all of the answers. They do want you to be transparent. Admit it and apologize to them when you've blown it. You'll teach them what it means to take responsibility for their actions and how to forgive. Never forget, to point them towards Jesus as He, not you, is the ultimate example your children should try and emulate.

2. Don't be so hard on yourself!
Many parents take every negative action their child does as failure on their part in raising their child. Just think: God had two children (Adam & Eve) and they disobeyed the perfect parent! Was God a failure to his children? I think not. Our children need to learn from their mistakes and it's good to let them fail at times too. One of the true marks of maturity is failing multiple times yet persevering until you succeed.

3. Thank your parents!
Your parents desperately want to hear from you how much you appreciated their hard work, effort, and desires to pass on timeless principles and good morals to you. Send them a text, write a note, or call them letting them know that you appreciate how they did their best to raise you!

4. Only you know if you are truly doing your best!
There is something gratifying about working hard and having your head hit the pillow at the end of the day with satisfaction. There may be turmoil and chaos with your children, but only you know how hard you worked for their behalf. Simply do your BEST and leave the REST to God. It's easier that way, and far more effective!

Having some fun with my daughter on a park bench!
 I love being her dad!

I took some time with my daughter on my lap to ponder her future and my role as a father!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Why God Cares for Kids!

Our God deeply cares about children. He loves children so much....but why?

I believe there is a special place in God's heart for kids because they are raw, real, and transparent. You never have to guess what's on a child's mind or heart. They don't normally hide things well.

Because of this they are a great reminder of what we as adults should be. We should be raw, real, and transparent with each other, but most of the time we aren't. It's too easy to get caught up in "the game" of life. It's because of this genuineness that children emulate how a relationship with God should truly look like.

Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Each person needs childlike faith to accept God. Children don't buy into why you can't do something, they believe and will themselves to do it. Sometimes I wonder if a child's image of God is bigger than the one that many adults have tried to construct by putting God in a box. A child sees God with wonderment and awe and comes to Him in a beautiful posture of humility and rawness. When is the last time you approached God that way?

When we launched Legacy Church nine months ago my prayer was that God would use our church to reach many children because He cares for them! Our church started with 3 children in the nursery (and one of those was mine!) Now on many Sunday's we are trying to add staff to our nursery because we have so many. What greater way to introduce a person to church than as a nursery worker through a gentle touch! On many occasions I've heard a child cry at the back of our gym or in the hallway and I always smile. Those are good sounds as it means that there is life within our church.

My prayer is that Legacy Church will ALWAYS welcome children and youth. We yearn to be a church that will be a safe place for them to be loved and grow in their walk with Jesus! We've promised to give our best staff, resources, and facilities to our children and youth. Why did we make that promise.....because God cares for kids!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The ONE thing that keeps me up at night!

I am a deep sleeper, just ask my wife. Trust me, I won't wake up for much of anything, but on occasion I will wake up abruptly in the middle of the night and God will begin to stir things within my heart.

The ONE thing that will wake me up at night is thinking about the thousands of people in Noble County who are headed to a Christ-less eternity!

I had an opportunity to beg and implore the congregation of Legacy Church this past Sunday to make sure they have a right standing with Jesus. Nothing on earth is more important!

There are approximately 47,618 people that live in Noble County and 72% have no religious affiliation. That's 34,284 people who aren't connected to any church or religious organization!

The town of Kendallville has a population of close to 10,000 people within it's city limits AND there are over 7,000 unchurched people within our town alone!

The thought of the majority of the town that I live in going to a place of darkness, wailing and gnashing of teeth, and torment forever is almost unbearable at times. My heart stirs and my mind races just thinking about it.

One thing I have begun  is a prayer journal exclusively for lost people. Any time I meet anyone who doesn't know Jesus their name gets written in my prayer journal that I pray regularly through. I do my best to pray, contact, and invite those individuals to Legacy Church.

The last thing I want accused of by someone who spends eternity without Jesus is that I never told them the truth!

On the flip side, when people come to Jesus that should bring joy and excitement. It's part of the reason why God has left His church on earth still so that we could see more people come to know Jesus!

This past Sunday we celebrated new life and changed lives through Jesus by baptisms. This is not the end, but the beginning!

There should be joy when people come to know Jesus!

Families celebrating God's goodness!

Will probably be one of my favorite baptism pictures of all time!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

BROKENESS in the Home (and how to fix it)

The battle for the family is raging.  Even the definition of what constitutes a family is in upheaval. The lines are blurry and the pain and confusion is growing in America. This past Sunday at church we looked at some sad statistics about men/husbands/fathers in regards to their role within families. (Statistics are from the National Fatherhood Initiative website)

- 72.2% of the American population believes that fatherlessness is the most significant family or social problem in America.
- 24 million children (1 out of 3) live without their fathers in America.
- Teen girls without a father in the home are 7x's more likely to become pregnant as an adolescent, 2x's more likely to drop out of school, and are more likely to face abuse and neglect, to abuse drugs and alcohol, to have behavior problems at school, and to eventually wind up in jail.
- 1 in 3 women have been victims of some form of physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime. 1 in 5 women have been raped within their lifetime.
- 1 in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year and 90% of the children are eye witnesses to that violence.

One of the biggest ways to turn the tide in stopping the hemorrhaging that is happening to the American family is to develop Godly men who will rise up and LEAD their families. Here's what it means to be a Godly man.

"Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love."
(I Corinthians 16:13-14)

Here is further explanation of what each of those sentences mean when it comes to being a Godly man.

1. Be on guard. A Godly man is the gatekeeper of their home. They watch what comes in and out with vigilance.
2. Stand firm in the faith. A Godly man is not afraid to make the unpopular decision if it is the right decision. They stand solely on the foundation of God's truth.
3. Be courageous. The Greek phrasing literally states: "act like a man." A Godly man has grown up and is not afraid to make tough decisions in the face of adversity for his family.
4. Be strong. A Godly man's strength is felt by his family and those in contact with him. Others are refreshed and strengthened through him.
5. Do everything with love. A Godly man does all of these things with gentleness, tenderness, and love.

The role of the husband/father in every family unit is to be a TENDER WARRIOR for Jesus! If men starting to live up to their redemptive potential then watch out world!

We are continuing our Broken Series at Legacy Church as we look at the role of a Godly woman/mom/wife this coming Sunday. We invite you to join us!

God uses broken families and He can restore our brokenness and weakness through His strength! With God their is ALWAYS hope!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Our Prayers Never Have An Expiration Date - Baptism Sunday Recap

Our God is infinite and timeless. Therefore, our prayers will be remembered by God for all of eternity. In other words, our prayers do not have an expiration date! He is in the business of answering our prayers years after they get asked. The greatest way we can influence people, even after our death, is through our prayers. What an incredible thought!

I was reminded of God's faithfulness to answered prayer this past Sunday. Our church had the opportunity to celebrate 8 people going public with their faith in Jesus! This was only possible because of God answering prayer. Let me explain.
  • I can remember visiting Kendallville for the first time and eating at Burger King ten years ago. While eating a meal I can remember praying to God that I'd have the opportunity see Him work in a powerful way in this town! Throughout years of youth ministry and in the birth of Legacy Church God has answered this prayer.
  • I can remember praying with Shawn for his dad's salvation for many years. Not only did his father get baptized on Sunday, BUT he wanted to be the first one! What a change of heart from someone who was hard hearted towards God a few years ago.
  • I can remember praying for Abby a middle school girl who was attending some youth outreaches. Our family lost contact with her, but our youth pastor moved into a home right across the street before we launched Legacy Church. She started attending church and got baptized this past Sunday. God used seeds planted years ago.
  • I can remember praying for many who went public through baptism over the course of years. God heard that prayer!
  • I can remember praying regularly for boldness and courage in Jesus and that those who go to Legacy Church will have that same boldness. Many who got baptized overcame BIG fears. God can and will give you boldness if you ask Him!
Never give up hope. Your prayers echo throughout eternity! Praise God that He listens to the heart and cry of His people throughout all generations!

Here are just a few pictures of celebrating changed lives in Jesus and to much answered prayer!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Biggest Struggle for Christian Millennials Today!

The biggest struggle for Christian millennials today is "fitting in." Today's millennials face intense social pressures. Contrast that with many who have grown up in conservative and/or legalistic homes and the setting has become ripe for a full pendulum swing concerning partaking in what was once prior unacceptable behaviors in the name of freedom in Christ.

I've found that today's millennials are all about espousing their freedom in Christ. A theme verse is found in Galatians 5:1

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

First, Praise God for the freedom that is found in Jesus! We must be careful with this freedom though. It does not give us a free license to do what we want. The lines between freedom and cultural acceptance can get blurry in a hurry.

For example, it is becoming more acceptable for Christian millennials to drink alcohol in social settings. Young Christians are getting tattoo's with more regularity as well. I've noticed that certain words that were not permissible in Christian culture years ago are now deemed permissible by this up and coming generation of Christians. Smoking is becoming more common place.

Here is my point. As a believer in Jesus I am free to choose to do the aforementioned BUT I am also free to choose NOT to do those things as well!

For the record I do not drink, smoke, have a tattoo, or try to use words that are borderline. Does this make me more spiritual? Not all. Some of my closest Millennial Christian friends do drink with temperance and have tattoo's and they truly right and justified to make those decisions.

My biggest concern though with the Millennial generation is that our push for freedom in Jesus will make us too much like our culture so that we will not be able to stand out when called upon.

What does this mean for you?

First, it means that you should never be judgmental of other Christians for convictions that they have regarding areas of freedom in Christ. They truly do have freedom in Jesus to do those things.

On the other hand, we should always evaluate the decisions we make. While we have the freedom to make those decisions that does not mean that we should necessarily make them. We are free to also not choose as well. By not choosing, we may be giving up our freedom in Jesus if it means helping other Christians. This is Biblical and good (Romans 14:1-12). Make sure that you thoroughly think through your convictions. Make sure you have sound and good reasoning. Check your motivations. Stand on good Biblical ground. We have freedom in Jesus, but that does not mean that we can do whatever we want. Be a person that stands for something!

What are your thoughts on this issue?

Monday, January 23, 2017

Why YOU are frustrated!

You're probably thinking to yourself that there is NO way that I can know WHY you are frustrated? But I do know why you are frustrated because all frustration has roots stemming from the same cause.

All frustration is due to UNMET EXPECTATIONS!

You are frustrated because:
- You had dreams in life that haven't been fulfilled yet (unmet expectations)
- You thought that parenting would be more satisfying (unmet expectations)
- You thought that your spouse was Mr. or Mrs. Perfect and then you realized that they fall woefully short of that (unmet expectations)
- You thought that your job would be your dream job and it's not (unmet expectations)
- You thought your so called friends would support you more (unmet expectations)

The answer to stop being so frustrated is to realign your expectations. Maybe you need to make your expectations more realistic? Maybe you need to clearly define your expectations to yourself and to others so that it will help you understand your feelings.

Frustration is a part of life. There will be times when others let us down. There will be times when we fail. During these times we can use our frustrations to push us to become better. On the other hand, many times frustration stirs within us simply because our expectations are unrealistic and too high. These need to be adjusted otherwise your frustration can lead to anger and bitterness.

What are you frustrated about? What are you going to do about it? How can you adjust your expectations to be more realistic?