Let's face it. Our world is changing. Issues and platforms that were unheard of only a few years ago have come into prominence. Discussion on the church's view on the LGBT movement, female clergy, social and political issues, and abortion continue to make waves.
We live in a post-modern society where traditional Christian values are no longer being held as the standard and the norm. This is just the fact of the matter.
How should a Christian respond in times like these?
1. Stop acting surprised. Seriously, you can't say that you didn't see these issues coming. Christians should be anything but sheltered. It's the emotion of surprise and shock that the unregenerate world sees and translates upon Christians as being sheltered and bigoted. Christians need to do their homework and research by being around people and understanding what the cultural influences are in the world.
2. Stop posting your negative thoughts regarding contrary issues on social media. Christians should be known more for what we stand for than what we stand against. Posting and commenting negatively concerning contrary issues on social media only solidifies in people's minds that Christians are narrow minded. Think twice before sharing something.
3. Proactively build bridges. The battle to change people is never won in their minds it's won in their hearts. If someone has a different view than take the time to get to know them and why they have that view. If everyone is created in the image of God than that person has significance and value. I hope people see me as a person of deep unwavering conviction who still cares about people, even if we don't agree on every issue.
4. Focus on community. People will be attracted to Christianity only if it is modeled in such a way that fosters true camaraderie and depth of relationship. Everyone is looking for community. If people get the sense that Christianity is artificial relationally than our words will ring hollow.
5. Pray. Nothing changes unless God moves in a person's and societies heart. Take solace in the fact that He is in control and has a plan. He is faithful when everyone is faithless.
What are your thoughts & comments? Agree?