Just as a stoplight provides direction to traffic Christians in today's world need direction concerning how to properly respond to the Supreme Courts ruling which redefined traditional marriage of a man and a woman to also include same sex marriage. I believe that if believers in Jesus would do these three things it will immensely help the cause of Christ!
Christians need to stop acting surprised or alarmed at the Supreme Courts ruling! Seriously, everyone knew that this type of ruling was coming. Furthermore, we know that the spiritual climate of our day will continue to erode. Stop acting alarmed, surprised, and dumbfounded. This type of reaction is constantly misinterpreted by others. When we act shocked it also implies a sense of "we cannot believe that something bad" is actually coming to pass. Others interpret this as being hateful and close-minded. On top of that it implies that we as Christians are old-fashioned and are not in touch with reality. The first step in leading change is to define reality. When we act shocked or alarmed it sends off signals that we are not in touch with current happenings in our world. Don't give Christians a bad rap in that others think of us as being deluded and out of touch with reality when in fact the opposite is true as many are on the ground level trying to help this situation!
Instead of trying to change everyone's opinions through social media yield to the only being that can: God. He is and will always be in control. Yield to the God who shows us that we do not have to make decisions based off of fear, but that we can have a spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind. If you want to have revival within this country draw a circle around yourself and pray for revival to happen first within that circle before it happens anywhere else.
The battle to win those who believe homosexuality is ok will not happen within their minds but within their hearts. Go make friends and build relationships with them. Understand that every human being is created in the image of God and deserves love and respect. Realize that it would be unfair of Christians to discriminate against homosexuality while we turn a blind eye to adultery and fornication. All sexual sin is sin. For those who are pro-homosexuality to be convinced that their ways are wrong it will not take a governmental change. What it will take are individual Christians who care for people's souls to love on people with different sin issues. This battle needs to be won one person at a time as Christians do what we are called to do. We are to be known for our love more than anything else!