Historically, Thanksgiving started and looks back to when some of the first Pilgrim settlers gave thanks to God for a great harvest that would save a tiny fledgling colony that winter. Since starting to be recognized as a national holiday Thanksgiving has, until recent times, been about the following:
1. Contentment - We have received more than we need or deserve. We have an opportunity to celebrate the abundance of our lives or the simple fact that God has been merciful and good to us.
2. Outward focused - Our gratitude is to God for His goodness and the Thanksgiving holiday is about spending time with family and friends.
With individualism and consumerism taking root within the hearts and minds of our country it has become apparent that Thanksgiving has changed. Thanksgiving is now about the following:
1. Entitlement - Since we have received more than we need or deserve than we must be fairly special. Therefore, it's perfectly alright to over eat on Thanksgiving day. The abundance and excess are seen as things that have come primarily from our hard work than from being given by a good and gracious God.
2. Inward focused - Thanksgiving is more about meeting our own personal needs and desires in making us happy. It's about eating good food and shopping early for the best prices.
When I was a child, Black Friday, started early on Friday morning. Now, Black Friday shopping starts as early as 6 PM in some stores on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is more about consumption and filling our bellies and buying gifts than in about contentment and remembrance to God for His goodness.
While I am not against Black Friday shopping (my wife goes every year). I do believe that families need to set up roadblocks to ensure that a wholesome family atmosphere is enhanced at Thanksgiving, otherwise consumerism will ruin your family holidays.
Here are some suggestions for you to put into place this Thanksgiving:
1. Turn off all cell phones when you meet as a family. Spend actual time together.
2. Don't spend more money than you budgeted on gifts on Black Friday. Trust me, good deals happen year round. You can even save time and shop online now too.
3. Share stories or events from this past year that you are thankful for as a family BUT make sure you focus on sharing stories of God's goodness and not about your own self-righteousness.
4. Family time is the priority not shopping time. Don't leave your family get together just so you can stand in a long line outside of Target.
5. Tell your parents and grandparents you love them and are thankful for them. If nothing else, honor your family members at Thanksgiving. You will be glad you did!